
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2024-07-22 00:44:06


1 . 初夏的气息扑面而来,温暖的阳光渐渐灼烈,在这个五彩缤纷的季节,快出来晒晒吧,把心情晒得快乐,把日子晒得多彩。愿你越晒越幸福!

2 . Department Yu Cheng met in edge, the bosom friend, a true friend no matter where, always always pay off and love, is willing to friends peace and happiness。

3 . 当你希望成功,当以恒心为良友。

4 . A man if he had money may not poor,but without dreams would be the poorer for it。

5 . Obey your thirst 服从你的可望。(雪碧

6 . Pay attention to ecology and care for health

7 . Create a green campus, start from you and me

8 . The new digital era 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机

9 . have you submitted your proposal today? have you made improvement today?

10 . 看着一些人慢慢腐坏并不是最叫人难受的;最心痛莫过于记得他们当初单纯的样子。


1 . 如今风不来花不开,只剩一片相思成灾。

2 . 对于我渺小的心脏来说,你代表着我整个世界。

3 . it is never wrong to optimize movements

4 . Just do it只管去做(耐克运动鞋

5 . 我好不容易鼓起勇气说爱你,你却轻描淡写地说让我别闹了。

6 . 依法节能,全民行动。

7 . Dying in the sun,in the most gorgeous die surrounded by wild with joy,but bloomed。

8 . 依靠科技进步,提高能源效率。

9 . 在阳光中死去,在最绚烂的包围下死去,心花怒放却开到荼蘼。

10 . 我有你拿不走的旧回忆,可以一个人安静的忘记你。


1 . Homemade delicious nourishing the stomach, fresh air, drink the lungs, the warm sunlight shines back, bed sleep a happy and harmonious。 Weekend have AIDS and relish, life must be very beautiful!

2 . 关爱生命健康,倡导环保时尚。

3 . 节能解危机,地球有转机。

4 . 有多少人总喜欢看最近访客,期待那个人的出现。

5 . To protect the ecological environment and promote a new civilization

6 . Clearly knowing your signature is not for me,but I am self-deceiving accordingly。

7 . Protect the blue sky and the blue sky and build a beautiful home

8 . Love life, low carbon life

9 . 避免失望的最好办法,就是不寄希望于任何人任何事。

10 . Like a voice, is the breeze fell dew; Appreciation of a picture, is lang months decorate the sky; Drinking a breath, be full kuang orchid valley; I wish you a happy weekend!


1 . 降低库存,减少浪费;

2 . If a drop of water represents a blessing, I send you is a piece of the sea; If a star on behalf of a happy, I give you is the whole galaxy!

3 . 上联:整理整顿是基础;下联:清洁清扫是保持;横批:素养自然行。

4 . One of the worst feelings in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone。

5 . 如果一滴水代表一个祝福,我送你的就是一片大海;如果一颗星代表一份幸福,我送你的就是整条银河!

6 . 天天三笑容颜俏,七八分饱人不老,相逢莫问留春术,淡泊宁静比药好。

7 . The school is my home

8 . Protect the blue sky and the blue sky and create a green home

9 . 这个世上,你最想要的就是那个人的注意,而他总是忽略你,这是很伤人的事情。

10 . 供应商优化——双赢高效廉洁合作。


1 . 活着无所追求,至死都会一无所有。

2 . 低碳环保行,你我齐参与。

3 . 宁可曾经爱过而失败,也不要从来未曾有过一次爱。

4 . 曾经的骄傲只属于我,现在的幸福属于我们!

5 . 送一份美丽让周末好心情,送一份关怀让你骄傲,送一份青春让你不老,送一份梦想让你实现,送一份友情不需回报,再送一份你平安才算可靠!

6 . 好久不见,十分想念。在这温馨的日子里,常常忆起共处的岁月。祝新年快乐,心想事成!

7 . 在这个世界上只有两种悲剧:一种是得不到自己想要的东西,另一种是得到了。

8 . 珍惜今天能源,拥有灿烂明天。

9 . Good morning, send you the fresh greetings, warm wishes, in the morning, a good start, I wish you today spirit returns, vitality, have a good mood, everything is good!

10 . Take time to indulge 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌


1 . 把平凡的工作持续地做好就是不平凡。 Doing ordinary work persistently is extraordinary

2 . Quiet exists,the quiet,to let others feel my existence。

3 . Protect the environment, people are responsible

4 . 考核目的是提升,考核来源是目标。目标导向!

5 . standard operating, operate standardized

6 . 分别时假装的微笑,是最后的告别曲。

7 . Once the pride belongs only to me,happiness belongs to us now!

8 . 偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么。

9 . We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us。

10 . We will actively meet the challenges and achieve sustainable development




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