
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2024-07-29 15:01:17


1 . 千山万水都是你的模样,而我始终在路过。

2 . Having fun and suffering; With sweat and tears; Hard work, good harvest In the past year, we have tasted the taste of life and achieved certain results In the New Year, we will continue our efforts, starting from the new starting line and producing more fruitful fruits with our labor Come on!

3 . On the first day of the year, make your first wish, close your eyes, and put your hands together A life of expectation is joyful, and the anticipation of the day is a pleasant surprise Happy Spring Festival!

4 . The old friend countless, it want to go or are you the coolest, dream you found thousands of baidu, suddenly look back, you are still in my pig shed, eating grass, next to the tree, the tail swing can not stop, it turned out that you&#;re eating my tree, damn!

5 . Alternation of solar energy and change of temperature; Cold weather, attention to influenza; Add more clothes and add more clothes Not to lose weight, just to keep warm; Care to send, message wishes: safe and happy, healthy Chinese New Year!

6 . 父恩比山高,母恩比海深。

7 . New Year&#;s resolutions, New Year&#;s resolutions, New Year&#;s day, New Year&#;s happiness The New Year comes again, send the information form blessing, greetings in this happy to, wish you happy and good fun Wish you a happy New Year in advance!

8 . Time travel through the four seasons, holding tightly in hand; Ordinary and busy to the end of the year, without any shape to think of themselves as a tool; Pine a pine tired body, comb a heart of deposit Make money important, want to take care of yourself more!

9 . Friend friendship will not change, go now, dream will not change direction, look forward to progress, happy often accompany, everything as you wish, good luck to you, love life is good, may the years more, all the best

10 . 没有不可原谅的错误,只有无法挽回的人。


1 . 在感情的道路上,没有谁对谁错,只有谁够珍惜谁。

2 . It was a little early yesterday, but it&#;s a little crowded tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow is a little late New Year&#;s eve is a good day Happy New Year! Wish you a happy New Year and a happy New Year!

3 . , today is Wednesday, on Sunday, immediately days less bitter vexed, happiness is not flat, immediately after the work day, a happy life in tomorrow, Wednesday send to wish, wish you a happy weekend, this article short like prestige

4 . In the past year, your efforts have been like an exclamation point Your harvest is like a full stop and a full circle Your success is like an ellipsis The New Year is coming, I wish you, will continue to encourage, the next year to show your skills, to leave a brilliant pen for the career path!

5 . 天空与大海相爱了,却无法牵手,它们无法让爱继续,天空哭了。泪水洒落海面,即

6 . 青春是块原料,迟早要制作成形。

7 . 不要太依赖一个人,因为依赖,所以期望,因为期望,所以失望。

8 . There is a person who can miss, in fact, is also a kind of happiness!

9 . 父恩比山高,母恩比海深。——日本谚语

10 . 花的堆积,叶的凋零,比我们想象的更为突然!


1 . At this time of joy, in the time of this summary, let everyone to treat their own bodies, the liberation of their own mood, summed up their experience, grow their own, and drink out of friendship, talk about the joy, wish everyone work hard, create brilliant

2 . 瞬间的美,是对永恒的赞叹,是对美的事物的欣赏,更是一种心灵的感受,追求美,心灵不会干涸,创造美,成功的渴望不会疲惫,体会美的韵味,胜利的喜悦不会苦涩无味,这种精神情操不也是一种美吗?

3 . The flowers want the rain, the birds hope the blue sky, we hope Sunday Close your eyes, make a silent wish, have a good dream and have a good weekend!

4 . 时光的永恒里,生命的脚步总是匆匆又匆匆,却单薄得无助又无力。无常的生命,不经意间就改变了命运,错乱着人们的生活轨迹。悲叹中,感慨惊鸿的情缘,怎会轻若燕羽,一个转身,就飘零落地,失散在来来往往的人群里?

