
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2024-03-07 21:19:19


1 . 第条 I’m afraid you speak a sad apology

2 . 你既然无心,我也该放手。

3 . am strong,therefore I am

4 . 如果我们没有相等的爱,那就让我多爱一些吧。

5 . 第条 当我们再也不能相遇,是否会忘了在一起的幸福。

6 . Two kinds of attitudes that I fear mos,one is ambiguous, one is sometimes hot and sometimes cold

7 . 第条 Good friend’s new friend, trouble you take good care of my good friend

8 . I can&#;t give you anything but my heart, but you don&#;t want it

9 . Love, but not to talk, from no words to say nothing

10 . The man I loved has all the warmth


1 . Sunshine and you is what I want in the future

2 . 我渐渐懂了,孤独是种别样的成长。

3 . Bold cry, tears the heart drug

4 . Happiness is, adhesion of the person you like, never think you boring

5 . A girl does not need a guy to be happy女孩们,即使没有男朋友,一样可以很快乐!

6 . Life always offers you a second chance It is called tomorrow

7 . 爱所有人,信任少数人,不负任何人。

8 . The best of me to you

9 . Love is so short, forgetting is so long

10 . 第条 Eason Chan only taught me how to sing ten years, but did not teach me how to go for ten years


1 . 我喜欢看那些还在相爱的老头老太太们。

2 . It would be a fine day to me if you were well你若安好便是晴天

3 . 在我心中,陪伴与懂得,比爱情更加重要。

4 . To do things at the right time can save time; to go astray is often futile

5 . Can your self-esteem and my stubborn reconciliation?

6 . 第条 因为长得不好看,所以分手也被别人说是欲擒故纵。

7 . A lot of things, not because far away and give up, but because give up just far away

8 . Thanks to you I am finally thinking about me感谢你让我最后为自己着想。

9 . in this world, there is no accident, but some certainty that pretends to be accident偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么。

10 . One of the happiest times in my life was when ME and YOU, became WE


1 . 第条 I brave look at other people’s eyes, actually saw their scars

2 . 第条 为什么总是在最后一刻才明白,我们的爱早就已不在。

3 . Love one another and you will be happy It’s simple, yet difficult

4 . 喜欢他,但放不下自己的面子。

5 . 喜欢是乍见之欢,爱是久处不厌。

6 . 第条 找不到可以陪我风雨同舟的人,那我就一个人走。

7 . 我的爱人会发光。

8 . A man is not old until his regrets take place of his dreams

9 . Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

10 . your tears, they mean nothing to me 你的泪水,对我已经毫无意。




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