
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2024-07-28 19:57:10


1 . "晚安,老弟。我过几天还会再来的。"Good night, old sport

2 . 我认真分析了贵公司的需求,并评估了自身满足需求的可能性。

3 . They held a sale to reduce their inventory

4 . Warm greetings to you on your birthday Birthday means a new beginning and a new chance to live

5 . n 小部分,少量,一点儿;分数,小数

6 . 生日快乐,祝你今天过得愉快!

7 . 各位男生不知有没有过这样的经验:一位美女从你眼前走过,你的目光便不由自主地投射在她身上,全身的血液也开始跟着沸腾起来。这个怎么用英文来形容呢?这就叫She turns me on,就好像是说她把你身上的电源都给打开了,所以你就眼前一亮哦!

8 . 天不老,情难绝,心似双丝网,中有千千结。

9 . Warm congratulations on your birthday May the best of your birthday belong to you!

10 . 祝你在这特殊的日子里,时时刻刻都充满快乐,祝你来日多福,捷报频传!


1 . ——李之仪《卜算子》

2 . 出招:最好的办法是,把"我"字开头的话题,转为你字开头,"你想了解我的个人爱好,还是与工作有关的问题?"您说呢?你认为怎么样?等等。

3 . 生日快乐!愿这特殊的日子里,你的每时每刻都充满欢乐。

4 . 天哪,不!

5 . 恨一个人要比爱一个人付出更多的感情。

6 . 她是个美女。

7 . adv 好

8 . 第一步:准备帅哥人像

9 . chick 这个字代表的就是女孩子,一般是用来指女孩或者年轻的女人。它和girl 是可以交互使用的。例如,她是个十四岁的女孩。就是She is a fourteen-year-old chick。

10 . Exactly divisible by the same unit an integral number of timesUsed of two quantities


1 . 晚安,老兄。"Good evening, how are you?"

2 . Every to your birthday, I am very happy Send you a birthday card and a gift as a token of my heart I wish a successful career and a happy life!

3 . 世界属于那些勤于思考的人,更属于那些善于行动的人(ChenchenBDLeader

4 . May your birthday is full of infinite happiness May your memories today be warm ones May your dreams today sweet, wish you fill this year!

5 . 图

6 . 给你我特别的祝福,愿它每分每秒都带给你健康好运和幸福。希望这是你度过的最美好的生日!

7 . The noes have it

8 . In this special day, I want to say I&#;m glad time hasn&#;t changed our friendship, happy birthday to you an endless enjoyment

9 . 每个生日都是我们人生之旅的一个里程碑,愿你的生日百事顺意。

10 . 学会适时地称赞女孩实在是每个男士的必修课。Youre pretty!和Youre so beautiful!这两句大家都会说,gorgeous 和 prettybeautiful 都是美丽的意思,但是程度上可要比 pretty 和 beautiful 还要高一些。所以下次再看到美女别忘了说一声Youre gorgeous!,说不定就可以得到美人芳心了。


1 . Happy birthday, wish you too wonderful for words a day, wish you happiness unfolding like the petal of a rose!

2 . 不要看不起应届生,我的潜力需要你来验证!(AlanDesigner

3 . 愿你的生日带给你无限快乐的一年,请接受我的生日祝福!

4 . n 好处;利益;有道德的人或事

5 . 夫人回身来向他们道了晚安。 Now I shall go to sleep Good night --George Byron, American writer

6 . 明月百年心(StovePM

7 . 创造价值,赢得尊重(JackBD

8 . Send a birthday gift, it is my heart is Happy birthday birthday wishes, I wish you safe and sound all year round!

9 . May your every birthday make life more beautiful, I wish you a very happy birthday!

10 . 可通分约分的可被相同整数倍单位分割的。


1 . ——李清照《一剪梅》

2 . Wishing you a very happy birthday, wish a new year to come!

3 . 愿你宿愿得偿,快乐幸福更胜以往。

4 . 我诚挚的生日祝福,情深意重,祝你在未来的一年里,心想事成!

5 . May your birthday bring you joy and happiness in the year to come, please accept my birthday wishes!

6 . May you enjoy the joy of today&#;s birthday, I wish you nothing but the best!

7 . Each birthday is a milepost in our life&#;s way May your birthday be shunyi

8 . I wish you happiness, I wish you happiness, to celebrate the day you came to this world In the new year of life, may the happiness always be with you!

9 . 在此情况下小数部分被丢掉了。

10 . 在“场景”标签下新增“抠图”功能,我想抠图这个帅哥的头像,(*^__^*嘻嘻……


1 . I wish you in this special day, always full of happiness, I wish you luck tomorrow, Triumphant news keeps pouring in!

2 . 在您六十大寿之际,请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝福,祝你健康长寿生活愉快!

3 . My greetings to my love for you May your birthday wishes, when one day in the past, you lie down to enjoy peace, may happiness The golden dream that fills your comfort

4 . 绣罗裙上双鸳带,年年长系春心在。

5 . 自我介绍技巧

6 . 他们降价出售库存货物。

7 . Born to be pro, bring you a myriad of happy days, every day of the year will remember, happy birthday, warm

8 . adj 好的;令人满意的;愉快的;仁慈的

9 . I wish you a happy birthday, your kindness make the world become more beautiful, let it belongs entirely to your day bring you happiness, let the future day icing on the cake!

10 . 我的祝福捎来我对你的爱,愿你的生日过得称心如意,当一天过去,你躺下享受安宁,愿幸福弥漫你恬静的金色梦境。


1 . Warm greetings to your birthday, I send you my love, but also to send a small gift, take care!

2 . 每当想到你我好似天天都在过生日,可我特别珍视其中的一天,祝愿你在这天美梦都能实现。

4 . To reduce in rank;demote

5 . 不写情词不献诗,一方素帕寄心知。

6 . pron 它的

7 . In this case the fractional part is discarded

8 . 相思树下说相思,思郎恨郎郎不知。

9 . 打开待处理的图片先:

10 . 我道了晚安后马上走了。I, rather imprudently, wished you good-night


1 . 琴瑟在御,莫不静好。一日不见,如三秋兮。

2 . 在你生日之际,向你致以亲切的祝贺。生日意味着一个新的开端,意味着重新把握生活的机会。

3 . I hope I am the first one to say "Happy Birthday" to you May I have a happy and successful year!

4 . 一个爱学习,知上进,善沟通,重细节,懂感恩的人(LancedaiFE

5 . Congratulations on your birthday! May it all fill with joy and success!

6 . 没有赚头。

7 . Not every day you have a birthday, wish you happy birthday today, and years of happiness for you!

8 . 面试一开始,许多面试者就迫不及待的将自己的`"光辉历史"一一历数,扬扬万里。

9 . “那么,晚安,”她生硬地说道。My lady turned round to wish them good-night

10 . 他是我的南北,我的西东。是我作息的意义。是我的日夜,欢唱谈话的内容。我以为爱会永恒不朽……我错了。




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