5 . Life doesnt get easier,you just get stronger

6 . 我走进你心里,我也一定会流泪,因为那里面全都是你的无所谓。

7 . 爱,放弃该放弃的是无奈;不放弃该放弃的是无知;放弃不该放弃的是无能;不放弃不

8 . 为了抹平那些痛苦的回忆,我选择放弃。

9 . 一个人并不孤单,想一个人才孤单;一个爱别人的人不幸福,一个被人爱的人才幸福。

10 . 情愿为你画地为牢,我在牢里慢慢变老。


1 . 生活,就是一种永恒沉重的努力,人生最后悔的事,莫过于轻易的放弃了不该放弃的事;人生最珍贵的东西不是得不到的东西,而是眼前所拥有的东西;人生最美好的东西,不是已失去的东西,而是现在所把握的东西。

2 . 所谓幸福,从来就没有准确和永恒的答案。金盆银匙,锦衣美食的人,未见得幸福;粗衣布履,粗茶淡饭的人,未见得不幸。这个世界的一枝花,一滴水,都可能成为幸福的源泉,幸福从来都与贫富无关,与地位无关。人之幸福,全在于心之幸福;幸福就住在你心里,感觉幸福其实就是幸福!

3 . Your sweat is not in vain, success is not to shake hands with you, your efforts were not in vain, to win is not to meet with you, new, only a sincere blessing, wish you in the New Year, all, write a glorious on career path, come on!

4 . ou may be out of my sight,but never out of my mind

5 . Between us,please always remember me

6 . 感激是扇没有上锁的门,不需要钥匙便能打开。

7 . 即使三宫六院七十二男妃,我也唯宠你。

8 . 不要轻易放弃,否则对不起自己。

9 . 感恩的心是由无数次伸手感化而成,伸出你的手,感化别人的心。

10 . Will go to New Year&#;s eve, I at jade chicken to send them to: send a car to send room send wealth, send farewell xi to send happiness, send, send perfume to send auspicious, send blessing to send Paul send health, send jiao send beauty send beaming, send and send agree to send smoothly! Happy chicken year!


1 . 哀哀父母,生我劬劳。——《诗经》

2 . 抬手落笔的永恒,转折勾兑远去的天书,是无法辨认的篆刻,短短一行,被你飞快地留下,回忆,翻过。

3 . 暗恋是最好的哑剧,说出来可能会变成悲剧。

4 . 人生的路,自己去书写,生活,就是一种永恒沉重的努力,过去只是经历,现在是尝试,人心是相互的,每条路都是一次冒险,每个地点都是一场奇遇。当你理解了世界的本来面目,依然热爱这个世界,你的生命就会是美丽的。

5 . , again to the weekend, blessing to arrive, the instruction send, the execution mo forget: late night sleep late, zhou gong bubble; Make friends with friends and play with them; Friends invite and chat I wish you a beautiful smile on the weekend

6 . 不懂知足的人,请不要用眼泪来奠祭你们的感情。

7 . Go to the front door of the , in the doorway, cut a year, wash away the dust of the day, all merits to the back of his brain, wear a sign "blessing spells," Chang Niannian, you must be happy relationships: small, difficult to block less and less dream greatly, a lot of happiness!

8 . 我是一个经常笑的人,可我不是经常开心的人。

9 . 原来喜欢不可以伪装,原来快乐不可以假装,原来永远和瞬间一样

10 . The moon rises for one day, the earth revolution will take a year, think a person to want hours, love a person to want a lifetime, but a sweet blessing only one second: happy year of the rooster


1 . What I miss is not you, but you give the deadly ever

2 . pay is to concentrate on the work, pay is the filial piety to parents, to lover is really pay, pay with friends is sincere, , work to keep careful, for parents to want to have patience, love, with love to friends need to care about and may the New Year is always happy

3 . 我们可以通过感恩的桥梁,走向光明的未来。

4 . 一个连自己都不爱的人,还有什么能力去爱别人。

5 . The weekend comes, the pressure goes away, the music is too good to say; Play a game, make a scene, worry and worry all forget; With family, with friends, warm and happy and happy; Have a good attitude, don&#;t get angry, be happy every day like the weekend Have a nice weekend!

6 . 这年代,什么都是钱,没有钱你就一废物。

7 . Because we have lost in , we will cherish it in Because we have struggled in , we must have harvest in ; Because we are injured in , we will be able to love in Welcome your arrival in !

