
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-22 23:41:09


1 . 我很遗憾地说, 你的建议一点儿都不令人满意。(regret; far from)

2 . immunity 免疫力

3 . In the eastern part of New Jersey lies the city of Elizabeth, a major shipping and manufacturing center

4 . discomfort 不舒服

5 . 随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。

6 . 成直线的 string

7 . 洗 wash

8 . These chairs may look good, but they’re u_____________ to sit on

9 . 疼的 sore

10 . 听起来 sound


1 . notoin 观念;想法

2 . specialty 专业

3 . 小建议 tip

4 . 时间 time

5 . 土壤 soil

6 . varety 多样性;种类

7 . The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific

8 . 兴奋的 excited

9 . 天空 sky

10 . occupation 职业


1 . idol 偶像

2 . 使用 use

3 . 骑自行车走路都算,学校的运动也算。(so…)

4 . 他们 they

5 . originality 独创性

6 . 小升初英语必背单词(字母U V开头)

7 . 在伊利诺伊州Angonne市的一个废弃煤矿的三年研究取得了成果,科学家们相信这些成果可以帮助改造把美国产煤区弄得伤痕累累的数千个旧煤场。

8 . 胶底帆布/网球/运动鞋 sneakers

9 . 照耀 shine

10 . "T_________" usually refer to the boys and girls between and


1 . challengingmissing equipmentembarrassedconcentratemysterious introductionadventure(suncomfortableSurprisingly donated generations supposed, punished; fault; adults; garbage; scene;; behaviour; explanation; argument; forbiddendestroyed, chatting ; boring Interest devote satisgaction athlete

2 . (we的宾格)我们 us

3 . was so strange for a while and then caught him

4 . 这个;那个 the

5 . 那;那个 that

6 . popularity 普及;流行

7 . 感恩节 Thanksgiving Day

8 . Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the Untied States than did Henry Ford a pioneer in automobile production

9 . We laugh at jokes, but seldom do we think about how they work

10 . 第八 eighth


1 . 主题公园 theme park

2 . 有用的 useful

3 . instructor 教师

4 . decide v决定,判决

5 . 春节 Spring Festival

6 . 毛线衫 sweater

7 . 西 west

8 . weakness 缺点

9 . zeal 热情

10 . commodity 商品


1 . 年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢?

2 . 写信 write a letter

3 . Starting around BC, and for the next four thousand years, much of the Northern Hemisphere experienced temperatures warmer than at present

4 . 星期 week

5 . 随着芯片制造时间和费用降低到了几天和几百美元,工程师们可能很快可以任他们的想象驰骋而不会被昂贵的失败所惩罚。

6 . interpretation 解释

7 . 在我拜读你的文章之前,我还不知道英国的学校与中国的学校是如此不同呢。(not until, be different from

8 . 谢谢你 thank you

9 . 优化历史是由一连串的迷人事件组成,其源头大概可以上溯到最早的图画。

10 . 讲话 talk


1 . 每次我听说体育运动能够在国家间建立起友好感情,说世界各地的普通人只要能在足球场或板球场上相遇就会没有兴趣在战场上相遇的话,我都倍感诧异。

2 . The history of painting is a fascinating chain of events that probably began with the very first pictures ever made

3 . With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors

4 . 如果每个家庭都有一辆汽车,就会浪费掉大量的能源,而且空气污染会越来越严重。

5 . 吃 eat

6 . Billie Holiday’s作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。

7 . initiative 主动性

8 . Talk to her more, and you will find that she isn’t as bad as you thought she was

9 . conssensus 同意

10 . charecteristic 特征




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