
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-02-01 13:56:49


1 . I always believe that there exists a place where reality cannot find me There, the dream is very close Just as I believe that there will always be someone in the crowd that you will remember forever until you die You can recognize her immediately I often have the same dream In the dream, I am running and searching They say I shall have more courage and more luck to reach that place and find that person Maybe I have to take a risk, coz maybe I will die in the way of searching So dare you to go? There is someplace that you once go and would not like to leave and some one that you would only meet once in your whole life

2 . Being angry is to punish yourself for what others have done wrong

3 . 闭嘴!

4 . Why not?

5 . 经验是由痛苦中粹取出来的。

6 . The shortest answer is doing最简短的回答就是行动。

7 . Very need you, just like the dandelion need the breeze

8 . The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible "凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。

9 . Success, often live in the failure of the next door!

10 . 跟我来。


1 . One&#;s life is full of struggle, only struggle can succeed

2 . Constant dripping wears away the stone锲而不舍,金石可镂。

3 . I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。

4 . You have to believe in yourself That&#;s the secret of success -- Charles Chaplin人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。 -- 卓别林

5 . 强者征服今天,懦夫哀叹昨天,懒汉坐等明天。

6 . Accumulation of soil for the mountains, water and for the sea

7 . 再见。

8 . 烈火试真金,逆境试强者。

9 . 请一定要比我幸福 才不枉费我狼狈退出。

10 . 当然了!


1 . 生活从未变得轻松,是你在一点一点变得坚强。

2 . Not yet

3 . Paper plane fly farther take away my heart

4 . 遇上晴天霹雳,我也会头脑空白,手足无力。

5 . Follow me

6 . Diligence is the code of your life, and you can translate a magnificent epic

7 . 生活本是痛苦,是思想和哲理使其升华。

8 . I&#;m home

9 . All things come to those who wait苍天不负有心人。

10 . 休想! (算了!)


1 . There are no secrets to success It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure成功没有诀窍,它是筹备,苦干以及在失败中汲取教训的结果。

2 . To shake hands is not to be friendship, blame is not necessarily hostile

3 . 生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。

4 . 世上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。

5 . 爱情,不是找一个人一起生活,而是找一个没他就没生活的人。

6 . 我拒绝!

7 . 苍白无力的述说,只是在狡辩而已。

8 . 握手不一定是友谊,指责不一定是敌对。

9 . You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future Once time is wasted, life is wasted你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未来变得更美好。一旦时间浪费了,生命就浪费了。

10 . People&#;s activities, if not ideal, will become empty and small


1 . 如果你不走出去,你就会认为这就是世界。

2 . 我回来了。

3 . There is no such thing as failure for an indomitable man

4 . 为什么又是这样的曾经,只不过曾经里没有你。

5 . 对于不屈不挠的人类来说,没有失败这回事。

6 . 不要让安逸盗取我们的生命力。

7 . Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest

8 . 别向这个混蛋的世界投降。

9 . I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

10 . How much?


1 . 我只想现在过得精彩,无所谓好坏。

2 . Good job!

3 . When we grow up with happiness and sorrows, a story is coming out We find that we never abide by any promise, but we really loved each other at one time

4 . You can do more than you can imagine

5 . 我明白了。

6 . 还不错。

7 . Where there is a will not be high, there will be hundreds of years old

8 . 再好的种子,如果不播种下去,也结不出丰硕的果实。

9 . Love is like a butterfly It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。

10 . Allow me




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