
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-16 19:07:13


1 . 好 well

2 . She is an artist

3 . I am tired

4 . 树獭即不讲究卫生,以至于它粗糙的毛发上生出绿苔,成群的寄生蛾生长在它的皮毛深处,变成毛毛虫,并以它的脏毛为食。她的肌肉不能让他哪怕在很短的距离以内以每小时一公里的速度移动。它能做的最敏捷的动作就是挥一挥它弯曲的胳膊。

5 . export 出口

6 . The first thing you do when meeting someone is to greet the person and make a self i_____________

7 . muscle 肌肉

8 . 老虎 tiger

9 . 醒来 wake up

10 . Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating


1 . descendant 后代

2 . 在……下面 under

3 . promotion 提升

4 . 坐下 sit down

5 . 燎沉香,消溽暑。鸟雀呼晴,侵晓窥檐语。

6 . The school building is very high

7 . Its favourite food is bread

8 . His life is very happy

9 . 郴江幸自绕郴山,为谁流下潇湘去?

10 . We laugh at jokes, but seldom do we think about how they work


1 . campaign 运动

2 . You are quite a hard-working student

3 . 盖将自其变者而观之,则天地曾不能以一瞬;自其不变者而观之,则物与我皆无尽也。

4 . Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in , how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century

5 . My classmates are all good at sports

6 . 乒乓球 table tennis

7 . He remained silent

8 . 电话 telephone

9 . 交通灯 traffic light

10 . 寄蜉蝣于天地,渺沧海之一粟。哀吾生之须臾,羡长江之无穷。


1 . 雪人 snowman

2 . 第三 third

3 . 望西都,意踌躇。伤心秦汉经行处,宫阙万间都做了土。

4 . content 内容

5 . You are quite polite

6 . 西红柿 tomato

7 . 当有关西部铁路的说服和规划工作终于完成后,真正艰难的任务还没有开始;即危险,吃力,需要伤筋动骨和吵吵嚷嚷的建造这些铁路的实际工作。

8 . joy/delight 欢乐

9 . import 进口

10 . He主语,代词 fat表语,形容词


1 . intolerance 不宽容

2 . 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。

3 . Among almost seven hundred species of bamboo, some are fully grown at less than a foot high, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours

4 . I find young people exciting They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love comfort They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things

5 . The car accident was not the driver’s f_________ as there was a man suddenly running across the road

6 . You look angry

7 . 机械定时器的发展促使人们寻求更精确的日晷,以便校准机械定时器。

8 . 穿 wear

9 . troblemaker 捣乱者

10 . 第十二 twelfth


1 . You look unhappy, what’s the matter?

2 . 十三 thirteen

3 . void 空虚

4 . 和……一起 with

5 . Your friends are all quite clever

6 . enjoyment 享受

7 . punishment 惩罚

8 . The soup tastes delicious汤尝起来美味。

9 . indecisive adj非决定性的`优柔寡断的

10 . originality 独创性


1 . prosperity 繁荣

2 . developing countries 发展中国家

3 . interaction 交际

4 . The beaver chews down trees to get food and material with which to build its home

5 . 谁 who

6 . The annual worth of Utah’s manufacturing is greater than that of its mining and farming combined

7 . May happiness follow you wherever you go!愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远。

8 . 我们 we

9 . Arid regions in the southwestern United States have become increasingly inviting playgrounds for the growing number of recreation seekers who own vehicles such as motorcycles or powered trail bikes and indulge in hill-climbing contests or in caving new trails in the desert

10 . 晴朗的 sunny


1 . 随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。

2 . 尤它州制造业的年产值大于其工业和农业的总和。

3 . 当然可以 sure

4 . The chair is yours椅子是你的。

5 . You have grown taller than before.你长得比以前高了。

6 . 服务员 waiter

7 . 苗 sprout

8 . sociologist 社会学家

9 . 汤 soup

10 . He is not too tall




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