
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-16 03:54:56


1 . 劳动光荣!劳动万岁!用自已的双手创造辉煌,给最亲爱的人以幸福!

2 . 万事如意: hope everything goes your way

3 . 劳动节不劳动!所以我仅仅劳累手指一动,给你发条短信祝你劳动节快乐!

4 . Thanks for being there, mom Happy Mother’s Day

5 . Seems to wake up in the morning after a dazzling and hazy warm light, the eyes of everything in the same place to play back, slow and sad

6 . autumn years, the harvest season, i wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happy national day, cause brilliant touch down!! ! 金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑脸伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达!!!

7 . 人生的旅程中,是您带着我勇敢地面对生活,是您不尽的关怀,无限的关爱,伴我成长。父亲节来临之际,内心澎湃,只想大声对您说:我爱您!

8 . 五一劳动节,祝你劳动快乐,休息更快乐!

9 . 祝你劳动节愉快!心想事成!工作开心!我会永远支持你的!

10 . 祝你生日健康愉快,祝你天天健康愉快,愿你一切愿望都能实现。


1 . 国泰民安: wish our country flourishes and people live in peace

2 . just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success! ! !刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你一切顺利,万事如意!!!

3 . Happy International WorkersDay!

4 . 您是儿子心中最好的妈妈。

5 . and prosperity with many returns of the day

6 . My special wish may bring you health, luck and happiness each minute! Hope it really proves to be the nicest birthday you have spent

7 . 愿你每个生日都使生命更加亮丽,祝生日无比美好快乐!

8 . Lost, very missed In this long National Day holiday, often recalled coexistence years

9 . 张开双臂,拥抱每一个充满希望的早晨,让阳光从身上温暖到心底。

10 . 情人节的英文是什么:valentine&#;s day;saint valentine&#;s day;


1 . 活在此刻,而不是回忆。活在当下和未来,而不是过去。

2 . 人这一生,最快乐时过儿童节,最艰苦时过青年节,最劳累时过父亲节或母亲节,最悠闲时过重阳节。最诗意最美好的,则是与家人一起赏月的中秋节。

3 . Happy Father&#;s Day to you!

4 . May is a good season that puts flying state of mind,you are willing to and I together both fly?

5 . Warm wishes on your birthday I send along my love and affection for you as well as a small gift Take care!

6 . 思想存在于劳动之中,人就要靠劳动而生存。

7 . 愿你享尽今日之欢乐,祝你的生日百事顺心!

8 . 日子悠然,父爱默然,缘份天然,孝心自然,有时漠然,内心了然,有时淡然,今朝必然,节日灿然,祝福诚然,尽孝欣然,愿父怡然!

9 . may all of our wishes come true this valentine’s day

10 . 鹏程万里: have a bright future


1 . 愿你的生日是对生命的歌颂,祝健康快乐,事业蒸蒸日上。

2 . Birthday comes and birthday goes each year, and this leaves the happy

3 . 我们也许不是一直都像天使那样乖巧,但我们确实感谢您的教诲。

4 . 金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑脸伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达!!!

5 . may day,i wish you a happy work,happy rest more!

6 . May your birthday bring lots of joy in the year you have begun Accept my wishes for many happy returns on your birthday

7 . 今天是您休息的日子,让我们来照顾您。母亲节快乐。

8 . May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true

9 . Time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience!

10 . May all your wishes come true!


1 . I hope you know how proud I am of you, father Happy Father&#;s Day! Happiness always!

2 . Wishing you a happy birthday! May the best and loving things be some of the joy your birthday brings

3 . Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you Happy Mother’s Day

4 . 我急切地祝贺你生日的到来,愿你时时刻刻都充满欣喜,照亮前程。

5 . 上帝七天创造了宇宙万物,五一放假七天,我们能创造一段世间奇缘吗?

6 . 今天是国际男人劳动节,祝女人们节日快乐,天天美丽!

7 . 希望你的心上人早日出现。

8 . 劳动是艰苦的,成果是甘甜的;没有辛苦的劳动,就没有甘甜的果实。

9 . Sometimes I cry and make you sigh, but you know that I love you so

10 . 招财进宝:Money and treasures will be plentiful


1 . Have the best Father’s Day ever

2 . 例句:没人能够抗拒情人节的巧克力脆皮草莓!

3 . 国庆节之际,不想给你太多,只给你五千万:千万要快乐,千万要健康,千万要平安,千万要知足,千万莫忘记我!

4 . 祝您父亲节快乐!

5 . 祝你的努力和汗水尽快变成明天成功的果实。劳动节快乐!

6 . 你敢不敢在那天早晨,给TA一个承诺:我会爱你一生一世。

7 . You dare not in the morning, to TA a commitment: I will love you for life

8 . Mom, thank you for being you

9 . 在您六十大寿之际,请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝福,祝你健康长寿生活愉快!

10 . as always ,i hope the sweetheart festival to be joyful!


1 . Autumn years, the harvest season, I wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply

2 . 谢谢您不断地扶持我祝您母亲节快乐

3 . Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen

4 . 我为您做了一件礼物,希望您会喜欢。

5 . 如果说母爱是海,那么父爱就是山;如果说母爱是春,那么父爱就是夏;如果说母爱如风,那么父爱就如火。父亲节到了,祝爸爸节日快乐!

6 . After the labor of rest is the most comfortable,ha ha,lets enjoy the wonderful holiday!

7 . may you two share every day of life together till forever

8 . 又到国庆节了,在这举国欢庆的日子里,希望你快乐如夕,永远幸福。国庆节快乐!

9 . 有时候我哭泣而使您叹息,但您却知道,我是如此地爱您。

10 . I hope everything goes well


1 . labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power happy may day

2 . Being in a foreign land here,every festive holiday times Distant relatives,the most sincere blessings,peace be to you

3 . Happy Father&#;s Day to you and good luck in everything!

4 . national day, the national day, celebrating the country the birthday wish you good mood every day happy, eternal happiness! 国庆,国庆,举国欢庆。祖国生日祝你美好心情,天天开心,快乐永恒!

5 . autumn years, the harvest season, i wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happy national day, cause brilliant touch down! ! !金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑容伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达!!!

6 . 吉星高照!

7 . 大吉大利: wish you good fortune and every success

8 . when you all into the society,all around are ordinary labor to give

9 . 时光飞逝,今天又是你的生日,愿今天你拥有一切美丽,来年生日更美好,一年更胜一年。生日快乐!

10 . 生日来临,带给你无数的快乐日子,一年中天天都会想起,生日的快乐温馨。




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