
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-19 19:13:52


1 . inrdert为了

2 . cever过来

3 . compare…to/compare…with与…相比

4 . Education should not be considered to be a privilege in a modern society

5 . enughstress足够的压力

6 . aquantityof/quantitiesof+n大量的

7 . breakdown(机器破坏,损坏;(人)身体出毛病;(计划等)受挫,失败

8 . getsthwet使某物弄湿

9 . atrickofthetrade职业诀窍

10 . CuldI+dsth?


1 . worriedaboutthetimeavailable,zhangpingyuhadmadealistofthesitesshewantedtoseeinlondon

2 . atwar(with…(与……)交战中

3 . debatesthwithsb与某人讨论争辩

4 . 这三个国家惊奇地发现他们是和平地而没有通过战争联合起来了。

5 . comeandseemewheneveritisconvenienttoyou

6 . what if 如果将会怎样

7 . 整整一周,她什么家务活都不干了,我也一样。

8 . suchthat 那样的以致

9 . In the past years , Suzhou has been transformed into an advanced industrial city

10 . getsethingtdrin拿点喝的东西


1 . 很显然音乐和布景是这部另人惊异的作品的重要的因素( the key components of…

2 . insurprise惊讶地

3 . IPhrases

4 . What’shisname?HisnameisZhangPeng他叫什么名字?他叫张鹏。

5 . comeacross偶遇;穿过

6 . makeanappointmentwithsb与某人约会,预约

7 . Culduplease…dsth?

8 . 你是否有这样的情况:有人控告你手下的记者的报道完全失实?

9 . cometo结果达到;苏醒

10 . comeup上来;被提出讨论;发芽


1 . ever since 从那时起,自那时以来

2 . gooutonastory外出采访

3 . ThisismyclassroomIt’sbig这是我的教室。它很大。

4 . 有人认为全球变暖会导致海平面上升好几米;也有人预言会出现严重的风暴干旱饥荒疫病和物种的灭绝.

5 . 对于用来描述这四个国家的词语,现在已经没有争辩的必要了。

6 . in/withrelationto(介)关于……;和……相关

7 . busesnacs买些小吃

8 . Together,individualsmakeadifference众人拾柴火焰高。

9 . 我一在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。

10 . lafter/taecaref照顾;照看


1 . 张华没有去学校读书,而是去参军了。(instead of)

2 . getthewrongendofthestick完全搞错了

3 . Putyournotebookinyourbag把你的笔记本放进书包。

4 . hatetdsth讨厌做某事

5 . He is a friend that you can trust He has never broken his promise to anyone

6 . adapt to 适应

7 . heatup受热

8 . resultin导致

9 . soastodosth(句中为了……

10 . allda/evening整曰/夜


1 . bring…with…随身携带

2 . He asked for advice from his colleagues on how to exercise control over the pace of the experiment

3 . putupwith…忍受

4 . hangut闲逛

5 . comeupwith追上;赶上

6 . As we all know,oil plays an important role in our national economics。

7 . develpchildren‘sindependence

8 . 温室效应使得地球表面的平均气温达到了℃

9 . go wrong 发生故障,出毛病;出错,犯错误

10 . neitherdidI


1 . betrappedin被困在……

2 . makeadifference有影响;有关系

3 . beofinterest=beinteresting有趣的

4 . dependn依赖;依靠

5 . sitdwn坐下

6 . Elvis&#; musical life was cut short when he was drafted into the army in

7 . McaeverassnasIsatdwninfrnt

8 . 做某人分内的事

9 . that is 就是说,即

10 . accusesbofsth=chargesbwithsth指控某人做某事


1 . becuriousabout对……感到好奇

2 . polishthestyle润色语言风格

3 . awasteftie浪费时间

4 . taketheplaceof代替

5 . betodo必将/将要/应该

6 . During the s, R&B changed modern music further and led to what we know as rock and roll

7 . HowmanyChinesebookscanyousee?Icansee你能看见多少本书?我能看见二十本。

8 . 年,他第一次上台表演。从那以后,他越来越受欢迎了。(for the first time)

9 . be/getabsorbedin专心于,集中精力于

10 . comein进来;到达


1 . buildup逐渐建立

2 . In , he performed on stage for the first time Since then, his popularity has grown greatly

3 . taesbfrawal带某人去散步

4 . 我说的只适用于你们当的一部分人(apply… to …

5 . beeagertodosth/forsth渴望做……/……

6 . defend…against…为某人辩护

7 . dchres做杂务

8 . Thatprobablydoesn’tsoundverymuchtoyouortomebutitisarapidincreasecomparedtomostnaturalchanges

9 . asaresultof=inconsequenceof由于…的缘故

10 . 在过去的二十年里,苏州已经变成了一个先进的工业城市。(transform…into…




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