
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-19 22:36:58


1 . 又到国庆节了,在这举国欢庆的日子里,希望你快乐如夕,永远幸福。国庆节快乐!

2 . The practice of making excellent films based on rather obscure novels has been going on so long in the United States as to constitute a tradition

3 . Before staring on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter

4 . 用怪罪别人的办法来解决问题通常被称为寻找替罪羊。

5 . 国泰民安: wish our country flourishes and people live in peace

6 . 树 tree

7 . 应该 should

8 . 每天 every day

9 . 九月 September

10 . happy National Day! Health!


1 . 浇花 water the flowers

2 . 服务员 waiter

3 . Yes,Ilikeit是的,我喜欢它

4 . 第十二 twelfth

5 . I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield

6 . 小升初英语必背单词(字母W开头)

7 . 七十 seventy

8 . This is for all the things that you have done for me

9 . 测试 test

10 . Among almost seven hundred species of bamboo, some are fully grown at less than a foot high, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours


1 . 说 talk

2 . 热烈祝贺你的生日,捎给你我对你的爱,也寄去一件小礼物,多保重!

3 . 美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。

4 . 跷跷板 seesaw

5 . 愿你的生日带给你无限快乐的一年,请接受我的生日祝福!

6 . 金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑容伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达!!!

7 . 玩具 toy

8 . 在早晨,我们离开家,带上我们的爱希望还有信任。当我们 在路途中遭遇了难以避免的挫折,这些就是我们的财富。

9 . 真菌在腐化过程中十分重要,而腐化过程将化学物质回馈于土壤,提高其肥力,并分解动物粪便。

10 . 泰迪熊 teddy bear


1 . 大学 university

2 . Allow me to congratulate you with all my best wishes upon your having reached your sixtieth birthday May you live a long, healthy and joyful life

3 . 给;对 to

4 . The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken

5 . 从……获得乐趣 enjoy

6 . The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed

7 . Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises

8 . 诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。

9 . During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became what is now Indiana and Ohio

10 . 祝您父亲节快乐!万事如意!


1 . 每个人 everyone

2 . 谢谢 thanks

3 . It has been found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes, they can locate and steer clear of obstacles------or locate flying insects on which they feed This echo-location in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar

4 . 扫地 sweep the floor

5 . 科学家曾相信:氙气是不能形成化合物的。

6 . 第三 third

7 . 种子 seed

8 . and prosperity with many returns of the day

9 . Alexander Graham Bell曾告诉家人,他更愿意让后人记住他是聋子的老师,而非电话的发明者。

10 . 生日快乐,祝你今天过得愉快!


1 . 洗 wash

2 . The annual worth of Utah’s manufacturing is greater than that of its mining and farming combined

3 . 冬季 winter

4 . 再找个喜欢的人在一起,这样晚上八点到早晨六点就是开心的,这就是生活。

5 . Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng everything This grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky! 万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。举国上下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。愿这盛大的节日带给你永远的幸运!

6 . A wish for your wonderful birthday that brings a world of bright and lovely things to remember each day through the year

7 . In the eastern part of New Jersey lies the city of Elizabeth, a major shipping and manufacturing center

8 . People in prehistoric times created paints by grinding materials such as plants and clay into power and then adding water

9 . 比较 than


1 . 吃 eat

2 . national day, the national day, celebrating the country the birthday wish you good mood every day happy, eternal happiness! 国庆,国庆,举国欢庆。祖国生日祝你美好心情,天天开心,快乐永恒!

3 . In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what he considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology

4 . 秒 second

5 . His teaching began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but William Rainey Harper lured him to the new university of Chicago, where he remained officially for exactly a generation and where his students in advanced composition found him terrifyingly frigid in the classroom but sympathetic and understanding in their personal conferences

6 . 祝您有个最棒的父亲节。

7 . Look at the sky: it&#;s ready for you Look at the faces of everyone in the street: they are also prepared for you When you have nothing, wake up in the morning to think about this

8 . 愿你宿愿得偿,快乐幸福更胜以往。

9 . 我们祝你欢庆这一天,愿你生日的快乐与分俱增!

10 . Wish you a happy Father&#;s Day and the best of everything!




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