
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-20 08:40:08


1 . 荷笠带斜阳,青山独归远。——刘长卿《送灵澈上人》

2 . (先苦后甜,苦尽甘来。

3 . (毅力在效果上有时候能同天才相比。

4 . 笑看人生峰高处,唯有磨难多正果。

5 . Activity is the only road to knowledge

6 . Can only walk on the concrete person, never left a deep footprint。

7 . (我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。

8 . Road is their choice, regret, also can only to their belly pharynx。

9 . When there’s no expectation, losing won’t bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised

10 . 第条 莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。


1 . 第条 有山就有路,有河就能渡。

2 . Live a noble and honest life Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again

3 . 谁拒爱于门外,也必将被爱拒诸门外。

4 . 赤帜插城扉,东君整驾归。

5 . Success never like meeting a bum, but wake up lazy。

6 . If they throw stones at you, don’t throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead

7 . 我喜欢这样的时刻:我抓到你正在看我,你笑了,然后害羞地别过脸去。

8 . Perseverance can somtimes equal genius in its results

9 . If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere

10 . 绿杨堤畔闹荷花。——仲殊《南柯子•十里青山远》


1 . (我坚信我一定能成功。

2 . Miracles sometimes occur,but one has to work terribly for them

3 . In fair weather prepare for foul

4 . All things in their being are good for something

5 . 作者:陆游

6 . After the waves of hone, smooth pebble became more beautiful。

7 . Wit once bought is worth twice taught由经验而得的智慧,胜于学习而得的智慧;一次亲身的体会,胜过两次的教师教导。

8 . 第条 只要路是对的,就不怕路远。

9 . All things are difficult before they are easy

10 . 遥远的将不再遥远,平凡的已不再平凡。


1 . 雁引愁心去,山衔好月来。——李白《与夏十二登岳阳楼》

2 . 如果别人朝你扔石头,就不要扔回去了,留着作你建高楼的基石。

3 . 第条 The past belongs to the death, now belongs to oneself

4 . 第条 人各有志,自己的路自己走。

5 . 狠抓基础是成功的基础持之以恒是胜利的保证。

6 . 第条 The wise man seeks the time, and the fool moves against the time

7 . 芳菲歇去何须恨,夏木阴阴正可人。——秦观《三月晦日偶题》

8 . 昊天出华月,茂林延疏光。——杜甫《夏夜叹》

9 . Wealth is the test of a man&#;s character财富是对一个人品格的试金石。

10 . 事虽微,不为不成;道虽迩,不行不至。




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