
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2023-12-29 11:30:02


1 . Transparent glass, cold heart

2 . 你虚我也虚!各取所虚。

3 . 我们同起点,不同高度。

4 . Indulged in self-love in beautiful dreamland, I am dedicated to waiting for you in great patience

5 . 你可以委屈,可以痛哭,但不要让所有人都看到你的脆弱。

6 . Our ambiguous, so far

7 . In fact, its no use for me to cherish you again Cant I miss you this time

8 . 我会累,但习惯了坚强。

9 . 我除了丑真的一无所有。

10 . Hold you in my hand, you are the cup When I give up, you are the glass ballast


1 . 在梦里想着你。

2 . Love is actually very simple, as long as a hand in hand is a lifetime。

3 . 透明的玻璃,冰冷的心。

4 . 自信是成功的第一诀窍。

5 . 女人如果不学会自己爱自己自己疼自己,而等着男人来爱你,疼你,收获的只会是悲伤。

6 . Is not in the lonely time will think of me

7 . 擦岗楼和护栏的同学也不轻松,手里拿着湿抹布,被早春的寒风一吹,手指冻得像通红的小辣椒,手背就像刀割一样疼??…

8 . 你不在,我唱歌给谁听。

9 . 我用一生的思恋只为等着你出现。

10 . There are many people around happy,but I am not one of them。


1 . Over the years, you have become a part of my body I cant help but love you

2 . 其实每一条都通往阳光的大道,都充满坎坷。

3 . 胜人者有力,自强者胜。

4 . Thank those I have loved or loved me, you teach me what is youth!

5 . Dont let the time break our youth

6 . The word is, not an instant too

7 . 学会视而不见,恶心的东西选择忽视,厌恶的东西选择屏蔽。

8 . Stand higher to look further

9 . везти:везу,везёшь,везут;вёз,везла;

10 . It is never too late to be who you might have been


1 . Simple love actually is not easy

2 . 舍不得忘,一切都是为爱。

3 . In your eyes, like a colorful

4 . ороться:орюсь,орешься,орются;

5 . I’m leaving you because you never asked me to stay。

6 . Asking for the pain, why shout pain

7 . 这么多年来,你已经成为我身体的一部分,我没有办法不爱你。

8 . 我只能爱你一次,因为我只有一次完整的爱。

9 . Life is your own, please dress up and be lovely as much as you like

10 . 我可以做任何你想做的事。


1 . 我造你是为了爱你,而且我一直在等待你对我的爱。

2 . There is a kind of affection, brother

3 . Tears fell down, dont think that elder sister is crying, in fact, elder sister is detoxifying

4 . My heart can not take some time filled with a faint sadness,but also a blessing。

5 . If you are yourself, you will talk to me, but why dont you talk to me

6 . 姐抽烟但抽的是悲伤。

7 . I only hope to have around you,you can warm my air。

8 . Wife&#;s adult when go home?

9 . 会有天使替我爱你。

10 . 上一秒还在相爱的我们,下一秒却要接受分离。




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