
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-11-21 11:58:35


1 . One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to forget are already gone

2 . Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill

3 . The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible " (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor

4 . 如果你竭尽全力,你就不用担心失败。

5 . Life doesn&#;t get easier, you just get stronger

6 . 举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。

7 . When you are young, you may want several love experiences But as timegoes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the wholelife will not be enough You need time to know, to forgive and to loveAll this needs a very big mind

8 . :the more you care, the more you have to lose在意的越多,失去的就越多。

9 . Only those who are asleep make no mistakes。

10 . I just love it when people say I can’t do it, there’s nothing that makes me feel better because all my life, people have said that I wasn’t going to make it。


1 . :you had me at hello在第一次见面时你就拥有了我。

2 . If you are doing your best,you will not have to worry about failure

3 . 没有友谊的滋润灌溉,生命只是一种浪费。

4 . 天生我才必有用。

5 . 如今又要离去的友人,至诚地祝福你拥有更美好的前程,以及光辉灿烂的人生。

6 . 夜莺困笼不唱歌。

7 . Least said, soonest mended

8 . :because of loving you so much that i stood aside although my figure left you away, my heart didn’t today i have made up my mind to say “i love you”正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天 终于鼓起勇气,向你表达 的爱。

9 . Ted Turner, Founder of CNN

10 . There’s nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears


1 . 伟大的工作是源于坚持不懈,而不是一时的热情。

2 . 或许,人生重要的不是我们走了哪条路,而是我们是否迈出了脚步。

3 . 如果你能数得清自己有多少钱,那你肯定不是亿万富翁。

4 . 怀念的情愫在心中滋长,问候远方的好友,送上我最美好的祝福。

5 . 苦难是人生最伟大的老师。

6 . In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely

7 . 只要心里还存着不甘心,就还未到放弃的时候。

8 . 我会将我们的美好回忆永远珍藏

9 . The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time

10 . :love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。


1 . If you can count your money, you don’t have a billion dollars。

2 . 不管雨下多久,最终彩虹总会出现。

3 . "The final value of life lies in the awakening and the ability to think, not only is survival - Aristotle "

4 . Live beautifully, dream passionately, love completely

5 . 规则二:永远别忘了规则一。

6 . Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy

7 . The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of theirdreams

8 . 亚里士多德-奥纳西斯,希腊船王

9 . If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden

10 . 任何不快乐的时光都是浪费。


1 . 告别林荫校园,扬帆起航,展开拼搏的篇章;告别书声琅琅,豪情万丈,追逐心中的梦想;告别昔日同窗,情谊绵长,寄语真情的愿望。毕业之际,愿你怀着憧憬,迈向成功的方向!

2 . Nopains,nogains

3 . 我们携手跨进知识的殿堂,我们一起品尝智慧的琼浆,我们共同编织彩色的梦想,我们相约为彼此默默祝福,亲爱的朋友,六月的时光里我们定将迈向光明的坦途。

4 . 人生最终的价值在于觉醒和思考的能力,而不只在于生存。——亚里士多德

5 . 炫耀什么,缺少什么;掩饰什么,自卑什么。所谓正常人,只是自我防御比较好的人。真正的心理健康,是不设防而又不受害。

6 . :shadow, with her veil drawn, follows light in secret meekness, with her silent steps of love 阴影戴上她的面幕,秘密地,温顺地,用她的沉默的爱的脚步,跟在“光”后边。

7 . I&#;m doing okay, not great, not amazing, not horrible,just okay And that is okay

8 . 你若想得到这世界最好的东西,先得让世界看到最好的你。

9 . Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple

10 . 报纸是世界之镜。




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