
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2022-12-14 00:16:00


1 . 如果一开始就没握住那双最想要牵的手,错过的岁月就会成为不断的寻找和将就。

2 . 希望我退让的每一步,都会让我们离彼此更近一点。

3 . I hope the right person will come to you in the end

4 . 过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。

5 . You treasure me and I love you

6 . Love life and life will love you back

7 . 有些事不说,不代表不知道。

8 . My thoughts are deep into you

9 . 总是用微笑去迎接新的一天。

10 . Many things in life are like wisdom teethThe best solution is to pull it out Rather than endure


1 . 我会一直在,纵使一切苍白。

2 . Wealth is best known by want

3 . I like you ,but just like you

4 . Ordinary accompany the most reassuring, know you are the most warm

5 . No one can change another But one can be the reason for another to change

6 . 你不是怀念过去 只是现在过得不好而已。

7 . First I need your hand, then forever can begin

8 . Met is the beginning but also left the countdown

9 . I saw you in my dreams again It felt so real

10 . Once thought, will be sad to a lot of tears; the original really sad, is can&#;t shed a tear


1 . 我微笑,并不代表一切都好。

2 . 承诺再多,做不到,也不过是谎言。

3 . Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory

4 . 我们总说,岁月如故,却不知道是否如初。

5 . Everybody needs love,especially for those who don&#;t deserve it

6 . 每个人都有想逃避的时候。

7 . 好朋友就像是星星,你不一定总是能见到他们,但你知道,他们会一直在那里。

8 . The word love is too beautiful, but it is too sad in practice

9 . If I see you next to never,how can we say forever

10 . 我们本该拥有一切


1 . Feeble story, just making excuses

2 . I randomly laugh when I remember something funny

3 . Maybe for those that have been missed,they are fated to be this way

4 . I wish I was as strong as I pretend to be

5 . 爱情,在指间的承诺。时间在回忆间消失。

6 . 心不在它生活的地方,而在它所爱的地方。

7 . From meet to leave, I owe myself a lot, don&#;t owe you anything

8 . Once all, lost became a joke

9 . 当一切都随风而逝的时候,那些特别的瞬间都成了永恒。

10 . Who are not who, after all, we will only be our own


1 . {悲伤逆流成河}

2 . 见或不见,并不重要,重要的是想念有多深。

3 . Take risks If you win; you will be happy If you lose; you will be wise

4 . 终于有了那把打开你心的钥匙,这才发现你已经丢了心 。

5 . Good friends are like stars You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there

6 . 跟自己说声对不起,因为曾经为了别人难为了自己。

7 . Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come

8 . You&#;re a diamond, dear They can&#;t break you

9 . 心会冷爱会累,这都是爱情必经的过程。

10 . 有时,你需要独自一人,不为孤独,而是享受这段做自我的自由时光。


1 . 学着做你自己,并优雅地放手所有不属于你的东西。

2 . I love you even if you fall in love with another of her

3 . 我们会不会终有一天在不断地假装里,忘记自己。

4 . Do not let your heart is tired!should learn the sake of open, bearish, learn to not force, learn to deep

5 . There&#;s always that one song that brings back old memories。

6 . 也许那些错过的,是因为注定就要错过。

7 . Disappear a memory And leaving is unforgettable memories

8 . 活要活得美好,梦要梦得热烈,爱要爱得完整。

9 . 当心情跌落谷底的时候,唯一的念头就是放弃所有

10 . 因为曾经爱过一场疯狂,所以看你依旧笑着沉默。


1 . The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone

2 . Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to

3 . 爱情是一条虚线,我们在不同的段落。

4 . Even if life sucks, if you look at it from different point of views, it will still be beautiful

5 . Tears are words from the heart that can&#;t be spoken

6 . Time will help you save your disappointment and tell you no thanks

7 . I want to get to know you again from your name

8 . 如果我们注定要再次见面,那我们就会再见。

9 . 不分手的永远,我们一起手牵手走下去。

10 . 愿来生能做春风,流浪又自由。


1 . Lliving a lie tellin&#; myself everyday I&#;m ok

2 . He is the sun,deep hug will hurt

3 . 最难受的是后悔没有做那些曾经有机会做的事情。

4 . 我们只是相遇未曾开始。

5 . 好朋友就像四叶草一样,要找到很艰难,如果得到却很幸运。

6 . Sometimes you have to show your bad side so that you can sort out who can accept you at your worst

7 . If we wait for the right person, whether to a lifetime alone

8 . 除了你,还有谁有资格在我心里走来走去。

9 . 没有什么能改变我对你的爱。

10 . 我们没有必要费尽心思去让不想喜欢我们的人喜欢我们。




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