
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-16 11:11:09


1 . 爱情是天才行为早已失传了

2 . 行人匆匆全不知路上发生过的悲欢离合

3 . 艺术的极致竟然是道德,从音乐表现出来的道德。

4 . “懂得树就懂得贝多芬”(页与“德国人至今仍尊爱树贝多芬传统”(页与“如果世界上只有一棵树那有多宝贵啊”(页

5 . “世界上最神秘的是镜子”(页与“镜子是上帝意想不到的”(页

6 . 人是在等人的时候老下去的

7 . 相人相骨,且看多少人俗骨牵牵。

8 . 一次又一次觉得,灵智比肉体性感的多。

9 . The holiday only discovers, only love your person will keep in touch with you

10 . “静的旁边是静”(页与“有一种静静得像个人对着我静”(页与“那种静好像全是为了我似的静”(页。


1 . 小有才气反而显得小家子气

2 . Summer vacation, put down the pressure of study, easy a summer; Lay down the troubles of life, and be merry for a summer; Put down your tight mood and laugh for a summer May you have a happy summer vacation and a relaxing summer!

3 . Summer vacation, I went back to my grandma&#;s Just after lunch, the new good friend li Lin and Paul haenle will come for me to catch loach I and they hit it off, and come to the edge of a small county

4 . “友谊也有蜜月”(页与“友谊的蜜月过去了我常有这种感叹”(页

5 . 我伤心极了,豆大的泪水从眼眶中流落,心中像断了线的珍珠洒落一地。

6 . 君子忧道亦忧贫

7 . Summer vacation to summer, you are lucky, the first prize in the welfare lottery; You did well in the heat, and koko won the first prize "Heat" you pressure is small, door door does not report class to take remedial course, "heat" you be happy thick, safe and happy you chase me to run; Wish you a very easy summer vacation!

8 . Summer vacation to happiness, in the summer breeze fun, leisure and entertainment arrangements, travel safety, living science law, exercise learning mo forget I wish you a happy and safe summer holiday

9 . The most recent distance in the world, holiday to school; The furthest distance in the world is the beginning of the school holidays

10 . 结果可想而知,他毕业第一年通过了四门,接下来两年通过了接下来两门和综合,成为我们这群人中含金量最高的人之一。我们组了个饭局为他庆祝,有人夸他聪明,能够完成一般人玩不成的任务,但是我们知道它能够有这样的成就,真的是靠着四年脚踏实地,一天天学习过来的,我们都很替他高兴。


1 . 好像《红楼梦》这部书是红学家写的

2 . After the holiday, learn god to brush difficult problem, the student with outstanding achievement is brushing the homework, the student with poor result is in brush dynamic

3 . 曾经的快乐回忆就像是倒在掌心的水,不论你摊开还是紧握,终究还是会从指缝中,一滴一滴流淌干净。

4 . 但并不是脚踏实地的人就没有什么计划或者理想,只是他们不会一直挂在嘴边而不去行动,也不会三天两头的改变自己的计划,选定了一条路就勇往直前,矢志不渝。

5 . 把孤独留给自己,让自己有更多的时间去品尝人生百态。

6 . 担当人性中最大可能的是耶稣。

7 . 高峰只对攀登它而不是仰望它的人来说才有真正意义。

8 . 君子难近乎远小人则君子近焉

10 . The exam is over, and the old smoke is gone The weather is too small and rainy The shepherd boy refers to the happy village Just hang up the sea of clouds, I will send you care today, wish this summer holiday happy!


1 . “人一入名流便不足观”(页与“似成名非成名这种状态最佳”(页与“且入名人录盖江东父老信度而不信足焉”(页

2 . “常见人家在那里庆祝失败”(页与“我看见了什么呢我看见人们的兴奋和疲倦都是错的”(页

3 . “二十世纪末爱情死了已久了”(页与“爱情是天才行为早已失传了”(页

4 . 先秦诸子,雅好比喻,因在乎明理,亦私心乐事也。

5 . 我正在努力变成自己喜欢的那个自己

6 . 我有个同学自从上大学开始就有个理想,就是考上CPA,从大一开始就报了班学CPA的课程,周末的时候我们大家都在宿舍休息打牌玩游戏,而他上完校外的课回来在宿舍还是继续学习。我们说你不用学的那么紧的还有四年时间呢,可是这哥们就是倔,硬是坚持学了四年。

7 . The most joyful is the holiday, the summer holiday is long and happy Stay up late and get up early and live regularly, watch TV computer to rest, air conditioning room to ventilate, outdoor play to prevent sun protection, swimming is accompanied, safe and happy is the first Eat less cold drinks and drink more water Remember that friends are always in touch Wish you a happy summer holiday!

