
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-18 12:08:45


1 . after all毕竟,到底; at all一点也不; all at once 突然; once and for all只此一次; above all最重要的`; first of all首先; all in all大体上说; be all in累极了; all but几乎

2 . 那真是好时光

3 . fight

4 . make an attempt at doing sth 试图做

5 . beconsistentwith与一致beconsistentin一贯的

6 . be certain of 有把握,一定

7 . keep an eye on照看,监视

8 . 你穿那种颜色很好看。(搞不好,她会买一大堆那种颜色的衣服。

9 . contributeto有助于

10 . in the extreme 极其


1 . have an advantage over胜过··· have the advantage of由于处于有利条件have the advantage of sb知道某人所不知道的事

2 . contraryto与相反

3 . in case of 如果发生万一in the case of至于,就而言

4 . give sth one&#;s best shot

5 . If the shoe fits, wear it

6 . give expression to 表达, 表现

7 . like two peas in a pod

8 . in existence存在 come into existence 出现

9 . be anxious about为焦急不安;或anxious for

10 . on no account 绝不要,无论如何不要


1 . Thisisreallyaniceplace

2 . come into existence 开始存在;

3 . in accordance with 依照,根据

4 . Forgive and forget

5 . becapableof能够,有能力becapableofbeing+过去分词是能够被的

6 . in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间

7 . above all 尤其是,最重要的

8 . by birth在出生上,论出身,按血统at birth在出生时; give birth to出生

9 . What one doesn&#;t know won&#;t hurt one

10 . expectof 在期望


1 . access to 能接近,进入,了解

2 . concentrateon集中,专心

3 . 财政的,金融的

4 . complywith遵守,依从

5 . 你真幽默。(别人讲笑话不管好笑不好笑,都用这句。

6 . boast of 吹嘘

7 . conceiveof想象,设想

8 . 你很有品位。(高层次的赞美。

9 . Youhaveaverysuccessfulbusiness

10 . for the benefit of为了的利益


1 . If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is

2 . Youarelookingsharp

3 . in case 万一;

4 . abundant in 富于,富有

5 . in blossom开花 be in blossom开花 come into blossom开花

6 . service to 服务,贡献 similarity between 的相似之处

7 . apply to与有关;适用

8 . adhere to 粘附;坚持,遵循

9 . in advance 预告,事先

10 . on behalf of 以名义


1 . be acquainted with 了解; 熟悉

2 . with one accord 一致地

3 . on business出差办事

4 . 你的中文令人惊讶!(用来鼓励说汉语的老外。

5 . answer to 适合,符合

6 . find expression in 表现

7 . takethefloor起立发言

8 . Youraresosmart

9 . 虚构,编造;小说

10 . in addition to 除外


1 . in any case 无论如何

2 . 人各有所好

3 . 直接地

4 . take advantage of 利用

5 . attend to 注意,照顾; attend on 侍候,照料

6 . You can&#;t win them all

7 . Everythingtastesgreat

8 . 这真是个好地方!(随口就说且效果很好的赞美!

9 . Monkey see, monkey do

10 . Different strokes for different folks




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