
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-18 16:49:23


1 . 没有目标的人永远为有目标的人去努力。

2 . 理想是黑暗中的一盏名灯,能照亮跋涉者心中的每一个角落。

3 . Youth is the happiest time of life, but it is always full of hope, and not just because of what has been or what to escape -- anonymous

4 . Having a dream is only a kind of intelligence, it is a kind of ability to realize the dream

5 . 请允许我把你介绍给我的`同学。

6 . Have you somewhat to do tomorrow, do it today明天如有事,今天就去做。

7 . 她说:“我在找我们感情中的浪漫,好久没看到了,你知道它在哪儿吗?

8 . Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass——John Ruskin

9 . _________

10 . 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有


1 . 世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。

2 . 有积极心态的人不把时间精力花在小事情上。

3 . Do as most men do and men will speak well of thee

4 . 如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。

5 . C How do you do? D Thank you

6 . Diligence is the mother of good fortune勤勉是好运之母。

7 . 第一步是最关键的一步。

8 . 回头的人永远到不了最高峰!

9 . Sharp tools make good work

10 . May I introduce you to my friend Hang Kai?


1 . 理想不是一只细磁碗,破碎了不有锔补;理想是朵花,谢落了可以重新开放。

2 . Genius only means hard-working all one&#;s life——Mendeleyev

3 . 迎着阳光开放的花朵才美丽,伴着革命理想的爱情才甜蜜。——莫贵英

4 . 业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思而毁于惰。 ——韩愈

5 . Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn in no other经验学校学费高,愚人旁处学不到。

6 . Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。

7 . Laojifuli, One aims for the far-off future martyrs Munian, in high aspirations

8 . Best wishes to the beloved birthday, to the cause of intimate daughter, is willing to be particularly happy in this day, she always laugh happy

9 . A work ill done must be twice done

10 . Never think yourself above business


1 . A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm——C M Schwab

2 . An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding——Robert Louis Stevenson

3 . 没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。——巴尔扎克

4 . 工欲善其事,必先利其器。

5 . Go ahead, makes the boat of life, without attachment and berth, sailing boat will always open a new flower

6 . I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards

7 . Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished——Swetchine

8 . D Oh, you are my new neighbor

9 . 青年人,更重要的是看到明天,抓住今天,在宁静中奋进,也许在明天旭日出山之前,你又创造了奇迹!

10 . 想把事情来做好,就得亲自动手搞。


1 . Happiness takes no account of time欢娱不惜时光逝。

2 . Everything has its time and that time must be watched万物皆有时,时来不可失。

3 . 这下他实在忍不住,便开口问:“你到底在找什么?

4 . 梦想是人们与生俱来的重要宝物之一,它等待你的珍视和实践。——邹金宏

5 . A Nice to meet you B Me, too

6 . Victory won&#;t come to me unless I go to it——MMoore

7 . In our task at the beginning of mind decided finally had much success, which is more than any other factor is very important

8 . 时间是个多才多艺的表演者。它能展翅飞翔,能阔步前进,能治愈创伤,能消逝而去,也能揭示真相。——Franklin PJones

9 . Important principles may and must be flexible

10 . 事业虽扰人,懒惰害更大。


1 . When we start with a positive attitude and view themselves as successful when we start a success

2 . 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。——马丁·路德·金

3 . 失败乃成功之母。

4 . All that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right——RH Stoddard

5 . You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future Once time is wasted, life is wasted

6 . 我在自己的一生里也曾经历过被遗弃和背叛的痛苦。可是有一种东西却救了我:我的生活永远是有目的有意义的,这就是为社会主义而奋斗。——奥斯特洛夫斯基

7 . 如果你很有天赋,勤勉会使其更加完善;如果你能力一般,勤勉会补足其缺陷。——美国散文家雷诺兹

8 . 勤工出巧匠。

9 . 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

10 . 对任何技能的掌握都需要一生的刻苦操练。




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