
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2024-07-23 00:57:14


1 . See how much I love you?(知道我多爱你吗?)

2 . 有种缘,牵手后成为风景;有种分,相隔千里也能成真;有颗心,执著中方显真挚。你爱我,我走进幸福;我爱你,你成为永恒;你我相爱,就是缘分!

3 . Dear, please stay with me until we get old

4 . I will just experience love once, and you will be my only one爱情对我来说只有一次,而你就是我的这一次。

5 . Each time you look at me when I pretend to look away,and you looked away when I was looking at you

6 . 如果我的爱你不信,那就让它成为弥天大谎,骗你一辈子;如果我的爱你不逃,那就让它成为深牢大狱,困你一生一世;因为,我想我们一辈子在一起!

7 . 你是我的神经末梢 指挥着我的丧心病狂

8 . I have seen thousands of people,like your hair,like your eyes,but had not your face

9 . 厌倦了海誓山盟的飘渺甜言蜜语的空洞,不需要信誓旦旦的承诺,此生我只愿和你,平平淡淡慢慢老去。等到老的哪儿也去不了,你依然是我手心里的宝!

10 . 一颗流星划过天际,我错过了许愿,一朵浪花溅上岩石,我错过了祝福,一个故事只说一遍,我错过了聆听,一段人生只走一回,不知道错误是否天定?


1 . You are one for me (你是我的唯一)

2 . (★)flower fecundity, start a poem!

3 . 如果上天让我许三个愿望,第一个是今生今世和你在一起,第二个是再生再世和你在一起,第三个是永生永世和你不分离。

4 . smile is the shortest distance between two people微笑是两个人之间最短的距离。

5 . 怀抱是会溺死人的地方。

6 . Put you in my heart。把你放在我心底

7 . Bad excuses are worse than none。 狡辩比不解释更糟。

8 . I love you because of your love for me【我爱的是你爱我】

9 . You don’t love a girl because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her。——你不是因为她的美丽而爱她,而她却是因为你的爱而美丽。

10 . 我们都可以笑着遗忘,却不可以哭着悲伤。


1 . 我的出现只是你生命中的+=。对我来说,你的出现在我生命中却是+=的算式。

2 . Love has you only then to be perfect 爱要有你才完美。

3 . I’ve had enough of your garbage。

4 . 蓝湛湛是遇见你时的天晴,绿茵茵是凝视你时的风景,黑黝黝是你那深邃的眼睛,红扑扑是我倾慕你的神情,心砰砰是想听到你说你也为我动了情!

5 . Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了。

6 . First impression of you is most lasting 对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。

7 . I like a lot of peopleBut I only love you 我可以喜欢很多人,但我只爱你一个

8 . Some love can not insist we can only give up chic

9 . Can you give me a hug 你可以给我个拥抱吗

10 . NewUniqueBetter不是每个愿望都能马上实现,必须好好加油


1 . you not feel consumes me how many tears

2 . No one indebted for others, while many people don’t know how to cherish others没有谁对不起谁,只要谁不明白爱惜谁。

3 . 只要我的心还在,就一直留有你的位置,位置只有一个;只要你的手机还在,就会有我对你的无限祝福,祝福有千万条。想你,祝福你。

4 . Dont Leave Me Here

5 . Can let me forget about the past, he is my future。能让我忘记过去的人他就是我的未来。

6 . Time cut scar is called growth时间划破的伤疤叫做成长

7 . 在手里,在心里,在你每条短息里,字字都是好想你。在风里,在雨里,在吸的空气里,句句都是我爱你。不管天,不管地,不管那个空间里,生生世世我陪你。

8 . If love, please cherish若相爱,请珍惜

9 . time 模糊了记忆 你 还 会 清 晰 的 刻 在 我 心 里 吗 ?

10 . Love does not require you to be perfect, but it does require you to be forgiving——爱情并不需要你处处完美,但需要你变得宽恕。


1 . I am crying and someone hugsme, it makes me cry evenmore。

2 . 一不小心撞见你,是我安排的;不知不觉喜欢你,不是我故意的;一心一意爱上你,是我真心的;全心全意对待你,是我乐意的;可一生有你是我最最想要的!

3 . 我只是个平凡人,我也有我的小情绪。

4 . 有没有那么一瞬间,觉得自己是多余。

5 . Thanks for your love。

6 . Be strong, also hurt[再坚强 也会伤]

7 . 我坚信,只要有新欢有时间我就会忘了你。

8 . I admire you, this is my secret。我很佩服你,这是我的秘密

9 . Does not belong to me, I will let go 。

10 . Time cures all things (时间是医治一切创伤的良药)


1 . 青春曾让我们拥抱过的那个白衣少年,记得一袭白衣倾国倾城。

2 . To blossom blue is to blossom without you

3 . 宁愿是一杯水,润你的嘴,暖你的胃,到你心扉,冲走所有烦恼疲惫;宁愿是清风吹,带着甜味,陪你入睡,给你安慰,你的快乐伤悲,我都想体会。

4 . Trust is the easiest thing in the world to lose,and the hardest thing in the world to get back.信任是這個世界上最容易失去的東西,也是最難挽回的東西

5 . You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。

6 . The night you, wish you by my side想你的夜,多希望你能在我身边。

7 . 有时候你不得不笑,表现得好像一切OK,然后,忍着眼泪走开。

8 . I love you I love you I love you I love you 我爱你你不爱我你不爱我谁爱我

9 . baby now I need you by my side

10 . I love you a whole had 我爱你整整一个曾经


1 . The one who’s good in taking care of other people is the same person who needs someone to take care of them——喜欢照顾别人的人,其实也同样需要别人的关心。

2 . I never told you, I wanna hold you。(我从未告诉你,我想拥抱你)

3 . We were just kids in love。 我们曾经只是陷入爱的孩子。

4 . If in the heart will feel sad, then please smile to let go 如果放在心里会觉得难过,那么就请微笑

5 . I heard the most beautiful love is your every twinkle and smile

6 . Time is not cruelty Just for it we are too fragile时光并不残忍。只是对于它来说我们太脆弱。

7 . 每次你看我的时候我都假装看向别处,而你看向别处的时候我一直在看着你。

8 . You will never understand why I have that mighty proud (你们永远不懂,我为何拥有不可一世的骄傲 )

9 . 有道天凉好个秋,又是一年大丰收。想你想的满面秋,一声问候道喜忧;问风问雨问金秋,我的心儿被你偷;辗转岁月几春秋,快回短信让我收。

10 . We no longer can not go back 我们再也回不去了。


1 . I despair,you only heard,heard that I had not,but don&#;t know how bad it is

2 . Approaching you,I get hurt,and leaving you,I will be lonely

3 . 我会一直在,纵使回忆连成海。

4 . C Dont let others have you (不想让别人拥有你)

5 . I believe,as long as there is love there is time I will forget you

6 . 借鉴昨天,活在今天,憧憬明天。 Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow

7 . 我想要套小房子,做着你的小妻子;一起提着菜篮子,穿过门前小巷子;再要一个小孩子,可爱得像小丸子;等你长出白胡子,一起回忆好日子!

8 . Should I stay or should I go? 我是该留还是该走?

9 . to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

10 . First I need your hand ,then forever can begin——我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远




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