
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2024-02-26 02:25:53


1 . 我的世界黑与白,五彩世界请滚开°

2 . 坚持过后,记忆也不过如此。

3 . Silence is not my weakness, but I think you are unqualified

4 . 看着烟花那么绚烂的绽放,突然好想好想远处的那个他。

5 . 姑娘,别再胡思乱想了,世界上最爱你的那个男人已经娶了你妈妈了。

6 . Because of your "sorry" I decided to "never mind" with you!

7 . 别人谈恋爱像饮琼浆,我谈恋爱像尝百草。

8 . When I am cruel, I am destined not to be soft

9 . What kind of me do you like? I can show you

10 . 我亲爱的姑娘,因为是你,是我姐妹,所以,动你者不能活。


1 . The world is too big to find a second me

2 . My sister is often imitated, but never surpassed

3 . 都说权志龙有一种独特的魅力,一旦爱上就是深爱。

4 . Memory abstruse eyes(记忆中深邃的眼眸)

5 . 为避免离别时的感伤,我喜欢提前说再见。

6 . , your promise to me is like I said fuck you, it can never be realized

7 . 我很好,不吵不闹不夸耀,不要委曲不要讽刺,也不必要别人知道。

8 . Man Always Remember Love, Becourse Of Romance Only 男人总是因为浪漫而记住爱情

9 . Do what you say,say what you do——做你说过的,说你能做的!

10 . 如此简单 make love 后 say good bye


1 . 希望我一直都是你心尖上的姑娘。

2 . 曾经的*逼,成就了如今心机颇深的你。

3 . girl i want to put you all up in my room

4 . 并不是因为你太重感情,而是因为你太没出息。

5 . Don&#;t tell me who gave you so much courage

6 . , I am like a child, but willing to try, to protect you to the end of the world

7 . When I find my boyfriend, I just slap him, I have to ask, where have you been hiding all these years

8 . 我不是笑点低,这全然是因为耳边响起的声音是你。

9 . The grievances that can be said are not grievous A lover who can take away is not a lover

10 . I&#;m sorry I didn&#;t realize you were a dog


1 . ぃ想ィ厼的時候,就變成ぅR顆山樝,臉紅ヌχιn酸。√

2 . Don&#;t give up envy, please go on

3 . I use the identity of the friends love you so long我用朋友的身份爱了你这么久。

4 . 魅力女人,就是有充分的意志力去抵挡男人的进攻,也有足够多的魅力阻挡男人的撤退。

5 . 太敏感的人总是因为别人随便的一句话就胡思乱想,不是因为心机重,而是太善良。

6 . 他不理你怎么了,别担心,还有我,我也懒得理你。

7 . How far you go, how fast you can roll, how fast the speed of light is, and how fast you can roll

8 . 劳资就算打光棍,一样过的风生水起。

9 . I don&#;t cry for you, because you are not qualified to make me cry

10 . Girls do not lose loving you姑娘别输给爱


1 . The second i still read with you in different ways to love you

2 . I have a heart, you see the wound

3 . 每个女人付出的爱,总是比男人多的多。

4 . Take out the fighting power of the man, and fight to the end with this terrible world

5 . 你不走我每天都在提心吊胆,你走了我每天喝酒买醉。

6 . Will you still love me tomorrow? 到了明天你还爱我吗

7 . 看得见男人的内心,可未必进的去他们内心深处,里面的世界不属于任何人,只有自己而已

8 . 无能为力是一件多么遗憾的事,可你明明不想失去任何人了。

9 . Carving time together曾一起雕刻的时光

10 . 你可以对感情不认真,对工作不认真,但是时间对你,很认真的。




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