
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-21 07:32:18


1 . Put up or shut up 要么你就去做不然就给我闭嘴。

2 . Memory is a wonderful thing if you don&#;t have to deal with the past

3 . :上帝安排了我们相遇,为何又要让我们分离,不能在一起!

4 . 你之于我,如同纹身一般,真正分开的时候,连带着血肉一同剥离,等到痊愈,还留下了深深不可恢复的痕迹。

5 . play… card

6 . It isgood to learn at another man&#;s cost

7 . 不费力气,一无所得

8 . One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for

9 . Iwantyoutoknowthatsomeoneouttherecares

10 . Happinesstakes no account of time


1 . Do you want to pick a fight

2 . 如果你对自己不满意,你也不会对你所拥有的感到满意。

3 . 拥有了爱情,就别去碰暧昧。

4 . 我浪花般粉碎的心,我风一般动摇的心,我轻烟般消失的爱情,像纹身般无法抹去。

5 . Life is halfspent before we know what it is

6 . All men can&#;t be first

7 . 不要摆布我。

8 . 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣

9 . Youcanlearngreatthingsfromyourmistakeswhenyouaren&#;tbusydenyingthem

10 . 少时懒惰老来苦


1 . 如果你想要却不去拼搏,那么失去了你就别哭泣。

2 . 青春没有失败,只要亮出风采。

3 . Life is like riding a bicycle To keep your balance, you must keep moving

4 . Wisdom isbetter than gold or silver

5 . You&#;re like a sun Gave me the great semi-decadent people hope

6 . 今天的栽种,明日的果实。

7 . 没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁,句子《适合纹身的句子》。

8 . 我想忘掉你了,忘掉关于你的任何记忆。

9 . The effort makes the strength, the attitude decides the height

10 . True love is visible not to the eyes but to the heart


1 . It should be known that learning is difficult

2 . Some people will never be forgotten while some are always substitutes

3 . 原来,这个世界上真的有那么一种人。他们染头发,他们纹身,那些不过是他们的保护色。

4 . 用……招数。

5 . Health first, start from me

6 . Nothingisdifficulttothemanwhowilltry

7 . 郁闷的时候蹲下来抱抱自己,原谅别人也原谅自己。

8 . Turn the sweat into the Pearl and turn the dream into reality

9 . 有没有什么好办法能让寂寞变听话。

10 . A burden of one&#;s choice is not felt


1 . :海上生明月,天涯共此时

2 . Don&#;t let the fear for losing keep you from trying

3 . 默默无言,冉冉上升。

4 . Life is not fair,get used to it

5 . Whatever isworth doing is worth doing well

6 . Time is the fault of fatalistic testimony people

7 . 那世界上最美丽的纹身,不过是我在你心头烙下的印记。

8 . 有些人永远不会被遗忘,有些人永远只是代替品。

9 . The sweat of today, the harvest of tomorrow

10 . 我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道而已。


1 . 生活一直都很简单,但是我们也一直都忍不住要把它变得很复杂。

2 . :身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。

3 . I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it

4 . 女王的世界里没有爱情。

5 . 江山好改,秉性难移。

6 . Come what may,heacen won&#;t fall

7 . 只要你记得我,我不介意整个世界都把我遗忘了。

8 . 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

9 . 有时候,惟有一场眼泪,我们才彻底清晰了视线。

10 . Learn to learn, learn to be a man


1 . When there&#;s no expectation,losing won&#;t bring hurt,gaining makes you surprised

2 . Thats more like it。这才像话。像个长者一样地说

3 . 任何值得去的地方,都没有捷径。

4 . Nothingfornothing

5 . See / I told you so

6 . 你找到了你的阳光,我却仍在独自忧伤。

7 . 生活不是等待暴风雨过去,而是要学会在雨中跳舞。

8 . There are no shortcuts to any place worth going

9 . The only to commandeer a man can be violent memories, is the live better

10 . Efficiency comes from diligence, shortage in the play; achivement comes from thinking, destroyed with lacking of restraint


1 . :他的眼睛里,闪烁着被理想信心和勇气燃烧着的十八岁青年人特有的异彩。

2 . 既然如此,你自己来吧。

3 . Nothingseek,nothingfind

4 . 忍耐和专心会使我们度过难关

5 . You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too

6 . You and what army 你和哪一路人马啊

7 . If you remember me, then I don&#;t care if everyone else forgets

8 . 静专思主,心仪名校。

9 . 放聪明点好吗。

10 . In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities




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