
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-20 03:19:59


1 . 心头常亮红绿灯,安全行驶伴人生。

2 . Among almost seven hundred species of bamboo, some are fully grown at less than a foot high, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours

3 . 文明交通,一路春风

4 . 膝盖是大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处。

5 . Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact

6 . I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield

7 . The beaver chews down trees to get food and material with which to build its home

8 . 历代文学作品中的英雄本色虽各有千秋,但其昭世功力却是恒古不变的。

9 . 礼让一秒一步,平安一生一世

10 . WeboughtalotofthingsTheclothesherearegoodandcheap。


1 . 遵守交通标志标线,关爱你我生命旅程。

2 . 心无交规,路有坎坷。

3 . 上车队伍齐,下车不拥挤。

4 . 一句叮咛,一份关心;一次礼让,一种文明;一心驾驶,一路安宁。

5 . 再宽,注意油门;路,再宽,注意前方;心,再急,注意车速。

6 . 科学家曾相信:氙气是不能形成化合物的。

7 . Igotupveryearly(lateAfterbreakfastIwenttowithmyfriendsbybike,bus,

8 . 路上多礼让,道宽心更宽

9 . InChinathemostimportantholidayistheSpringFestival。

10 . The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken


1 . 心平气和莫着急,行车安全没问题。

2 . 音叉被敲击时,产生几乎纯质的音调,其音量经久不衰。

3 . 行车饮酒点滴,一路潜伏危

4 . With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors

5 . 生命只有一次,平安伴君一生。

6 . Weshoulddomoreexercise。

7 . 走过春夏秋冬,安全永驻心中。

8 . The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is not clearly understood

9 . Stone does decay, and so tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the man who made them have disappeared without trace

10 . IlikeEnglishandtrymybesttolearnit。


1 . 做一名美和爱的使者。

2 . Ifeveryonemakescontributiontoprotectingtheenvironment,theworldwillbecomemuchmorebeautiful。

3 . Hehasshorthair。

4 . 诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。

5 . Anarchism is a term describing a cluster of doctrines and attitudes whose principal uniting feature is the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary

6 . 行车千万里,安全硬道理。

7 . The United States Constitution requires that President be a natural-born citizen, thirty-five years of age or older, who has lived in the United States for a minimum of fourteen years

8 . 无证驾驶,害人害己。

9 . Jimcleanedtheroomanddothehousework。

10 . 要出远门了,万事小心啊,可不能开车时走神啊,家里的人可都是在等着你回来啊。


1 . LastSunday(Saturday,,itwassunny(rainy,windy,foggy,

2 . John Crowe Ransom在他的著作中描述了他认为是由科学技术给社会带来的精神贫困。

3 . 红灯很短暂,人生却漫长,绿灯还会亮,生命不重来

4 . Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued

5 . 珍爱生命,莫闯红灯

6 . 长卷毛狗曾被用作猎鸭时叼回猎物的猎犬,但是美国Kennel Club却不承认它们为猎犬,因为它们现在大多数作为宠物饲养。

7 . It is impossible to say simply for the fun and exercise: as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are around

8 . 由于空间不足,艺术博物馆在考虑购买和接受捐赠的艺术品是越来越慎重,有些情况下放弃其进一步改善收藏的机会。

9 . 宁绕百步远,不抢一步险。

10 . 他的教书生涯始于麻省理工学院,但是William Rainey Harper把他吸引到了新成立的芝加哥大学。他在那里正式任职长达整整一代人的时间。他的高级课上的学生觉得他在课上古板得可怕,但私下交流却富有同情和理解。


1 . Billie Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs

2 . 水獭啃倒树木,以便取食物并获得造窝的材料。

3 . 生活

4 . 随着芯片制造时间和费用降低到了几天和几百美元,工程师们可能很快可以任他们的想象驰骋而不会被昂贵的失败所惩罚。

5 . In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what he considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology

6 . 绿灯可以再等,生命不能重来

7 . 路上多一分安全,生活多一分快乐。

8 . 人类学是一门科学,因为人类学家采用一整套强有力的方法和技术来记录观测结果,而这样记录下来的观测结果是供他人核查的。

9 . The pigmentation of a pearl is influenced by the type of oyster in which it develops and by the depth, temperature, and the salt content of the water in which the oyster lives

10 . HeisoutgoingEveryonelikestotalkwithhimHegetsonwellwithus。


1 . The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support

2 . The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than those of the domestic marketer

3 . 手握方向盘,绷紧安全弦。

4 . 骨头看起来是脆硬的,但它也有一定的弹性,使得骨骼能够承受相当的打击。

5 . 文明每一步,安全每一天

6 . 在伊利诺伊州Angonne市的一个废弃煤矿的三年研究取得了成果,科学家们相信这些成果可以帮助改造把美国产煤区弄得伤痕累累的数千个旧煤场。

7 . 违章逞强中隐藏事故悔恨,文明守法里孕育安全幸福。

8 . 墙花之所以叫墙花,是因为其脆弱的枝干经常要靠墙壁或顺石崖生长,以便有所依附。

9 . 安是父母的寄托,安全是妻子的企盼,安全是朋友的祝福,安全是儿女的心愿。

10 . 红灯易闯,车祸难防。


1 . Jimdidsomecooking。

2 . 实线虚线斑马线,都是生命安全线。

3 . 典型的鹌鹑都长有短而圆的翅膀,凭此他们可以在受惊时一跃而起,飞离它们的躲藏地。

4 . Studies of the gravity field of the Earth indicate that its crust and mantle yield when unusual weight is placed on them

5 . 尤它州制造业的年产值大于其工业和农业的总和。

6 . 恐怕没有谁对大多数美国人的日常生活影响能超过汽车生产的先驱亨利福特。

7 . 游山观景莫忘交通安全,遵章守法处处路畅人欢。

8 . Itisveryimportanttotakecareofourenvironment

9 . The human skeleton consists of more than two hundred bones bound together by tough and relatively inelastic connective tissues called ligaments

10 . 红绿灯下讲文明,斑马线上知荣辱


1 . 彼此让一让,路宽心更宽

2 . 彼此多一分理解和谦让路上便多一分安静与和谐。

3 . 喝的烂醉,撞得粉碎。

4 . 实线虚线斑马线,线线都是生命线;大车小车自行车,车车皆当文明车

5 . Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event’s occurring is equal to the probability that it will not occur

6 . 做安全驶者,享和谐生活!

7 . 学科

8 . HeworksveryhardHeworksinNoMiddleSchool。

9 . 牢记交通规则,文明礼让出行。珍爱生命,让每个家庭都充满欢乐。

10 . Weshouldplantmoreflowersandtrees。




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