
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2023-06-01 09:16:42


1 . Someone loves everything you hate about yourself

2 . 第条 Sometimes silence is good, can pretend to know nothing

3 . In your life, I just passers-by在你生命中,我只是路人。

4 . Lopsided, and eventually became seen

5 . Do not let yourself live like a joke 不要让自己活得像个笑话

6 . 第条 会遇到更好的人,却没了当初的奋不顾身。

7 . 关系虽然不再一样,关心却怎么能说断就断。

8 . 我要我们在一起。

9 . Be nice to people on the way up, because you will need them on your way down——向上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为掉下来时,你还会遇到他们。

10 . 第条 心酸什么,又不止你一个人深爱而不得。


1 . Easy to communicate with you。沟通你我 没有距离

2 . 我愿意你爱我。

3 . Youths time is shaking With a lot of time hesitation, only a few moments to grow

4 . 我后悔去见了你一面成了离散的起点。

5 . I will always love to be the one you love 我总想做你所爱的人

6 . 时光不染,回忆不淡。

7 . Hello, September ! Please be good to me 你好,九月,请对我好一点。

8 . 第条 The real girl is not perfect, the perfect girl is not real

9 . Mrsandman 请给我一个梦想。

10 . I was his Sandy and he was my Danny and I just broke


1 . If we fell in love again I swear love you right

2 . Memory abstruse eyes(记忆中深邃的眼眸)

3 . poor but honest 虽贫穷,要诚实

4 . 或许拥有的人总是把失去看得很淡其实你失去时也会心痛的。

5 . 第条 感谢离开我和不爱我的人,你们对于我是一种坚强训练。

6 . l want someone whoes afrid of losing me

7 . 很喜欢你,喜欢也没用,没用也喜欢。

8 . bigbang exo pm fx 有人喜欢他们么

9 . Since you unintentionally I should let it go

10 . I have been, never left 。我一直在,从没离开。


1 . Classic also have first 。

2 . Chase your dreams or let them go或执于你梦,或坦然放手。

3 . 我的退让造就了你们相爱的事实我不必再敷衍再解释。

4 . 第条 Eason Chan only taught me how to sing ten years, but did not teach me how to go for ten years

5 . 爱情和婚姻是两股道上跑的车。

6 . 我总是口是心非以至于你认为我很坚强。

7 . 当你为爱而活。

8 . I know you will be always here

9 . Sometimes, miss is not time, is feeling(有时候,我们错过的`不是时间,是感觉)

10 . 誰能说出明天会是何种光景。

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