
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2023-12-31 06:08:39


1 . 我以为我把你放下了。

2 . 我只是想要一个温暖的怀抱仅此而已。

3 . 第条 Let me sad sad, this is you love me evidence

4 . There is no reason to love a person 没有理由的`爱一个人

5 . If you dont think about it carefully, I will live with you forever

6 . 第条 A woman like me, always in a difficult problem in the form of feelings

7 . I created you concede the fact that I do not have to love again perfunctory explanation

8 . 第条 明知道你已不在身边,但我还是傻傻的幻想有你的未来。

9 . 只有当遗憾取代了梦想,人才算老。

10 . 第条 Sometimes silence is good, can pretend to know nothing


1 . 第条 为什么总是在最后一刻才明白,我们的爱早就已不在。

2 . I want us to be together

3 . A lot of things, not because far away and give up, but because give up just far away

4 . 第条 Change your remarks to your name, even with the first name

5 . A day without laughter is a day wasted 没有欢笑的一天是白费的一天。笑一个吧~

6 . 面带微笑,不是因为快乐太长,是太长的时间忘了悲伤。

7 . Smile like you have never been hurt 微笑吧,像从没受过伤一样。

8 . 第条 我的心事像深海里的水,你看不见,我也不会说。

9 . you are nothing to me

10 . My dad My hero 我的爸爸我的英雄


1 . 人总要仰望点什么,向着高远,支撑起生命和灵魂。

2 . Pain is a part of growth ——疼痛是成长的一部分。

3 . No one will care about you too much unless you&#;re pretty or dying

4 . I know I am not flattering, so I did not who is cumbersome

5 . 我坚强,故我在。

6 . You are I can not lose the future·~ 你是我不可失去的未来~

7 . - And to the whole day through -每一分每一秒直到一天结束

8 . Please send me to stay in the best time

9 . 他平躺在地上。

10 . 英雄联盟的解释:LOL=Lure Over Love诱惑人的东西毁掉了感情


1 . I just want a warm embrace and nothing more

2 . Youths time is shaking With a lot of time hesitation, only a few moments to grow

3 . 爱情和婚姻是两股道上跑的车。

4 . 第条 你要按你所想的生活,否则,你迟早会按你生活的去想!

5 . 索性就沉默,别再假洒脱。

6 . n 支撑;帮助;拥护;支援

7 . It would be a fine day to me if you were well你若安好便是晴天

8 . 多想一不小心,就和你白头到老。

9 . In place waiting for one person, may not have thought about, maybe that person had been there long forgotten here

10 . 第条 Love and be loved so far, silent existence, are very helpless


1 . Lost In dreams and reality

2 . I will be good, I love youso我会好好的,等你再爱我

3 . To do things at the right time can save time; to go astray is often futile

4 . Even if the future situat I will always be at your

5 . 我渐渐懂了,孤独是种别样的成长。

6 . 带我去你心里。

7 . I always put you seriously as a kind of joke Because I was afraid of losing nothing

8 . 有些人值得我融化。

9 . 你说过,我信过。

10 . Wh you live for love


1 . Betray me, I will let you have nothing

2 . 没有失去过,怎么会懂得珍惜。有人看到别人失去了什么,感觉没什么,因为那不是自己,所以体会不到那种心情。带着爱,带着梦,一直渴望着。笑脸的背后,流着别人无法知道的眼泪,生活中我们笑得比谁都开心,可是当所有的人潮散去的时候,我们比谁都落寞。

3 . 留过长发爱过烂人红过眼睛看透爱情。

4 . 任无常逐一升起和熄灭,我对你赤子之心永存。

5 . 那世,君长剑哀响,天涯断肠,古道草荒,挥鞭沙场。那年,伊庙前焚香,闭目神堂,低声祈苍,莫失莫忘。满城烟沙无语,断桥落花有声,多少年为君月容守候,不曾花前月下,不曾雪月风花。镜前白衣染霜华,徒留别后牵挂。画桥东风,琴韵优雅似梦中,明眸青瞳,相逢识君总是空。

6 . 誰能说出明天会是何种光景。

7 . I regret to see you again become a starting point discrete

8 . 第条 没有你的世界,爱都无法给予。

9 . 阳光擦干了我思念你的泪水。

10 . 如果没有那么多的沉默,我们何必又会走到这样的地步。




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