
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2024-06-19 03:51:45


1 . A man in love, also like a woman lost his head

2 . 第条 What is sad, a person more than you love not

3 . 就算是到了梦的尽头,也请让我感到幸福。

4 . Sometimes, miss is not time, is feeling(有时候,我们错过的`不是时间,是感觉)

5 . We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us

6 . Lost In dreams and reality

7 . What does not kill you makes you stronger

8 . You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。

9 . Hells Gate Arrested,God Wiht us,And Shine Heaven Now。

10 . For a moment, can remember many things, also missed a lot


1 . 舞台上一边是耀眼的灯光和雷鸣般的掌声,另一边则是从昏暗的光线下传出的唏嘘声和谴责声然而,面对大家的劝说责问,这个被昏暗光线笼罩的演员却只回以微笑,那笑容中充满了坚定和自信,像是夏日的清泉,冬日的阳光,竟让人莫名地想要靠近并且拥抱。他带着让人沦陷的笑容,面对舞台深深地鞠了一躬,像是在进行一种仪式一样,然后大步地走了下去。他,要去寻找更加广阔的舞台;他,要去邂逅惺惺相惜的观众;他,要去创造独一无二的剧本;他,要演绎一个精彩绝伦不同凡响的人生大戏。

2 . 时光深知你是我最致命的`爱人。

3 . 我们害怕失去却始终没学会珍惜。

4 . Sometimes there is no way out exlep

5 . I love not love you one minute only seconds我爱的不多 一分钟只爱了你六十秒。

6 . I’m loath for you to leave 我舍不得你走

7 . Recently there is a rumor that I like you I need to clarify it Its not a rumor

8 . 擦肩而过时我没有拉住你你也没有停留。

9 . A person can succeed at anything for which there is enthusiasm——只要拥有无限的热情,一个人几乎可以在任何事情上取得成功。

10 . I was his Sandy and he was my Danny and I just broke


1 . Everyone has got a life that no one else knows about 每个人都有自己的人生,冷暖自知。

2 . If you hate me ,you are the loser ,not me

3 . 第条 因为长得不好看,所以分手也被别人说是欲擒故纵。

4 . I have everything what I want except you除了你,我什么都不缺

5 . You Are Not Alone 你不是孤独的

6 . Do you know when you need I will break my neck to summer

7 . Love is accumulated, not overdraw。(爱是积累,不是透支)

8 . Can You Just Let Me Cry ,

9 . 第条 你义无反顾的要走,连挽留的机会都不给我留。

10 . Even to the end of the dream, please let me happy


1 . I can&#;t let you go 我舍不得你走,还带着我的爱。

2 . Youths time is shaking With a lot of time hesitation, only a few moments to grow

3 . In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities 在梦境和爱情里,没有事情是不可能的。

4 . religiouisflawedbutonlybecausemanisflawed! 信仰是有瑕疵的,因为人是不完美的。

5 . 所有全部只是你。

6 . 第条 不再计较对错,因为什么都不重要了。

7 . let it be随它去。

8 . I wish I could choose which memories to remember

9 . Where there is great love, there are always miracles 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。

10 . 你对我什么都不是。


1 . if I could make days last forever 如果我能把时间化作永恒

2 . Thank you for standing behind me感谢你一直支持著我

3 . I did not catch you when you pass you do not stop

4 . 笑到终于哭出来;哭到终于笑出来。

5 . 我等你回来。

6 . A lot of things, not because far away and give up, but because give up just far away

7 . 只有当遗憾取代了梦想,人才算老。

8 . 好几次差点忍不住的落泪,却不知道感触些什么。

9 . Eternity is not a distance but a decision

10 . 因为喜欢,我开始变得胆怯。




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