
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-27 14:47:08


1 . indigence

2 . 嗯,这个场面很宏大。On this occasion the lodge sent a carriage

3 . 用勺子淋上调味酱,面上是炒好的猪肉末和花生碎,趁热即食。On the do&#;s list, says Clark, if you find yourself being hit with a spoon, remain calm and try to ignore it

4 . 这耳坠中间是一块翡翠,四周镶着珍珠。girdle是什么意思:

5 . prep 通过…而出;沿着…而去

6 . 邀请股东认购新发行的股票The subscriber to a government loan has got higher interest than savings

7 . vt 以腰带束缚,围绕

8 . Is there a lower limit for the foreign party?

9 . 稍大的个女孩还在安静地睡着。Lord Henry turned and looked at the duchess with his slumberous eyes

10 . g.表示意想不到出乎意外。常用没想到不想不料谁知道谁料到。如:


1 . 现已查明,来特区打工的外来妹当中,有三分之二家中已有未婚妻。

2 . 用两把勺子将奶酪滚成小球形或椭圆形。We ate handfuls of bittersweet chocolate chips and licked peanut butter off spoons

3 . 有吸引力的人在穷困时,获得陌生人帮助的机率也比较大。 down是什么意思:

4 . v 铺地板;打倒;难倒

5 . 你说说,他们这样做还有良心吗?

6 . 岂料他居然在暗中拆自己人的台。

7 . 他说的话正合[不合]时宜A little given seasonably excuses a great gift

8 . 专用货棚 Delete the items in the bracket as appropriate

9 . n 坠饰

10 . 这户人家穷困到极点。On the ragged edge


1 . 打倒霸权主义!The sun is down

2 . impoverishment

3 . 你笑什么? What a miracle!

4 . 加进一些极“左”的词句来欺骗听众。It taps continuously from the base of the receiving ladle

5 . Down with hegemonism!

6 . 毋庸讳言,我们的工作中还存在着相当的缺点。

7 . v 引起,惹起

8 . 他累得睡着了。The older three girls are still slumbering peacefully

9 . 它从贮钢包的底部连续流出。It&#;s tap continuously from the base of the receiving ladle

10 . 适合时宜的小赠品抵得上一件隆重的礼物。what是什么意思:


1 . 庄重的场合;正式的服装。

2 . v 订阅;捐款;认购;申请;签署

3 . 该银行大量认购公债。The broker subscribed shares

4 . 啊,多好的孩子啊。哇,沈努西!

5 . 他的头脑里不再有那种恐惧感。The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship

6 . 一些昆虫在冬季蛰伏。 He had fallen into exhausted slumber

7 . 词和词可以构成短语,词和短语都是结构单位,而句子不是从结构,而是从使用角度划分出来的。换句话说,词和短语是备用单位,句子是使用单位;词和短语是静态单位,句子是动态单位;词和短语之间是组合关系,词短语同句子之间是实现关系。

8 . 从天上掉下来Out of power, he is out of favour

9 . 他慷慨地捐助慈善事业。

10 . 白玉微瑕。Jade have been fell and split into two unequal pieces


1 . 同一性质的人物事分两次出现,一个在句子内部充当直接成分,一个在句子外围--开头或末尾充当提示成分。

2 . be down and out

3 . 删除括号中不适用的称谓。This is particularly appropriate to niche markets

4 . Are these forks or spoons?

5 . 刻花玻璃物体如枝形吊灯的玻璃吊灯架。The pendant was set with pearls surrounding an emerald

6 . c想喝水。

7 . 东北人,他?

8 . adv 在哪一方面;到何种程度;嗯,哦

9 . 阈限生理或生理反映的下限This minimum limit is often a function of sentencing guidelines

10 . 分说部分,常用一个一个×的×的来称说。如:


1 . 用(好象用带子或腰带围绕或环绕"Slender and graceful in light furs, he wore a jeweled girdle, fine clothes and a gorgeous hat "

2 . 长柄勺,除瓷或白坯瓷外的陶瓷制的 Ladle in a few ultra - left phrases to hoodwink the audience

3 . 工人们用目光逼视着工头。lower是什么意思:

4 . 合于时宜的忠告His remark was well/badly timed,ie made at a suitable/an unsuitable moment

5 . 在交际和交流思想的过程中,说话人可以根据需要将句子的某一个部分加以变化,但这种改变并不改变句子的基本格局。这种变化只属于句子平面,在词和短语里是找不到的。像句子中的移位现象,如:

6 . 认购人理解其认购股份证书中将包含有如下说明。The lending nations subscribe toward its capital stock in proportion to their economic importance

7 . His mind was destitute of that dread

8 . 为了当晚的演出,支部派了马车来接她。A solemn occasion; ceremonial garb

9 . 她是一位定期捐献者。I heartily subscribe to that sentiment

10 . 这是扣耳勺。(also scoopfulamount picked up by a scoop




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