
所属栏目:签名更新时间:2024-09-15 23:59:30


1 . days in advance, time to grow up, mature years, experience in cyanobacteria, retain the mature experience, grasp the rich experience, sedate forward efforts, efforts to dream positive, the past is still in the past, coming is coming, and wish you more happy, life is sweet

2 . 一生只谈三次恋爱最好,一次懵懂,一次刻骨,一次一生。

3 . 在不疯狂,咋就老了,在不行动,她们就嫁了。

4 . 喜欢是天性;而爱,是需要学习的。

5 . 天 我们在一起四年了 Nobody could ever replace you

6 . 莎士比亚说:不太热烈的爱情才会维持久远。

7 . Get out of here 。 自作自受

8 . By the end of the year, there was more! Summarize the experience of one year and renew the plan for next year! Dear friends, to pay attention to the body, to be happy in the work, healthy life, comfortable New Year!

9 . 二十一人的坚强意志是不可战胜的!

10 . 人生如戏,充满讽刺,在拥有时忘却珍惜,在失去时渴望拥有,没人可以真的大彻大悟。


1 . 天下古今之庸人,皆以一惰字致败。天下古今之才人,皆以一傲字致败。——曾国藩

2 . 你说一辈子是,这辈子还是,下辈子

3 . 没机会白着头发蹒跚牵着你看晚霞落尽

4 . 一个真正强大的人,不会把太多心思花在取悦和亲附别人上面。所谓圈子资源,都只是衍生品。最重要的是提高自己的内功。只有自己修炼好了,才会有人靠近过来。——贺双慧

5 . 如果你在一个很深的井的最下面,再亮的天你也能看见星星。

6 . 肉肉你走吧,别那么迷恋我,我们分手吧。真的。我们不合适。

7 . ⊙古人云过了:宁可缺钱,缺爱,缺睡,不可缺德,当然,尤其不可缺流量。

8 . ⊙金子,总会花光。

9 . 用背的温度,去温暖一个人的心。

10 . Nobody could ever replace you从来没有人可以取代你。


1 . 我朋友告诉我爱情像飙车

2 . With everyone&#;s support, on everybody&#;s unity, years we go well, by everyone&#;s efforts, with all the struggle, years we walked very successfully, may we continue to struggle, let the whole family concerted, years, create brilliant achievements

3 . And lonely again 与孤独重归于好

4 . 有人骗我欺我笑我辱我害我。何以处置。惟有敬他容他让他忍他看准时机弄死他。

5 . 三能力不大,欲望就不要太大,否则你会很痛苦。

6 . Time travel through the four seasons, holding tightly in hand; Ordinary and busy to the end of the year, without any shape to think of themselves as a tool; Pine a pine tired body, comb a heart of deposit Make money important, want to take care of yourself more!

7 . 二十二春光不自留,浪漫一身官方旗舰店莫怪东风恶。

8 . I only want to be myely 我只想做我自己。

9 . 因为沵让涐懂最深的爱最沉默。

10 . 故事的开头总是这样,适逢其会,猝不及防。故事的结局总是这样,花开两朵,天各一方。


1 . 沉默是最好思考的方式,也是最好做选择的方式

2 . Walk past, met, we laughed, cried we love each other, or a quarrelling, we together, is too tired, we company, this year, my biggest happiness is to meet you, love you The New Year is coming May our life be sweet and happy

3 . 没人能烦恼你,除非拿别人的言行来烦恼自己;没有放不下的事情,除非自己不愿意放下。

4 . 最无聊的事是每次QQ没人聊就点开分组看看。

5 . 有两样东西别人抢不走,一是你吃进肚子里的食物,另一个是你藏在心里的梦想。做个有梦想的吃货,你就是无敌的。

6 . To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield 去奋斗,去追求,去发现,但不要放弃。

7 . I prefer forever to everday

8 . 态度决定状态,状态决定心态

9 . ⊙每天自然醒来,都应感恩一次:自己还在人生范围内。

10 . ⊙人生总有太多的遗憾,遗憾没有太多的人生。


1 . 如果我变成回忆最怕我不争气

2 . 能被抢走的爱人,那不叫爱人。

3 . 不要对爱你的人太过刻薄,一辈子真正对你好的人也没有几个。

4 . New Year&#;s resolutions, New Year&#;s resolutions, New Year&#;s day, New Year&#;s happiness The New Year comes again, send the information form blessing, greetings in this happy to, wish you happy and good fun Wish you a happy New Year in advance!

5 . On the first day of the year, make your first wish, close your eyes, and put your hands together A life of expectation is joyful, and the anticipation of the day is a pleasant surprise Happy Spring Festival!

6 . 钱包,你怎么了钱包回答我钱包你怎么又瘦了,醒醒丫。

7 . 物理老师讲动量守恒,“一个鸡蛋去撞另一个鸡蛋谁碎了?”同学:“母鸡的心碎了。

8 . 多么美妙的生活,值得我们好好珍惜。

9 . I wish you a big fortune and a good fortune in the coming Spring Festival Love, affection, love; The official transport of money and fortune, the transport of prosperity; Every man is in peace

10 . ⊙天灾人祸多,活着──才是一场意外


1 . 真正的爱是不能被切割的,因为爱的中间是颗心,心切了,人就死了。

2 . Having fun and suffering; With sweat and tears; Hard work, good harvest In the past year, we have tasted the taste of life and achieved certain results In the New Year, we will continue our efforts, starting from the new starting line and producing more fruitful fruits with our labor Come on!

3 . 不要嘲笑别人的疤,那只是你没有经历过的伤。

4 . I need to find my way back to the start 我想要找到我来时的路,回到最初。

5 . Like I never ever loved no one before you。在你之前从没这样喜欢过一个人

6 . It is adjacent to plum blossom and one message with six incense A fragrance sends you to cash a tree, two incense sends you the noble person to help, the three incense sends you to work well, the four incense sends you not to worry, the five incense sends you money full box, six incense delivers you forever healthy! Happy New Year!

7 . The moon rises for one day, the earth revolution will take a year, think a person to want hours, love a person to want a lifetime, but a sweet blessing only one second: happy year of the rooster

8 . Goodbye, waving goodbye to , all the joy will be changed into missing, all the failures will say goodbye, come to , face the defeat, then the sword will fight again, the winner will never be defeated

9 . 越爱的,越不敢拥有,害怕有一天失去的时候会很痛苦,也不想对方伤心。不管两情想悦还是一厢情愿,要是能静静跟爱的人聊聊生活,说说梦想,谈谈人生,不言朝夕,也是幸福的,也是好的。

10 . 因为有风有雨,所以,幸福更值得珍惜。




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