
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2024-01-04 12:38:38


2 . The memory of the past。 过去的回忆。

3 . I want to be with you all the time, the others are not so considerate

4 . Lost In dreams and reality。 在梦想和现实中迷失了。

5 . We talk too much,love too little and lie too often我们的话语太多,真爱太少,谎言太多。

6 . 坐开桑落酒,来把菊花枝。——杜甫《九日杨奉先会白水崔明府》

7 . The sky is blue, white clouds very white, under the sun we were happy天空很蓝,白云很白,在阳光下的我们很快乐。

8 . 我用行动让你知道,我在你面前说的不抛弃一直算数。

9 . Respect from others come from self-respect别人的尊重来自于自重。

10 . 什么时候想娶老婆了,就和我说声,我嫁你。


1 . 短篱残菊一枝黄。——吕本中《南歌子·驿路侵斜月》

2 . 且欲近寻彭泽宰,陶然共醉菊花杯。——崔曙《九日登望仙台呈刘明府容》

3 . Do not say how much you love me, love me you will not leave me

4 . 昔看黄菊与君别,今听玄蝉我却回。——刘禹锡《始闻秋风》

5 . 瘦菊依阶砌,檐深承露难。莫言根蒂弱,翻足奈秋寒。

6 . 粗实粗犷笨重黑瘦

7 . 用一生去诠释一句我爱你,不会后悔的。

8 . The youth, the scenery along the way again also is just a paper elegance青春,沿途再美的风景也只不过是一纸风华。

9 . I never expected anyone to love me and carry all for me

10 . Happiness is a journey,not a destination幸福是一个旅程,而不是终点。


1 . , no sense of security, doomed not to understand love

2 . I just want a warm embrace, even for a brief second

3 . 丽质标致精悍短小

4 . my heart is broken you fucking a bitch

5 . Is it overconfidence or covered inferiority

6 . Never expect the perfect man,it is not because that you cannot find, but just because there is no perfect man不要期待完美的男人,不是因为你期待不到,而是根本没有完美的`男人。

7 . Girls, don&#;t be naive You&#;re nothing compared to the league of legends

8 . 不是花中偏爱菊,此花开尽更无花。——元稹《菊花》

9 . Where there is great love, there are always miracles 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。

10 . 刘禹锡《和令狐相公玩白菊》


1 . 遥怜故园菊,应傍战场开。——岑参《行军九日思长安故园》

2 . You are my lover when I have love 当我有了爱时,你便是我的爱人

3 . I wait for you to come back。 我等你回来

4 . 春联春雷春季春意

5 . Too many swindlers, fool obviously not enough骗子太多,傻瓜明显不够用了

6 . I think-I think too much——我想是我想太多

7 . When every love comes to the end, if u look back, u will find flowers and sorrows, but it is always beautiful不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种。

8 . 肥大耳廓瘦削耳轮

9 . 诠释不了的悲伤,我选择将它忘却。

10 . Time has faded from the memory 时光,淡忘了回忆。


1 . Heart is the knife stabbed himself to others。心软就是把刀递给了别人捅自己

2 . 黄花本是无情物,也共先生晚节香。——于谦《过菊江亭》

3 . Love, but not to talk, from no words to say nothing爱情,不过是从无话不谈,到无话可说。

4 . Baby I want you here with me(宝贝我多希望你能陪在我身边

5 . 桂丛惭并发,梅蕊妒先芳。一人瑶华咏,从此播乐章。

6 . 飒飒西风满院栽,蕊寒香冷蝶难来。他年我若为青帝,报予桃花一处开。

7 . you know that I will love you till I die。你知道我将爱你直到我死。

8 . Since know, why so sensational -既然心知肚明,又何必句句煽情。

9 . 陪着我好吗不管生老病死 Accompany me regardless of sickness and death

10 . 干瘪丽质黑瘦彪壮


1 . Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

2 . Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass Alexander Dumas生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。

3 . Lure Over Love(诱惑人的东西毁掉了感情)

4 . 暗恋Secret love

5 . No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end 不管雨下多久,最终彩虹总会出现。

6 . Rest in the Hope。 还有希望。

7 . 进又无能退又难,宦途踞蹐不堪看。吾家颇有东篱菊,归去秋风耐岁寒。

8 . Living in the light of his own life, the vicissitudes of his life

9 . Find me Love me Marry me找到我,爱我,娶我

10 . 知道看人背后的是君子;知道背后看人的是小人。


1 . 简洁秀丽妩媚可爱

2 . Use your life to paraphrase a I love you, and you won&#;t regret it

3 . 或许青春终要寂然离场,曾走过的日子只能自己收藏。

4 . 心有多软,壳就要有多硬。

5 . Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met 将他遗忘好比去了解一个素未谋面的人那样

6 . 陌生人分两种,不认识的和假装不认识的。

7 . Then that be together, in the flow of unease, time is well就那样相守,在来往的流年里,岁月安好。

8 . Do not base your happiness off someone else不要把你的幸福寄托在其他人身上。

9 . 可爱陶醉吟诵风铃

10 . The wind blows like flowers of the time风吹着如花般破碎的流年


1 . 潇洒迷人魅力美丽

2 . 认真专注钻研踏实

3 . 合作愉快勤奋刻苦

4 . If you say something, you can change it

5 . Forget me, I have disappeared in your line of sight

6 . 深邃浑浊关切坚定

7 . 寂寞东篱湿露华,依前金靥照泥沙。世情儿女无高韵,只看重阳一日花。

8 . 欣慰甜美魅力优秀

9 . 此生只是偿诗债,白菊开时最不眠。——司空图《白菊杂书四首》

10 . 土花能白又能红,晚节由能爱此工。宁可抱香枝上老,不随黄叶舞秋风。


1 . , your promise to me is like I said fuck you, it can never be realized

2 . 杏眼斜眼美目俊目

3 . Guard your life。守护你一辈子

4 . I wish you loved me 。 但愿你爱过我

5 . Bad language than lie clean one thousand times 脏话比谎话干净一千倍

6 . I want to forget you, forget any memory about you

7 . I love you until the end 我爱你一直到老。

8 . 我愿在你怀里成猫娇而不傲 I wish in your arms into the cat Jiao not proud

9 . , the river is the illusion, the red dust love hate is empty,!

10 . 菊花何太苦,遭此两重阳?。——李白《九月十日即事》




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