
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2024-05-24 23:08:30


1 . 如果把善变变成善忘我想我会更善良。

2 . 人生是一场一个人的旅程,无人可替代。总有人离开,总有人到来。

3 . A tiny seeds in the hand, but in his heart he has a warm feeling

4 . You Are Not Alone 你不是孤独的

5 . The deep feeling and my lover can with very long time深情与我的爱人能否伴得长久

6 . 是不是因为我太在乎你了,才常常在不经意的时候被你伤害。

7 . 你的小小的心愿,我都想要去实现。

8 . You know you are my best love@*你可知道你是我的最爱@**

9 . Once the belief thease disappeared , a word denied all the past

10 . 是不是我说我爱你你都当笑话一样听着


1 . 活得平和,才能在心里装下满满的幸福。

2 . I Hope We Have Future (我希望我们有未来)

3 . Unless the loess bones of me and keep you the centenary worryfree。

4 . Not a woman because she is beautiful and the soul of the love

5 . That kind of love is only one (那种爱情叫唯一)

6 . Can You Just Let Me Cry ,

7 . 带着肆意的张望,却成肆意极欲的小丑。

8 . 信任,总是经不起考验,显得如此不堪一击。

9 . 用心守护的瞬间,造就我们温馨的时刻。

10 . I understand I just do not care 我明白,只是,我不在乎。


1 . Do not find excuses for failure, to chase success reasons!! 不要找失败的借口,去追成功的理由!

2 . I am just folkI have mood swings 我只是个平凡人,我也有我的小情绪。

3 . I&#;m just a sunflower ,waiting for my only sunshine

4 . It is so silent of my world that I can nearly hear the beats of my heart

5 . 最好的时光,就是你喜欢我,我也喜欢你,可我们都还没表白。

6 . I never told you,I wanna hold you 我从未告诉你我想拥抱你

7 . Sea is the upside donw Sky(海是倒过来的天)

8 . 一次痛彻心扉的经历,抵得上千百次的告诫。

9 . La vita è un foglio bianco ci oscillare testo

10 . Time urged me to go against your life时间怂恿我背离你生存。


1 . Paura di essere soli, e ha rifiutato la banda di pazzi

2 . Our ambiguous, so far[我们的暧昧到此为止。]

3 . Grasp all, lose all什么都想要,什么都失掉

4 . Time profound rather than shallow 时光深刻而非浅薄

5 . 英文不太好,只会l love you。

6 . 有时候,受了委屈,本来不想哭,可是只要别人一问你怎么了,就会忍不住地流眼泪。

7 . If the fickle into good forget, I think I&#;ll more kind

8 . Io sono un uomo, e non solo, come te, sarai solo

9 . 生活是一片空白,我们在纸上挥洒文字。

10 . You are the apple of my eye 你是我眼里最珍贵的人


1 . C I wana be with you爱你好幸福。

2 . La felicità è sempre pieno di difetti

3 . ℡ Naturally just leave the excuses(顺其自然只是离开的借口)

4 . You know,you lose,I will lose the meaning of living。

5 . 白天当白天,夜晚当夜晚,生活过得好,愉快而多欢。

6 . I love you is not the most beautiful language[我爱你不是最美的语言- ]

7 . 爱你,想你,恋你,念你,永不停息!

8 . 舞者舞的是灵魂,爱人爱的是彼此。

9 . Love is a kind of chance encounter, and one can neither waiting nor preparing for it

10 . 我想对你说:You are mine。


1 . I love you pass though life enter life我爱你透过生活进入生命

2 . 你小小的微笑里,藏着我大大的幸福。

3 . Without you I can also live well every day 没你我也可以过好每一天。

4 . ﹏媽咪说﹎MakeLove ①定偠帶套套否則會哊Baby zzОo

5 . 没有时间,没有空间,我们就彼此相依!

6 . 时间会治疗一切伤口我亦会被时间淹没

7 . Be nice to people on the way up, because you will need them on your way down——向上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为掉下来时,你还会遇到他们。

8 . 有错过,才会有新的遇见。缘分就是,不早不晚,恰恰刚好。

9 . 能够爱的人很多,值得爱的人很少。

10 . even now there is still hope left甚至到现在我还仍存希望


1 . 一滴眼泪掉下来,整个世界都哭了。

2 . Eternity is not a distance but a decision

3 . The world is not so much a fairy tale 世界上没那么多的童话

4 . 得不到的付出,要懂得适可而止。

5 . 回忆,很美,却很伤;回忆,只是回不到过去的记忆。

6 . To unmb the pain to laugh off my 痛到麻木 才能笑得畅快淋漓。

7 . From now on,I will expect nothing,and just take what I get。

8 . All heroes from a young, I go to the fart (自古英雄出少年我出个去屁

9 . 当你觉得处处不如人时,不要自卑,记得你只是个平凡人

10 . In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different


1 . Your name with my life 你的名字伴我生老病死

2 . 简单的问候,牵着我对你的愁。

3 . 人生即一场相遇,即使错过也不深究,珍惜安好。

4 . I pertain to get into your lif我请求,加入你的人生

5 . 守时为立业之要素。

6 . Con una sfrenata un&#;occhiata in giro, ma depravazione lasciva come il clown

7 . you are my everyday 我想你最初的容貌。

8 . 有没有什么好办法能让寂寞变听话。

9 . I have no sense of security,because I love you too.[我没有安全感,是因为我太爱你]

10 . religiouisflawedbutonlybecausemanisflawed! 信仰是有瑕疵的,因为人是不完美的


1 . 只要我还活着就会一直只爱你一个人。

2 . 完美的爱情,是无声的旋律。

3 . Fading is true while flowering is past

4 . I would like to use a lifetime of love in a really love me with the man

5 . 人生就像舞台,不到谢幕,永远不会知道自己有多精彩。

6 . Youth followed the naive childhood

7 . I want that my love to you will turn into bright sunlight so thatto warm your heart。

8 . Una volta la convinzione, tornare ancora e ancora ricordare

9 . 人心是一场心的旅行,总是难以找到最后的彼岸

10 . There was once a moment,we misunderstood it was a lifetime 有那么一瞬间,我们误以为是一辈子。




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