
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2024-06-27 03:04:14


1 . , if I can, I prefer to say that I love you, but we have nothing to do with it

2 . Great minds have purpose,others have wishes。

3 . Time is the only antidote 时间是唯一的解药

4 . 爱情是盲目的。Love is blind

5 . , every time the canteen aunt hears the bell ring, he will have his heart in mind: the enemy will arrive at the battlefield in seconds

6 . I have everything what I want except you除了你,我什么都不缺

7 . HāPpч Иatioйal Dáy其 实 伱 沒 有 那 么 嗳 祂 ,

8 . In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness——在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。

9 . , no one will catch up with one&#;s pace, nor will it be cumbersome

10 . The soul has long been hated buried[灵魂早已被恨掩埋


1 . , I do not need your gentle, because you, do not match me gentle

2 . 握不住的沙,干脆扬了它。

3 . Today,give a stranger one of your smiles。It might be the only sunshine he sees all day。

4 . Nothing is forever,and nothing for a long time,to find an excuse,anyone can go first

5 . Memories can not feed my 回忆养不活我

6 . Do not,for one repulse,forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort。

7 . 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

8 . I Care about you a great deal (我很在乎你)

9 . I love you I love you I love you I love you 我爱你你不爱我你不爱我谁爱我

10 . 得到了再失去,比从来就没有得到更伤人。


1 . Standing firm is to challenge difficult courageously and to leave the smile after sccess to oneself。

2 . The road of life is like a large river,because of the power of the currents,river courses appear unexpectedly where there is no flowing water。

3 . , my memory is not living on the other side of The Strip, but my ring is dead at the head of The Strip

4 . 人生因追求而精彩,生命因坚强而美丽。

5 . I miss you but i miss you (我想你,但是我错过了你)

6 . The time that you are my most fatal时光深知你是我最致命的爱人

7 . Everyone has got a life that no one else knows about 每个人都有自己的人生,冷暖自知。

8 . girl i want to put you all up in my room

9 . We look forward toour future。我们期待我们的未来

10 . My indifference is the pride that you don’t understand。


1 . , too much attention to other people&#;s views will eventually have two outcomes: either they are exhausted or let others die

2 . , we look like a needle on the surface, constantly rotating, turning on one side, looking at the time to leave in a hurry, but powerless

3 . No pains No gains (一份耕耘,一份收获)

4 . , although some things are still unforgettable, some people even forget to miss them

5 . 你是我的神经末梢 指挥着我的丧心病狂

6 . , we will never be able to return to the past when we are strangers

7 . , you are wrong, fall in love with you is wrong, leaving you is wrong

8 . I really want to he is visible and can&#;t see 我好想他可见又不能见

9 . , I&#;m sorry, I don&#;t have Lee Jung Hyun&#;s acting skills, I can&#;t perform your so-called crazy

10 . I put the notes you changed your name even the name to the original look


1 . I looked over to you in heaven,as you stare me with sorrow。

2 . 你又怎会知道这样的笑容背后是怎样的辛酸伤痛。

3 . 如果你竭尽全力,你就不用担心失败。

4 . The second i still read with you in different ways to love you

5 . 我坚信,只要有新欢有时间我就会忘了你。

6 . 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。

7 . , noble you, Lao Tzu can not afford

8 . The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar。

9 . , wherever you go and what weather, bring your own sunshine

10 . , success is not only in the future, but from the moment when decisions are made


1 . 你若留我身边做我的天,你死了,我陪葬。

2 . Never give up your dreams Miracles happen everyday

3 . I’m proud of my heart。It’s been played,burned,and broken,but it still works。

4 . Youth once let us hold the white boy,remember a woman dressed in white

5 . 所有的一切从 I do not believe you 的那一秒开始就全部瓦解

6 . Nothing is impossible!

7 . 在梦想与爱中,没有什么不可能。

8 . 距离,产生的不是美,而是诠释了不堪一击的爱情。

9 . 不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。

10 . When you are in despair, the most important thing is to look up to yourself When you succeed, the most important thing is to look up to others


1 . , I love you, touched me

2 . Maybe I am not the best,but I try my best 也许我不是最好的,但是我尽了最大的努力。

3 . 心灵最高尚的人,也总是最勇敢的人。

4 . Giving is a reward in itself。

5 . 这片海不再是我爱的蓝 你也不再是我爱的少年。

6 . I miss you after i missed you [莪想念迩在莪错过迩之后。]

7 . , love is like changing clothes Who will pay the bill after a fresh period?

8 . Let the right one in。Let the old dreams die。Let the wrong ones go。

9 . You and I separatend is inevilable 你我的走散是必然的

10 . 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。




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