
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-18 07:33:16


1 . how far…)

2 . S V (主谓)

3 . He goes to school by bike

4 . ______ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice(年北京春季高考题)

5 . He pushed the door open I believe him wrong

6 . 不能表达完整的意思,必须加上一个补充成分来补足宾语,才能使意思完整。

7 . Withwhomdoesheusuallygototheparkat:onSunday?

8 . The trees planted last year are growing well now (过去分词

9 . Wherearehiskeys?Theyareonthechair

10 . HowmanyChinesebookscanyousee?Icansee你能看见多少本书?我能看见二十本。


1 . ┃ I │saw │them │getting on the bus ┃

2 .  :说明事物发生的时间,地点,原因,目的,结果方式, 条件或伴随情况,程度等情况的词叫状语。状语可以由副词, 短语以及从句来担任。

3 . A Suffered B Suffering C Having suffered D Being suffered

4 . ┃ What │makes │him │think so? ┃

5 . 长句(一般为复合句):一般为~个单词。

6 . ┃ S │V(是系动词)│ P ┃

7 . ---你好吗?--我很好,谢谢!

8 . ┃ We│saw │him │out ┃

9 . 除前四类动词以外的动词,结构一般为:~ + to do sth(动词不定式,eg ask/ order/ call

10 . In case that you get lost, call me at this number


1 . =It is unfortunate that he tripped over and fell in the mud

2 . What’syourname?MynameisJenny/I’mJenny

3 . (他们说祖先为了躲避秦时的祸乱,带领妻子儿女退房乡邻来到这与世隔绝的地方,不再从这里出去,于是就与外面的人断绝了往来。

4 . It doesn’t matter Who cares?

5 . She was found singing in the next room

6 . A dog following them, the police searched every suspect

7 . Looking at herself in the mirror, she fingered her silk scarf on her shoulder(另一动作)

8 . S : The sun is rising

9 . 【介词短语开头】

10 . The sun rises in the east (名词


1 . Eg He is a student She is not a student? (备注:常用连词或连词结构共有类,如表示承接的有:and, as well as, both A and B

2 . 第五句型:主+谓+宾一+宾二

3 . A Know B Knowing C To know D Known

4 . The teacher is very kind to us 老师对我们很好。

5 . 你的电话号码是多少?---是…

6 . 让我们去踢足球。Let’splaysoccer

7 . 修饰或限制名词或代词的词词组或句子。

8 . 动作的承受者——动宾

9 . Your answer seemed right He becomes wiser than before

10 . why, which, that等)引出,其有两个功能:对大句中的某个成分作补充说明。充当大句中的某个成分。)


1 . )用形容词作补语的复合宾语动词有:get, paint, make,believe, talk, find, think, keep, push, build, hold, drink,wash等

2 . Mother bought me a VCR 妈给我买了一台录像机。

3 . Unit也很高兴见到你(们。Nicetomeetyou,too!

4 . Lying down on the couch, he felt much relaxed(时间)

5 . 简有一个乒乓球拍。Janehasaping-pongbat

6 . I like some of you very much

7 . ┠───────┼───────┼───────────────┨

8 . 他在电视上观看他们。HewatchesthemonTV

9 . ┃ The dinner │smells │good ┃

10 . Doyouhaveabasketball?Yes,IdoNo,Idon’t


1 . S : A scientist must to learn the pratical experimental methods The institute offered a opportunity to study this phenomenon 处理办法:重点掌握,中心在句子宾语位置

2 . To see is to believe。

3 . I’ll have my bike repaired (过去分词

4 . (对于财货,人们憎恨把它扔在地上的行为,却不一定要自己私藏。

5 . The boys playing football are in Cla (现在分词

6 . ⑶倒装结构中的现在分词和过去分词在句首。此结构中的现在分词实际上是动词的进行时态变化而来,过去分词是由被动语态变化得来的。例如: Hanging on the wall is a photo of Mary’s family

7 . Did you write down what he said? (宾语从句

8 . 上午好!下午好!晚上好!Goodmorning/afternoon/evening!

9 . 简单句

10 . ┃ He│denies │her │nothing ┃


1 . Whatcolourisit?It’sblackandwhite它是什么颜色的?它是黑白相间的。 MyschoolbagisheavyWhat’sinit?我的书包很重。里面有什么?

2 . ┃ They │ate │what was left over ┃

3 . 管它呢? 他所讲的没有什么关系。

4 . Birds singing in the tree, another routine day starts

5 . ()副词修饰全句

6 . 按句子性质归类:陈述句,疑问句,感叹句,祈使句。

7 . 肯定句:I love you?否定句: I do not love you

8 . 用独立分词短语开头,使句子有正式的味道:

9 . ┗━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

10 . He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson(形容词


1 . Isthatyourcousin?NO,itisn’t

2 . ? ?

3 . 用介词短语开头,表示句子谓语动词发生的时间地点方式原因条件等:

4 . I have an idea to do it well (

5 . Obviously, he is nervous about the test

6 . 【名词从句开头】

7 . 谢谢你的全家福。Thanks/Thankyouforthephotoofyourfamily

8 . 【形容词和形容词短语开头】

9 . We should help the old and the poor

10 . A TV addict, Jim watches TV movies one after another every evening until after midnight


1 . If you study hard, you will pathe exam

2 . ┃ He │said │"Good morning" ┃

3 . 第三句型:主+谓+宾

4 . She loves swimming 她喜欢游泳。

5 . ┃ They │appointed │him │manager ┃

6 . 结构:感官动词 do sth (只指向一个动作,并不说明动作的状态

7 . 充当大句中的某个成分 充当主语

8 . { (in doing sth

9 .  :指动作所涉及的人或事物,一般由名词代词或相当于名词的词组或句子充当,位于动词之后。如:

10 . Slowly and gently, snowflakes were drifting down from the sky




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