
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2024-06-28 08:50:17


1 . 我的爱与你同在。 My heart is with you

2 . No man than I know more about myself。没有人比我更了解自己。

3 . Confidence in yourself is the first trick of success

4 . 别担心,你现在的处境并不是你最终的归属,最好的尚未到来。

5 . A true friend is one soul in two bodies (好友之间如同两个躯体而只有一个灵魂)

6 . 斧头虽小,但经历多次劈砍,终能将一棵最坚硬的树砍断。

7 . 女王的世界里没有爱情。

8 . Transparent glass, cold heart

9 . Beauty old, fillip in a flash of youth

10 . 提醒自己,如果你自己都不相信自己,还有谁会呢?


1 . Have we loved so very reskless 曾经我们那么放肆的爱过

2 . 低调做人也是一种智慧。

3 . 不选择,也是一种选择。

4 . In fact, its no use for me to cherish you again Cant I miss you this time

5 . It is never too late to be who you might have been做回你自己,永远都不嫌晚。

6 . On one second still in love,the next moment we will accept separation。

7 . Can&#;t love you, not to give up?

8 . 有时候,惟有一场眼泪,我们才彻底清晰了视线。

9 . I am, bark, axes heart

10 . Learn to turn a blind eye, choose to ignore disgusting things, and choose to shield disgusting things


1 . Modesty is the friend of learning,complacency is the enemy of study。

2 . Well,life is laughing and others,by the way,let others to smile。

3 . 请务必快乐。

4 . 世界上没那么多的童话。

5 . If we believe that true love never has to end,then we must know that we will love again。

6 . 不必仰望别人,自己也是风景。

7 . Youth, if there is a old face

8 . I&#;ll be waiting for you when you&#;re ready to love me again

9 . 我只在乎你,就像小鸟需要翅膀,鱼儿离不开水,不得春风花不开。珍惜与你走过的每一天,在乎和你共度的每一年。

10 . Simple love actually is not easy


1 . Temper good man special charming

2 . - porque dios mi hizo quererte我有多倔强就有多坚强

3 . 在梦里想着你。

4 . Lean river boat patter hear flute, yat sen villa

5 . True love never gets old

6 . 世上无难事只要肯登攀。

8 . You are unique, irreplaceable

9 . 对你出乎意料的执着。

10 . 岁月你别催,该来的我不推。岁月你别催,走远的我不追。


1 . I&#;m tired, but used to the strong

2 . 世界那么黑,我该信谁?

3 . I love three things in this world: sun, moon and you

4 . 你是我眼里最珍贵的人。

5 . Originally I have been trying to find the city of freedom, has long been a fallen ruins

6 . Reality is reality too 是现实太现实

7 . Dont rush the time, I wont push the time You dont rush the years, I dont chase the long way

8 . Be thankful for your past relationships, someone better suited to you is waiting out there 感谢你逝去的恋情,因为更合适的人正在某处等你。

9 . He who gains a men of strong wins

10 . 眼泪是心里无法诉说的言辞。


1 . In the season when ice and snow start to thaw, I slowly wake up from a sound, rosy sleepIndulged in self-love in beautiful dreamland, I am dedicated to waiting for you in great patience

2 . I have always been with you。我会一直待在你的身旁。

3 . People are vile, love you do not love, do not love you but love you to die or to die

4 . We are all stories in the end ———最终,我们都只是故事。

5 . 现在挽留,会不会太晚。

6 . I will wait for you until you come back我将等待你,直到你回来

7 . 接受你不能改变的,改变你不能接受的。

8 . 一个人自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,也许别人早已经忘记了。

9 . 很想问你,有没有一首歌你在唱时,会想起我。

10 . I Need YouR Love我需要你的爱




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