
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-03-02 23:37:26


1 . Happiness is a way station between too much and too little

2 . 人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。

3 . Wealth is the test of a man&#;s character。财富是对一个人品格的试金石。

4 . Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you人生像一匹马,你不驾驭它,它便驾驭你。

5 . Life is too short to be left to the people or things that make you unhappy

6 . Variety is the spice of life变化是生活的调味品。

7 . 第条 有山就有路,有河就能渡。

8 . Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm

9 . 烟霞清净尘无迹,水月空灵性自明。

10 . Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it。有些人还在继续梦想成功时,另一些人却已经醒来努力为之奋斗了。


1 . ——Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(德国诗人剧作家歌德

2 . Three things that bring real happiness to your life:Having someone to love,doing the career you enjoy and owning a dream人生拥有三件事便可真正快乐:有爱的人,有喜欢的事业,有梦想。

3 . 第条 Young is the cost, but it is not worth it without hard work

4 . —— 生活是调色板,每个人自己在上面加上颜色。让你的过去失去你更多成长,而不是增添更多怨恨。

5 . 做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。

6 . Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do 做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。

7 . Suantiankula are nutrition, success is failure experience

8 . 如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友,以为参谋,以谨慎为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。

9 . I’m here to please you, I am your man Every day, every night, I hold you tight

10 . 讲礼貌不吃亏。


1 . Fear not that the life shall come to an end,but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning

2 . Ideal are like the stars --- we never reach them ,

3 . 你也许已走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。

4 . For something,we can&#;t understand when we are young but by the time we understand,we are no longer young。有些事情,当我们年轻的时候无法懂得,当我们懂得的时候已不再年轻。

5 . 刚刚好,看见你幸福的样子,于是幸福着你的幸福。

6 . 苦难是 人生 最伟大的老师。

7 . 第条 With heaven and earth life, with the sun and the moon

8 . 第条 笑口常开,好彩自然来!

9 . 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

10 . In life, we have secrets, things we regret, dreams we can’t reach and a love that we will never forget生活中,我们有秘密,有悔恨之事,有触不到的梦想,还有永远忘不掉的爱。


1 . 尊重是一缕春风,一泓清泉,一颗给人温暖的舒心丸,一剂催人奋进的强心剂。

2 . 爱情是两个人的事,与旁人无关。

3 . When the work fun, so we have fun every day

4 . 第条 莫找借口失败,只找理由成功。

5 . 第条 If you want to change your destiny, change yourself first

6 . ——C M Schwab(美国实业家施瓦布

7 . 梦想,可以天花乱坠,理想,是我们一步一个脚印踩出来的坎坷道路。

8 . Do not,for one repulse,forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort不要因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。

9 . 成为个体也很优美,因为它是自由。呆在山谷里也同样优美,因为这是一种休息。

10 . Once you have a dream,just go for it,never give it up easily;your dream might not come true in one day or two,but it will someday一旦你有梦想,就要去争取,永远都不要轻易放弃,你的梦想可能不会在一两天实现,但某一天一定会坚持到最后的就是真正的赢家


1 . —— 真正的快乐,不是狂喜,亦不是苦痛,它是细水长流,碧海无波。

2 . Do not, for one repulse,

3 . 要想射中靶,必须瞄准比靶略为高些,因为脱弦之箭都受到地心引力的影响。

4 . Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one&#;s level of aspiration and expectation

5 . 人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。

6 . ——William Hazlitt(英国批评家散文家哈滋里特

7 . 第条 How lucky you are to work hard

8 . 健康当然比金钱更为重要,因为我们所赖以获得金钱的就是健康。

9 . but the chalice of opportunity

10 . 任何值得做的,就把它做好。


1 . 人生应该树立目标,否则你的精神会白白浪费。

2 . Do not forget, once owned more difficult to get to treasure, not to give up their own, have lost things in memory

3 . 喜欢的歌,静静地听,喜欢的人,远远地看!

4 . Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted

5 . 第条 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。

6 . 完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。

7 . I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

8 . Fear not that the life shall come to an end,but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永远不会真正开始

9 . Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them

10 . Live beautifully, dream passionately, love completely 活要活得美好,梦要梦得热烈,爱要爱得完整。


1 . 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。

2 . 第条 The wise man seeks the time, and the fool moves against the time

3 . 你必须相信自己,这是成功的关键。

4 . Do you have my anchored, the bottom of the sea out of balance, may have caused, we can only immigrants on the shore

5 . 第条 At present, hard work, Ming Yue Longmen

6 . ——Joseph Addison(美国作家艾迪生

7 . Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people。 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

8 . 做出决定并不困难,困难的是接受决定。

9 . Favorite song, listen quietly, like the people, far to see!

10 . 第条 The past belongs to the death, now belongs to oneself




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