
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-18 12:56:32


1 . Thistypewriterisverycheapandfineindeed

2 . 最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。

3 . 青白的曙光和淡淡的晨雾交融在一起,点染着山山水水。

4 . People used to ……however , things are quite different today

5 . To strive for a referral, the performance is two

6 . If you dont work hard, dont try to succeed

7 . 啊,校园的清晨!这里是一天的开始,这里是人生的起步;理想的种子要播种,人生的意义要认识……

8 . 向天下所有妈妈们准妈妈们致敬,您辛苦了!

9 . Cherish the time to create wonders without the rain or the rainbow

10 . Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you Happy Mother’s Day


1 . Those who avoid reality will have a worse future

2 . 刚收到货,很好,物超所值!!以后还来!

3 . Smoking can cause many kinds of illnesses,such as lung cancer

4 . We can enjoy the beauty of naturehere

5 . 虽然您不轻易表露,但我知道您一直都在关心着我。谢谢您,妈妈!

6 . I feel sad about it

7 . 感谢老板,送个真诚的好评!

8 . 有时候我哭泣而使您叹息,但您却知道,我是如此地爱您。

9 . Everybody should have a dream

10 . Hoist your sail and strive hard Look at my class, magnificent


1 . 他知道有无穷的快乐藏在妈妈的心的小小一隅里,被妈妈亲爱的手臂拥抱着,其甜美远胜过自由。

2 . Remember to obey traffic rules

3 . As long as you are determined to succeed, failure will never knock you down

4 . 这是一个群山环绕的村落。

5 . 掌柜太善良,真是干一行懂一行呀。在掌柜的指导下我都快变内行人士!

6 . Mom, I can&#;t send you a bunch of Carnation cause I&#;m not by your side, but I hope this text-message can tell my greeting May you can be healthy and happy forever!

7 . 希望今天,所有的母亲都会从心里微笑,为了儿女,为了所有,只要妈妈快乐,我们就快乐!

8 . For three years, I have tried my best to pay for it One hundred days of hard work on the oath

9 . 终于拿到啦~~好开心那!

10 . 这家店还好吧。来买过几次,服务老客户非常周到,以后还常来!


1 . 晨曦给山峰罩上了一层薄薄的轻纱,远处山丘若隐若现。

2 . 远处传来一片鸡啼之声,此起彼伏,一唱百和,恰似一派清新的晨曲,正在迎接着黎明的到来。天要亮了,东边的山呈现出乌蓝色,山上方苍白的天空渐渐晕起来,地平线上面的云块像赤金似的闪闪发光。

3 . To succeed, go crazy first and make up your mind to go ahead

4 . Experience; Only then will understand; Has pays only then repays

5 . To surpass the dream, to fly a class of invincible, to kill the same level; Make concerted efforts and achieve good results

6 . Nowadays ,many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin Unfortunately ,for most young people ,it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus

7 . 货到,比图片上看到的好多Q!

8 . 他从不承认自己的失败。

9 . 清晨,美好的清晨,我们这群刚刚出土的苗苗,抬头仰望五彩缤纷的天空―一幅壮丽的祖国未来的蓝图,拿起知识的画笔去描绘,去添彩。听,琅琅的读书声一浪高过一浪,我们没有浪费这金色的早晨,金子似的时间……

10 . All things are not afraid, as long as they are good


1 . 合作愉快,已经确认付款,请查收!

2 . Without regrets, passion is infinite

3 . 每个人都该有个梦想。

4 . 在生命的延续里,我是黎明,是夜孕育了我。夜告诉我,要敢于暴露自我―不论是优点还是缺点;人,要有勇气敲打自己,激励自己,抛开所有肮脏的东西,去孕育一个清纯新鲜的晨。

5 . 昨天拿到的,谢谢!

6 . 质量很好,希望更多的朋友信赖.

7 . People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation

8 . Thematchattractedalargecrowd

9 . 祝愿你有一个好的旅行。

10 . 母亲节给妈妈:谢谢您为我做了那么多奇妙的事。


1 . 狼是高度群体化的动物,它们的成功依赖于合作。

2 . 我们也许不是一直都像天使那样乖巧,但我们确实感谢您的教诲。

3 . 货好,人更好!简单就好!

4 . The firm belief that the three years of grinding the sword will inspire this strong and fearless team to the glory of the year!

5 . Behind every effort, there must be a double reward

6 . 店主态度特好,我会再次光顾的.

7 . Sofastdoeslighttravelthatwecanhardlyimagineitsspeed

8 . Strive to strive for success; Cheer for yourself tomorrow

9 . 晓星隐去了,天色迅速变化着,由鱼白色,变成暗蓝色又变成明朗透蓝的颜色。

10 . Sow the work, the harvest is successful


1 . 网上购物这么激烈,没想到店家的服务这么好,商品质量好而价低廉,我太感谢你!

2 . A ten year cold window sharpens the sword, and in June the sand field tries the edge

3 . 无意中来到你小铺就淘到心意的宝贝,心情不错!

4 . 价格很优惠,服务也很好,东西不错,哈哈

5 . Only through hard work can we become good steel

6 . 天气转晴了,这是我们没有想到的。

7 . 店家很讲信誉,而且很不错哦,在这家店买东东,我很满意~

8 . With perseverance and perseverance, we can overcome all difficulties in a planned way

9 . 记住要遵守交通规则。

10 . 这张卡片是想告诉您,在教养子女方面,您做得棒极了。


1 . 宝贝质量不错,很喜欢。谢谢掌柜。

2 . 告诉我这事的人不肯告诉我他的名字。

3 . Better eat a hundred days No regrets

4 . 五月的康乃馨,没有雍容华丽的姿态,没有浓香四溢的味道,只是清清淡淡的样子,就象母亲。祝妈妈母亲节快乐!

5 . 黎明,不知什么时候撕裂了黑夜的袭装,在窗玻璃上抹了一层淡蓝。

6 . Accept failure, but dont give up

7 . Most people want to change the world, but few want to change themselves

8 . 有时候好像不是这样,但是我真的爱您。

9 . 启明星正在渐渐淡起来的天幕上闪烁,周围的景物已现出了轮廓,秀丽的山峦,高大的棕桐,炯娜的`凤尾竹,在晶蓝的天幕上留下一幅幅绝妙的剪影,真是美极了。

10 . First class, the fight is not short, days struggle, not afraid of danger




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