
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-18 15:22:54


1 . prospect 前景

2 . 聪明的;巧妙的 smart

3 . Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do 做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。

4 . Poodles were once used as retrievers in duck hunting, but the American Kennel Club does not consider them sporting dogs because they are now primarily kept as pets

5 . 生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。

6 . The boy felt _____________(窘迫 in front of such a big crowd

7 . 长袜 stocking

8 . availability 可得到的东西

9 . amusement 娱乐

10 . Although the road is endless and faraway, I still want to pursue the truth in the world。


1 . so that the local people lost their homes

2 . 六 six

3 . Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event’s occurring is equal to the probability that it will not occur

4 . The meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we had to put it off

5 . Along with these physical changes, there come many psy chological changes

6 . principle 原则

7 . 雪人 snowman

8 . immunity 免疫力

9 . cybercrime 网络犯罪

10 . 世上最重要的事,不在于我们在何处,而在于我们朝着什么方向走。


1 . Not every morning wake up your alarm clock, but dream! 每天早上叫醒你的不是闹钟,而是梦想!

2 . 秒 second

3 . No social crusade aroused Elizabeth Williams’ enthusiasm more than the expansion of educational facilities for immigrants to the United States

4 . Every noble work is at first impossible

5 . Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you learn to eat hard at first

6 . Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion

7 . 珍珠的色泽受到作为其母体牡蛎种类及牡蛎生活水域的深度,温度和含盐度的制约。

8 . 电话 telephone

9 . 洗 wash

10 . 五Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill


1 . 每个;所有的 every

2 . 人们已经发现,某些蝙蝠发出尖叫声并靠接受回响来锁定和避免障碍物——或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫。蝙蝠这种回响定位法常拿来和原理与之很相近似的雷达相比。

3 . 优化历史是由一连串的迷人事件组成,其源头大概可以上溯到最早的图画。

4 . 别浪费你的时间试着劝他学习了,他从来不听的。(waste time doing

5 . 绕口令 tongue twister

6 . 毛衣 sweater

7 . 那;那个 that

8 . 水满则溢,月满则亏;自满则败,自矜则愚。

9 . _______________(令人惊讶地, MrsHall did not know her guest’s name

10 . In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different。——Coco Chanel 要做到不可替代,就要与众不同。——香奈儿


1 . We laugh at jokes, but seldom do we think about how they work

2 . domain 领域

3 . 更高的` taller

4 . 有志者事竟成。

5 . 水 water

6 . assessment 评估

7 . Billie Holiday’s作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。

8 . Therebuilttheirshabbycabinandbuiltanotherhouseusingthewoodhecut

9 . 说 say

10 . 迈开脚步,再长的路也不在话下;停滞不前,再短的路也难以到达。


1 . 三 three

2 . beneficiacry 受益人

3 . incisive adj深刻的,尖锐的,激烈的

4 . endeavor 努力做

5 . forefather/ancestors 祖先

6 . 谁言别后终无悔,寒月清宵绮梦回。深知身在情长在,前尘不共彩云飞。

7 . inequality 不平等

8 . 位卑未敢忘忧国,事定犹须待盖棺。

9 . 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。

10 . 茶 tea


1 . 三十 thirty

2 . 太阳镜 sunglasses

3 . 据发现,吸烟对吸烟者和附近的人的健康有不良影响。( have an effect on )

4 . Never do something permanently stupid just because you are temporarily upset 不要因为一时的心烦,做出一辈子的傻事。

5 . They all thought that it was my first visit to the city As a matter of fact, I had lived here for two years

6 . decision-making 决策

7 . 北美秃头鹰的数量一度很多,但在近四十年中全北美的秃头鹰数量急剧下降。

8 . stereotype 成见

9 . 这些 these

10 . abuse 滥用




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