
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2023-11-03 06:31:30


1 . 你没有错,我没有错只是一阵风,吹熄了承诺。

2 . I think-I think too much——我想是我想太多

3 . 时间是个伟大的作者,它必将会写出最完美的答案。

4 . Smile It irritates those who wish to destroy you

5 . 我们会不会终有一天在不断地假装里,忘记自己。

6 . 人生最难的事情之一,就是把某人从你的心底删除。

7 . It seems that I just need to be need Never to be important

8 . 如果爱情只是路过,又何必到此一游。

9 . 我是公主你所爱恋的公主。

10 . Happiness is when the desolated soul meets love。


1 . 不必遗憾,至少它曾让你微笑过。

2 . It&#;d be better we don&#;t meet again because of the skillful acting

3 . Life&#;s greatest regret,than the wrong insist,and easily give up

4 . 我知道我们都没有错,只是放手比较好过。

5 . I still remember you join me for days

6 . 喜欢你是真心话,告诉你是大冒险。

7 . i was vulgar people, i did not hold to unchanging

8 . Your own taste, let my heart closely rely on

9 . And then deep memory, also has forgotten the day

10 . Don&#;t give up,just be you,cause life&#;s too short to be anybody else


1 . 真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却Theheartthatoncetrulylovesneverforgets

2 . 【就算丢掉江山我也不愿丢下你】

3 . Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new从没犯过错误的人,你别指望他有任何创造。

4 . No one and you

5 . 你为我死我为你亡生死相许的乱世情殇。

6 . Finally turn in the passing of time is not only just

7 . ( 我最珍贵

8 . 陪在你身边,听见心跳的声音。

9 . The simple things, like deep, complex Complex things, bearish, simple

10 . I tell you hopeless grief is passionless


1 . Like the sun because it’s warm, warm heart went to unknown pain

2 . Accompany in your side and heard the voice of the heart

3 . 女孩子容易犯的最大错误之一,就是对一个男人用情太深。

4 . When the mood is fallen, only thought is to abandon all

5 . You cannot change what you refuse to confront

6 . One of the most difficult tasks in life is removing someone from your heart

7 . 你是我眼都不眨就可以说喜欢的人。

8 . 五彩的棒棒糖,谁抵抗得住那迷人的诱惑。

9 . 你好好珍惜我,我好好把握你。

10 . Ifbreakup,isabrutaltenderness若分手,都是残忍的温柔


1 . 深知你是梦,怎敢贸然去触碰

2 . 我能做的不多,但你需要的时候,我总是在的。

3 . I have a stubborn will be siring

4 . 世界上最珍贵的,是得不到和已失去。

5 . Suddenly it was sad,Because you don&#;t love me anymore

6 . 如果没有你如此良辰美景该向谁述说。

7 . Reluctant to lose residual temperature,forgetting the scar is still in pain

8 . No one actually grows up,We just grow old

9 . Don&#;t give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory

10 . 我坚信我一定能成功。


1 . 当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。

2 . 【I like you most in the scenery of all things】

3 . Cause I can feel you in me 因为我可以感觉到你在我心里

4 . 从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。

5 . you read or me, i was here or not no mercy

6 . 你会不会像我想你一样的想我。

7 . 是时候,我该轻易放手不必再挽留。

8 . 忘记一个人,并非不再想起,而是偶尔想起,心中却不再有波澜。

9 . 把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是。

10 . How much I love you,how much jealousy is there


1 . I am a thief, I am here to steal your heart

2 . Even if the other win others, our attitude is victory哪怕别的赢不了人家,我们心态好就是完胜。

3 . You have no wrong, I am not wrong just a gust of wind, blew the comm

4 . If I see you next to never,how can we say forever

5 . Exactly still to shallow man even pat looked at all become ground sterility

6 . 你要在我身边就好了

7 . 那些绝情的人,都曾经在乎得太深。

8 . Friendship is to be strengthened by truth and devotion

9 . 每个人都有想逃避的时候。

10 . if you have, such idyllic scenes represent, whom should forever


1 . Love, but not to talk, from no words to say nothing爱情,不过是从无话不谈,到无话可说。

2 . 在所有物是人非的风景里我最喜欢你

3 . It will stop things like your heart will be a dull pain

4 . Everything will be ok in the end, if it&#;s not ok, it&#;s not the end

5 . Life, half is memory, half is to continue

6 . Disappointment is injured, than be more painful thing

7 . 我在这个世界上,走走停停,寻寻觅觅,就是为了和你相遇。

8 . Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes

9 . Be strong, be true, be forever ‘who you are

10 . 幸福是年华的沉淀,微笑是寂寞的悲伤。


1 . When everything is gone with the wind, when all those special moments into eternity

2 . 总有一些东西,要用消失来证明它的珍贵。

3 . Relax Breathe in deep Hold it Let it out别紧张。深呼吸。坚持住。扛过去。

4 . You can`t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf

5 . I in this world, stop from time to time, search, is meets for and you

6 . Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy

7 . 我愿在你怀里成猫娇而不傲。

8 . He is truly happy who makes others happy

9 . 苍白的文字有谁会看出这一个人的辛酸

10 . No matter how serious life gets, you still gotta have that one person who you can be completely stupid with




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