
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-18 17:08:52


1 . Youseemdifferenttoday

2 . (.—WhowasondutylastFriday?—______.

3 . What&#;sitcalled?

4 . 一般疑问句:________________________________________

5 . Whichone?

6 . Oh, I’ve forgotten my wallet 噢,我忘记带钱包了。

7 . It is obvious that… 很明显……

8 . 你看起来很疲惫。

9 . .Gowholehog全力以赴,彻底地干

10 . 审题。


1 . Howoften?*“隔几分钟来一趟车”或者“隔多长时间打一次网球”等用于询问时间的间隔时。

2 . Howlate?([时间/时刻]多晚?

3 . Howearlyshouldweleave?(咱们多早出发合适?

4 . It&#;s a pity that you should have to leave 你非走不可真是件憾事。

5 . Fivetimesaday(一天次。

6 . TheWhiteHousedinnerthistimeiscertainlyhighonthehog

7 . 苦辞船小要何用,争执汹汹路人拥。

8 . Today__________Tuesday,Yesterday__________Monday

9 . (动笔做。

10 . 石鼎丹成犹伏火,瑶台人去不思家。


1 . 把“把”字句改成“被”字句。

2 . What&#;sgoingon?(是什么呀?

3 . 出金华城大约公里到罗甸。________________。

4 . 大胜尘中走鞍马,与他军府判文书。

5 . It appears that… 似乎……

6 . Sue__________ontheslideamomentago

7 . I&#;mashamedofmyself*ashamed表示“(做了什么不好的事而感到不好意思”。

8 . 但是如果headstart的字母是小写,那么就是普通名词了,是指比別人早着手或领先,例如:

9 . finally we chose a blue one there is a blue bird in it it made in guangzhou it is ten yuan it&#;s too expensive but it is so beautiful and i like it very much so we bought it my mother said that it is good for my teeth then we went home i can brush my teeth now how happy i am 初三!

10 . It&#;sokay


1 . 不劳动连棵花也养不活,这是真理。______________________________

2 . Lifeisnotalwaysabedofroses

3 . swim______________find______________

4 . This morning I went to work in such a hurry that _____ the key to my office at home (青岛市中考英语

5 . What&#;sthatnoise?

6 . 问月杯空,谪仙去无人重举。

7 . (What’sshelike?G:You’rewelcome

8 . It is important that… 重要的是……

9 . (说说哪几个字写得很有心得,和大家交流一下。

10 . _____________________________。


1 . You&#;renervous

2 . Whatashame(太遗憾了。*shame“遗憾的事”“倒霉的事”。

3 . 如:Sheisagirl→Theyaregirls

4 . What&#;sthis?

5 . 例:天空的星星快活地眨着眼睛。

6 . Whatisthislinefor?

7 . Whatisthislinefor?(这是排什么的队?

8 . 去哪儿呀?

9 . 蒲质堪多病,神楼乏上池。

10 . “drowsy”是什么意思?


1 . )That-从句作主语通常用it作先行词,而将that-从句置于句末,例如:

2 . She left the bag on the bus but it may not be there any longer 她把包忘在了公共汽车上,可是现在也许不在那儿了。

3 . Thisisimportant(这事很重要。

4 . NothingI&#;mjusttired(没什么。我只是累了。

5 . 表语:The fact is that he has not been seen recently 事实是近来谁也没有见过他。

6 . 打什么鬼主意呢?(你忙什么呢?

7 . __________________________________________________。

8 . 有些人不愿承认自己是富家出身。

9 . Home(回家。

10 . Somethingiswrongwithyoutoday




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