8 . 直道相思了无益且作新狂解救狂

9 . 大观园招宴红学家还是不赴为妙要行令联句的哩

10 . “我最瞧不起少年时期的我良善到可耻”(页与“唐伯虎那种不计怨仇的天性真是良善到可耻”(页


1 . 哲学,到头来表现了哲学家的性格。

2 . 所有男孩子在发誓的时候都是真的觉得自己一定不会违背承诺,而在反悔的时候也都是真的觉得自己不能做到,所以誓言这种东西无法衡量坚贞,也不能判断对错,它只能证明,在说出来的那一刻,彼此曾经真诚过。

3 . 现在的我和你已隔个一个世纪。

4 . 时代容易把人抛红了樱桃绿了芭蕉

5 . 我讨厌肉麻不过不麻就没有肉了

6 . 谁遇到这种情况都会觉得烦,来一句“得了得了,你快别吹牛了”,便激怒了他们,回以“狗眼看人低”“燕雀安知鸿鹄之志”,他们觉得自己的自尊心受到了伤害,觉得其他人看不起他们。

7 . “桃花太红李太白杨公下忌柳下惠”(页与“张之洞中熊十力齐如山外马一浮”(页

8 . “世上多的是无缘之缘”(页与“尽我一生所遇皆属无缘之缘”(页与“往往是还未开始爱爱已过去了”(页“先忍受后享受”(页与“暗暗受苦默默享乐”(页与“我是一个吃苦耐劳的享乐主义者”(页

9 . 上列语意相近或相关的俳句均分居不同页码,似是编辑时的有意安排,不当以编次凌乱罪之,但其用意究竟何在,我尚迷惘不解。

10 . 或者我善于用思想去感觉。


1 . "Feel as light as before the holidays" "talk" "do not write"

2 . Why did the May th movement break out? Because the May Day holiday is only three days

3 . 会当身由己婉转入江湖

4 . 我觉得坐在书桌前一如坐在钢琴前

5 . “无审美力者必无情”(页与“无审美力是绝症知识学问救不了”(页

6 . 经历过大性大情的人要么不开悟,一开悟就是大彻大悟!

7 . The holiday, escaped the teacher&#;s stern look, at ease; Throw away the heavy load of schoolbag, comfortable; Without the trouble of homework, be happy; If you want to play, you can sleep Summer vacation is our happy time, good summer, happy every day Don&#;t forget to finish your homework on time!

8 . 天鹅谈飞行术麻雀说哪有这么多讲究

9 . 择友三试试之以酒试之以财试之以同逛博物馆

10 . 你走的那天,我决定不掉泪,迎着风撑着眼帘用力不眨眼。


1 . Now off, put the summer vacation and winter vacation, winter vacation to put National Day, National Day playing as well as the May Day, May Day put like weekend, weekend and didn&#;t put the same, summary, the holiday just like farting

2 . 人一入名流便不足观

3 . 炙热爱过,难再爱,陀思妥耶夫斯基说。

4 . came to the summer vacation, happy to learn to remain on hold, don&#;t be lazy, learning attitude, can&#;t be too light, trouble kicked in, regardless of pressure, keep happy, happy every day, wish friends, good luck to tie up, happy to accompany, happy holidays, never!

5 . Once upon a time, there was a group holiday, and now these people have different holidays

6 . 要留下人生足迹,就必须一步一个脚印;要少走人生弯路,就必须三思而行。

7 . “我之为我只在异人处”(页与“在任何异端的面前他都是异端”(页

8 . 还有,世界不会在意你的自尊,你能够在人前表现的只有你的成就,在你没有成就以前,切勿过分强调你的自尊。

9 . “文化断层中出现极具前瞻性的返祖现象是可能的”(页与“仿红楼梦菜目到兰亭去集会这就叫文化断层”(页

10 . 纯乎私人性的作品就不是艺术


1 . 爱情是幻想出来的`幻想

2 . 桃花太红李太白杨公下忌柳下惠

3 . 你爱文学将来文学会爱你

4 . 思想是抽象的感觉呀。

5 . 回家的路上路灯坏了好几盏,没有了灯光我看不清,没有发言权却落寞的影子。

6 . Put down the heavy schoolbag, relax the numbness of the brain, forget the classroom formal, enjoy the beautiful summer vacation Let the joy shine in the heart, let the happiness run in the field, let the happiness follow the qingxi flow, let the comfort and the holiday hug Wish you a happy summer holiday!

7 . 惊世骇俗,就是在媚俗。

8 . “从前的那个我如果来找现在的我会得到很好的款待”(页与“我怎好意思走近那个少年的我呢他一定受不了我的善意”(页

9 . 要改造世界,得先改造自己;要成就事业,得先劳苦自身;要胜利登顶,得先奋力攀登。

10 . As the name implies the summer vacation to heat is false, but not all person&#;s holiday, is only the proletariat and the day of the carnival, we adults can only silently standing by and by, look at these naive face the carefree play everywhere, also, those who long to see her stay home with children all the day to catch a son everywhere, art, science, such as English around, deprived of the originally let children freedom to make decision of power




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