
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-20 08:53:27


1 . Let me…for you

2 . The news only reached me yesterday我于昨天才接到这个消息。

3 . 所以,我们要在自主管理是为了培养学生的自主能力,树立自主学习的意识,提高自我学习的能力,促进学生养成自主学习的习惯。这一教育思想告诉我们:自我教育是学生个性发展中一个非常重要的环节,离开了这一环节,任何教育都无法奏效。

4 . 二 Is knows is is do has are is are was; were

5 . bThat’s all right

6 . What did the man do every Sunday?

7 . (年天津市中考试题

8 . ------Two months _______ quite a long time

9 . 学习经验交流

10 . 在外人眼里,丽丽的人生非常完美,不仅漂亮能干,工作顺利,而且还找了一个不错的老公。


1 . 标志设计

2 . 把握全文:听第一遍时,不要急于做答,应仔细把全文听完,尽可能弄明白文章的大意;

3 . 录音材料:

4 . 作状语

5 . You need (to…

6 . What happened this month?

7 . I’m/He’s/She’s worried

8 . 学校要求每个教师就是一个班主任,教学的同时不断激励鼓舞学生,建立自信,同时建立学生成长

9 . 时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。

10 . Here is a letter and some books for you


1 . 作定语

2 . ()主语是单数时,尽管后面跟有 but ,except, besides, with 等介词短语,谓语动词仍用单数。例如:

3 . What’s the name of the young man whose sister is a doctor?

4 . What’s wrong?

5 . aHelp!

6 . Turn the box over, please Can’t you see the words “________”?

7 . all既能修饰可数名词(名词须用复数),又能修饰不可数名词。

8 . M: What do you usually eat for breakfast?

9 . This is the house where I was born

10 . 当代大学生从小就知道父母赚钱的辛苦,所以来到大学我们


1 . C Yes, you can D No, you can’t open it

2 . B Sure You can take the No bus

3 . (年北京市中考试题

4 . Of all the boys here, he sings best在这里所有的男孩之中,他唱的最好。(定冠词前)

5 . M: What’s your sister’s name, Alice?

6 . 简言之,我们的培养目标是:德行:孝亲伦理,习惯性情诗文:识字阅读,写诗国艺:琴棋书画,剪纸篆刻数理:快速计算,逻辑推理记忆:一目十行,过目不忘武术:强身健体,自信勇敢

7 . Oh, what shall I/we do?

8 . A Both B Some C Every D Each

9 . What do you mean by…?

10 . I’m a student/worker etc(here


1 . A has built B have built

2 . 学生激励

3 . 例如:It is time for lunch

4 . A The same to you B You do too

5 . A who B which C they D where

6 . What will our lives be like without TV?

7 . 例如:Taking exercise is closely related to health

8 . The number of the students in the class ______ small

9 . A Jack got more money

10 . (B C A C B A B A C A




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