
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2023-10-04 01:54:57


1 . I don&#;t swear, because I have strong practical ability

2 . Life makes us round, to make us go farther

3 . I want to marry you, just because I love you so much

4 . 每一次打喷嚏我都以为你在想我,即使我知道是我感冒了!

5 . Be with you和你在一起

6 . I can do anything you want[我可以做任何你想做的事]

7 . Your mother is a chicken, because only a stupid chicken is a fool

8 . We draw further apart, but the same。 我们背道而驰,最后却殊途同归。

9 . , love you forever!!! —— ,爱你一世!!!

10 . I know the people I really care about a few我知道 真正在乎我的没几个


1 . 你曾给我的温暖,任何一个人都将无法代替。 You gave me the warm, anyone will not be replaced

2 . While there is life there is hope一息若存,希望不灭。

3 . I miss you not because of my loneliness

4 . I just want a warm embrace, even for a brief second

5 . Sure certain and affirmation, I already fell in love with you。确定一定以及肯定,我已经爱上你。

6 . 我只想要一个温暖的怀抱,哪怕短暂的一秒。

7 . Only a liar is true in the world, for he is sincere in deceiving you

8 . Don&#;t wait, don&#;t wait! Don&#;t hurt your heart! Don&#;t drop the tears!

9 . Life is not what you have gained but what you have done生活不是你得到了什么而是你做了什么。

10 . sea is the upside donw Sky 海是倒过来的天。


1 . Love with all my love用尽全力爱我所爱。

2 . , love horse is irresistible, your mother is suitable for ten thousand riding

3 . You can say I&#;m sorry, but I won&#;t say it doesn&#;t matter

4 . Hate missing, and a smile and min 恨不知所踪,一笑而泯。

5 . — Since I was young, time inclined negative。 我自是年少,韶华倾负

6 . 初见走到了再见 First go to see

7 . 不开心就不要埋的太深啦,坏情绪是会发芽的。

8 . Then that be together, in the flow of unease, time is well就那样相守,在来往的流年里,岁月安好。

9 . ╰You are in my life the most warm moved╰你是我生命中最温暖的感动。

10 . Your name is such ordinary but it affects my mood all round。 你那么平凡的名字却影响我那么多的情绪。


1 . Love is to rely on each other to maintain

2 . My sister, I don&#;t know how to draw and draw

3 . 我愿在你怀里成猫娇而不傲 I wish in your arms into the cat Jiao not proud

4 . I am on your side, never leave[我在你身旁,未曾离开]

5 . So many menso many mind 人心各不同。

6 . I am just a ordinary people 我只是个普通人

7 . You said, I do not want you, you must not marry, let my life-long guilt你说,哪天我不要你了,你一定终身不嫁,让我内疚。

8 . Take out the fighting power of the man, and fight to the end with this terrible world

9 . 用一生去诠释一句我爱你,不会后悔的。

10 . Even if there is no end, I still love you 就算没有结局,我还是很喜欢你。


1 . When we learn to treasure simple happiness, we will be winners in life当我们懂得珍惜平凡的幸福时,我们会成为人生的赢家。

2 . Forget about you and start forgetting your preferences

3 . 时光与爱永不老去Time and love never grows old

4 . 陌生人分两种,不认识的和假装不认识的。

5 . Perhaps youth will leave in solitude, the days that have passed are only in their own collection

6 . I acted like it was not a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart我装作一切都无所谓,虽然我已心力交瘁。

7 . Pain is a part of growth 疼痛是成长的一部分。

8 . my heart is broken you fucking a bitch

9 . Only the sun can give me warm enough 只有太阳才能够给我足够的温暖

10 . I have been sleeping all alone我一直孤独入眠。


1 . 诠释不了的悲伤,我选择将它忘却。

2 . The rain falls because the sky can not bear the weight of it。雨水落下来是因为天空无法承受它的重量

3 . You are the apple of my eye 你是我眼里最珍贵的人

4 . Silence is not my weakness, but I think you are unqualified

5 . If you are not happy, dont bury it too deeply Bad mood will sprout

6 . My sister is the focus everywhere

7 . We talk too much,love too little and lie too often我们的话语太多,真爱太少,谎言太多。

8 . Don&#;t smile at me with your fake Mona Lisa smile, my stomach is not as strong as you think

9 . You still belong to me as long as you haven&#;t drunk meng Po soup

10 . Do you love me? So get in line




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