
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-19 00:00:07


1 . drawacnclusin得出结论

2 . n四分之一;一刻钟

3 . We prefer music that has great lyrics我们更喜欢歌词很棒的曲子。

4 . If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也失去了群星。——《泰戈尔诗集》

5 . such as 诸如,例如

6 . keep out of 躲开,置身之外

7 . Alone, there is no one in your heart Lonely, you are not in the heart of the people are not around

8 . lint将…和…连接或联系起来

9 . 第二种看法是在吃饭的时候人们把这种病毒引入体内的。

10 . He。


1 . 但当他一想到要帮助患病的普通老百姓,特别是那些得了霍乱的患者时,他就感到很振奋。

2 . 。beafraidtodosth。

3 . ever so 非常,极其

4 . v害怕;担心

5 . n要求,必要条件

6 . 唐老鸭

7 . We’d like to be away for three weeks 我们大约要去三个星期

8 . n狐狸

9 . Whatever comes, I’ll love you, just as I do now Until I die(无论发生什么事,我都会像现在一样爱你,直到永远)——《乱世佳人》

10 . 生活是蜿蜒在山中的小径,坎坷不平。


1 . bend ones knee to 向跪下,屈服于

2 . Ann Ann Mo in contentment; Wei Mo Wei to many words; good music to Mo Mo suffer from corrupt bitter

3 . keep up 继续;坚持,维持

4 . cntributet为…作贡献或捐款,导致,有助于

5 . "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" “不论我们的灵魂是什么做成的,他的和我的是一模一样的。”—艾米莉勃朗特的小说《呼啸山庄》

6 . 看是只有他的新理论才能作出解释。

7 . No more mystery in Bell Tower neighborhood钟塔附近不再有神秘的事了。

8 . inasummerEnglishcourse,anditstartsJuly。

9 . Thisbasketballmatchwasweit。

10 . 。getseparated


1 . l like places where the weather is always warm

2 . I wish I could be more like you(我要像你一样就好了)——《乱世佳人》

3 . 。这场篮球比赛太激烈了,我们直到看完才吃晚饭。

4 . dependonstayintouch(withsb。)

5 . You’re throwing away happiness with both hands And reaching out for something that will never make you happy(你把自己的幸福拱手相让,去追求一些根本不会让你幸福的东西)——《乱世佳人》

6 . It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest宁穷勿贱。

7 . 成功的门往往虚掩着,只要你勇敢去推,它就会豁然洞开。

8 . Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death A world in which there is no place for me(现在我发现自己活在一个比死还要痛苦的世界,一个无我容身之处的世界)——《乱世佳人》

9 . Most people speak English as a second language 英语对于大多数人来说是第二语言。

10 . leadt导致,通向


1 . 。他给了我一个灿烂的微笑。

2 . One finger can’t left a small stone独木难支。

3 . ad卓越的;极好的

4 . thespecialprizeinthecompositioncompetition。

5 . Memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little记流行歌曲的词也起作用。

6 . n类型

7 . kill off 消灭,杀光

8 . Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money乘坐出租车游览巴黎要花费很多钱

9 . If I were you, I’d eat nuts instead如果我是你,我会改吃坚果。

10 . What would you do if you had a million dollars? 如果你有一百万美元,你会怎么做呢?


1 . You must always hide medicine from children你必须把药藏到小孩子们看不到的地方。

2 . Your job is cool or horrible, depending on your own opinion

3 . 生活不是单行线,一条路走不通,你可以转弯。

4 . 那些年错过的爱情,好想拥抱你拥抱错过的勇气。

5 . Life is a journey of constant experience, learning, and enjoyment

6 . 。haveafight

7 . Iheardinthenextdoor。

8 . formclosefriendshipwithsb。

9 . ad醒着的

10 . 江南风骨,天水成碧,天教心愿与身违。




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