8 . A friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself

9 . 以后我见你一次,扁你两次

10 . 生活需要一颗感恩的心来创造,一颗感恩的心需要生活来滋养。——王符


1 . 用真诚浇灌友谊;用感激浇灌亲情。

2 . Goodbye, waving goodbye to , all the joy will be changed into missing, all the failures will say goodbye, come to , face the defeat, then the sword will fight again, the winner will never be defeated

3 . 把无限放在你的手掌上,永恒在一刹那里收藏。有的人一生都与刹那无缘,因为刹那只是在某一个人把身体奉献给一个如冰一般洁白透明的世界时才闪现。死寂的夜半,冥冥中幽远的隐处鸣响起默祷的钟声。那是心在地道叩灵,请她解答梦飘向了何方。

4 . 你不必逞强,不必说谎,懂你的人自然会知道你原本的模样。

5 . 人世间,总有一段往事值得珍藏,一擦肩,已成永恒。酸酸甜甜的回忆总在不经意间盈上心怀,让人百转柔肠,让人刻骨铭心。

6 . When the weekend comes, please be prepared for the pressure I will put the sweet and sweet in your heart and make you breathless Put happiness in your heart and make you helpless Put good luck into your body, make you suffocate; Bind the god of love with you, and make it hard for you to move Just for you to remember, how can I not contact at the weekend? Happy New Year!

7 . 一路上,经过那些平时里熟悉到不能熟悉的路口,好几次都走错了方向。

8 . 心里那份回忆,或许早已经随着时间的推移,慢慢的改变了。

9 . is going to be far away, perhaps, tired of being busy; Perhaps, lost in the chase; Perhaps, in the boredom, send oneself But don&#;t worry about it, and give it another year!

10 . 登高山之巅,勿忘父母情;入成功之道,切记恩师意。


1 . With a smiling face light up the sky much of , , with tears wash the scenery of , with a yearning look good choice road, communicate with a a series of clear song wishes and feelings: you wish I can come!

2 . Happy,is looks for a warm person for a lifetime

3 . 穿人字拖最无耐的事,就是走着走着,人还在,托没了。

4 . The weekend is more and less: less cold, more communication; Less online games, more outings; Less tobacco and more friends; Less lazy, more walking; Stay up late and sleep more; Less grumpiness, more fun; Have a great weekend!

5 . 生命中的温暖一直都与我们遥遥在望,而我们只不过是拒绝路过。

6 . 感谢是美德中最微小的,忘恩负义是恶习中最不好的。——英国谚语

7 . 养儿方知娘辛苦,养女方知谢娘恩。——日本谚语

8 . 感谢命运,感谢人民,感谢思想,感谢一切我要感谢的人。——鲁迅

9 . You promised is too pale let I how to believe

10 . 孝子之至,莫大乎尊亲;尊亲之至,莫大乎以天下养。——孟子


1 . 不再问,谁在谁的风景里铸就了永恒?不再想,谁的双眸触动了谁的眉?青涩的年华,已成过往,宣纸上急缓走笔,至此搁置隐去。依窗凝月,且听风呓,似懂非明,像极了岁月中捞起的千年秘语。做回一个背手含笑的女子,捻一瓣心香,浅行淡居。

2 . 于另一个永恒国度里红尘摆渡,化解一丝淡雅,静享一份清幽,品读孤独人生,也必是无悔无怨。思想包袱太重了,卸下来给身淡然,走的太累了,就停一停,给自己一个喘息的空间,给自己一个回旋的余地,说不定,转个身,幸福依然会在回眸处等待。

3 . It is said that a man called "the weekend" is near you, you should be careful! Will she stop you from getting on the bus and being woken up by the alarm? Find her Have a nice weekend!

4 . 让感激的射线延伸到浩瀚的苍穹,在人们的心中留下一道永恒的记忆。

5 . 是不是有那么一个人,一直住在你的心里面,从来不曾离开过。

6 . 一颗坚定的心,比任何甜言蜜语都重要。

7 . 努力变成自己喜欢的那个自己,一切就都还来得及。

8 . 你说的每一句,俄都愿意相信,为了爱情失了聪明。

9 . 因为习惯了一个人难过。

10 . Get up early, wash clothes and move feet; Eat well, grind teeth to grow tall; Play until old, the network turns the brain; Live well and spend the weekend searching for treasure Happy weekend, my friend




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