
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-16 13:29:50


1 . Do you/ they have a/an…?

2 . 耕耘于分秒,收获于细微。

3 . (五“介词+关系代词”注意: 介词的选用要考虑:

4 . The magician _____ played magic tricks in CCTV Spring Festival Gala is Liu Qian He is popular in China now A whose B who C which

5 . 耕耘分秒,勤奋造就天才;积蒿力量,实力铸就辉煌。

6 . 余泉福:加油,加油,期终考绝不马虎。

7 . 孩儿立志出乡关,学不成名誓不还。

8 . 梳理一下假期漂浮散乱的心情,整理一下在狂野中纷乱的思绪,恢复一下在愉悦中迷失的自己,调节一下未来新起点的脚步,轻松地面对寒窗苦读的新学期!

9 . 樊旻玥:我一定要一洗雪耻,让自己的水平达到顶峰。

10 . 播种劳动,收获成功。


1 . so that…/ so…that…/such…that ____________________________________________________________

2 . 第一:奋斗目标决定奋斗结果,希望同学们实事求是地给自己定位

3 . It’s time to say goodbye to my school I’ll always remember the people _____ have helped me

4 . 为此,我代表学校对全体即将毕业的初三年级的同学提出三点希望:

5 . 回到美丽的校园,寻找快乐的回忆。携手幸福的伙伴,步入嬉戏的乐园。重温老师的怀抱,沐浴关爱的阳光。探索知识的路途,点亮智慧的明灯。开学日到了,愿你快乐入校。

6 . 书山有路,学海无涯,以勤为径,以苦作舟。

7 . 思不嫌烦,学不嫌苦,坚持不懈,勇往直前。

8 . 艰苦风斗,铁杵成针,矢志不移,滴水穿石。

9 . 你聪颖,你善良,你活泼。有时你也幻想,有时你也默然,在默然中沉思,在幻想中寻觅。小小的你会长大,小小的你会成熟,愿你更坚强!愿你更自信!

10 . ( In my family, my sister is the only person __ loves chocolate A which B who C whom D she


1 . 志不坚者智不达,言不信者行不果。

2 . ( This is the place ____ the old man lived last year A when B where C that Dwhich

3 . ( -- Could you tell me___ yesterday?-- About two hours A How long it takes to fly to Guilin B How long it took to fly to Guilin CHow long does it take to fly to Guiln D How long did it take to fly to Guilin

4 . (三)whose The student ______father works in the factory is sitting there

5 . 天道酬勤,宁静致远。

6 . What a beautiful painting it is! I’ve never seen ___painting Asuch a Ba Csuch Dthis better

7 . ( ---We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet ---Really? Will you please show ____it? ‘

8 . 团结拼搏,求实进取。

9 . 先行词里同时含有______________________,如I can remember well the persons and some pictures that I saw in the room

10 . Yes, I/we do No, I /we don&#;t


1 . B.how old are the two players C.the two players are how old D.how old the two players are

2 . )I will never forget the day __________ I joined the army

3 . 曹书尧:态度决定一切!

4 . 形式:

5 . ( Yao Ming is a famous basketball star ___ is playing in the NBA A whose B who C what D which

6 . What color are …? They&#;re orange/black

7 . 希望该孩子在校能遵守学校的一切规章制度,能尊师爱友,虚心求进,能以优异的成绩回报老师,回报父母。

8 . 一生之苦今日吃,三年之乐来日享。

9 . I ______ here since I came to China Alived Bhave lived Cam living D had living

10 . I didn’t go to bed __my mother came back late last nightAso; Buntil Cthough


1 . 陶苏宇:不要怕!考试并不可怕,只有不努力才最可怕!

2 . 生活的海洋已铺开金色的路,浪花正分列两旁摇动着欢迎的花束。勇敢地去吧,朋友!前进,已吹响出征的海螺;彩霞,正在将鲜花的大旗飞舞……

3 . 立志漫长清华园,刻苦方能未明湖。


5 . 好好学习,天天向上,互帮互助,共同进步。

6 . 废铁之所以能成为有用的钢材,是因为它经得起痛苦的磨练。

7 . Aas soon as Bafter Cuntil Dwhile

8 . 张浦阳:相信自己,一定是最棒的!

9 . I don’t know __he will come tomorrow___he comes, I’ll tell you

10 . I like action movies and comedies


1 . 分数铸就辉煌,汗水凝聚实力。

2 . ( He didn’t tell me ____

3 . There is nothing in the world ______can frighten him We visited a factory _______makes toys for children

4 . 王逸豪:坚持就是胜利!

5 . Aif, Whether Bwhether, Whether Cif, That Dif, If

6 . A.comes, comes B.will come, will come C will come, comes D comes, will come

7 . ( The song ___ Jay Zhou sings are popular with students A why B whom C what D which

8 . 用习惯和智慧创造奇迹,用理想和信心换取动力。

9 . 六种子最后是果实;努力最后是成功;放弃最后是失败。

10 . 真彩青春,活力焕发,勤俭有度,为梦奋发。


1 . 团结四班,豪情满天,众志成城,超越自我!

2 . 第三:连接词如果被连接的句子是___________,那么连接词用___________, (也可省

3 . ( Lily’s mother looked for her for half an hour, but couldn’t find ____

4 . ( The teacher asked the students A if they were interested in chatting online

5 . ( Please tell me____A what is wrong with the boy B what is the boy wrong C what wrong the boy is

6 . How much is the big red sweater?It&#;s… dollars/yuan

7 . 小事成就大事,细节成就完美。

8 . 最后我有三个期望送给你们:

9 . ( The book__is sold out at the moment Ayou need Bwhat you need Cwhich you need it D that you need it

10 . 好吃懒做,迷茫人生,刻苦努力,光明前途。


1 . ( I’m new here Could you tell me__, please?A when does the first bus arrive B when the first bus arrives

2 . ( ---Could you tell me how long __the book?--Three days

3 . 练习 I am interested in everything___ is about the World Cup

4 . ( --Have you found the information about famous people ____you can use for report?

5 . 状语从句真题练习

6 . 不耻下问,学以致用,锲而不舍,孜孜不倦。

7 . Yes, I/we/ they do No, I/ we/ they don&#;t

8 . A what to use B how to use C how can I use D where can I use

9 . 团结一心,奋勇向前,积极进取,努力拼搏。

10 . 叶蔚杰:我一定会达到我的目标的!(目标班级第一,年级第一


1 . “有志者事竟成。”老师很高兴看到你对自己的要求了。 “天才与凡人只有一步之隔。这一步就是勤奋。”记住哦。

2 . 你有涌泉一样的智慧和一双辛勤的手,不管你身在何处,幸运与快乐时刻陪伴着你!

3 . 千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽黄沙始到玺。

4 . ( I like to live in a house__ is big and bright A that B who C how D why

5 . ( --Is the girl _ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend--Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV

6 . 以你的自信,以你的开朗,以你的毅力,还有我的祝福,你一定能够驶向理想的彼岸。

7 . He’s so strong that he can carry the box=___________________________________________________

8 . 要想学好。勤奋要到,严以律己,力争第一。

9 . 奋发向上,居安思危,立志立信,宁败毋欺。

10 . Can you tell me how I can make a kite?可以说成 Can you tell me how to make a kite?




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