
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-01-14 15:34:12


1 . 没有谁的心思,会永远只放在你身上。如果有人只为你而活着,那这不是爱,而是纠缠。所以千万别奢望有人只想着你。每个人在恋爱的时候都会很缠绵,可真正过日子都得有自己的追求。毫无追求的爱人,有什么好的?真正的爱情就是,在外面时拼命干活,在家里时拼命爱你。

2 . All for one ,one for all 译:全体为一人,一人为全体 载自 大仲马《三个火枪手》

3 . 双目失明的海伦·凯勒顽强地生活在世界,凭的是信念,凭的是毅力,更是凭着希望的力量!被称为“当代保尔”的张海迪身残志坚,扼紧命运的咽喉,靠的是恒心,靠的是自信,更靠着希望的力量!小时候被老师无情地骂作“蠢材”的爱因斯坦成为二十世纪风靡全球大名鼎鼎的科学家,借的是勤奋,借的是认真,更借着希望的力量!

4 . 推开一扇叫岁月的门,许多年华终被渐次搁浅,苍凉红尘,云舒云卷,谁与谁能缱绻如蝶,穿越季节的界限?风雨飘摇里,红尘阡陌中,终是几度月圆月缺,终是几度花开花落。翻开中的那一季花事,独自氤氲雨夜的缠绵,心绪在湿润中沐浴缱绻。

5 . Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death A world in which there is no place for me(现在我发现自己活在一个比死还要痛苦的世界,一个无我容身之处的世界——《乱世佳人》

6 . No man or woman is worth your tears ,the one who is won&#;t make you cry!没有任何一个人值得你流泪,真正值得的人不会让你哭——托玛斯布朗英文诗歌 Love

7 . ": always wanted, to find a warm sunny morning, marching Morrowind, will collect between good flower dews send to you, if you received a water wash is Qiannian heart Should life every time I met, are cumulative leading edge, then I am willing to hell and high water, the lips Nama smile, have you written the poem, in order, so tempting tenderness extended indefinitely"

8 . 浮华一生,淡忘一季。空有回忆,打乱缠绵。笑容不见,落寞万千。弦,思华年。那些年华,恍然如梦。亦如,流水,一去不返。不泣离别,不诉终殇。

9 . 有人一生步履匆匆,行遍万水千山,纵观层云暮雪,像个伶人一样,选择四海为家;有人一生捧书品茗,将岁月的铅华,熬煮成芬芳四溢的好茶,用一颗禅心来品,用一支瘦笔抒怀,如诗亦如画;也有人一生穿梭于灯红酒绿间,笑语霓裳,快意人生。举杯对红颜,花下共缠绵。可有谁选择一生倥偬,为了诗意人生。

10 . The furthest distance in the world Is not between life and death But when I stand in front of you Yet you don&#;t know that I love you 译:世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死 而是我就站在你的面前,你却不知道我爱你 作者:泰戈尔《泰戈尔诗集》


1 . If winter comes, can spring be far behind ?( P B Shelley, British poet 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱 P B

2 . Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves使生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美 《泰戈尔诗集》

3 . Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有——托玛斯布朗英文诗歌 Love

4 . ": autumn, to listen carefully Timing it garrulous geese insects, crickets clank gurgling streams, pleasant euphemism Poetic, picturesque, such as dance, cantabile mood, the light of autumn, enlivened the rain rhythm Listen to the rain, the romantic smile, smile containing Yan Mind bloom in the sunshine, blooming red maple leaf Hear the wind, listening to the rain, listening to Xinyu, which is the heart of autumn rhyme"

5 . 当爱人出现问题时,有时你可以做许多事,用尽全力去帮助。而有时你却也束手无策,只能默默守候。所以,最大的痛苦是无能为力,是看着你喜欢的人受折磨却毫无办法。人生就是这样,时而给你喜悦,时而给予苦厄。唯一能做的,就是等待吧。等待,看起来是无奈,有时是力量。

6 . 真正的朋友不把友谊挂在口上,他们并不为了友谊而互相要求点什么,而是彼此为对方做一切办得到的事。(俄别林斯基

7 . ": faint from the War, who even now who I Tim Who is raving in the wind sad, broken human intestinal sound, your thousand silk elegant fragrance, my infatuation winding, Gean willows, the flying Xu, who is immortal complex Tears thousand lines, hazy bloom this season injury Your fingers thrill ripples, smudged pink this summer Off Huaman Yuan, who long for burial"

8 . ": picturesque riverside smoke water, Qian Yang switchgrass, scenery dream! Go at it the soul, the soul of the place to sail All thoughts, all the memories, buried in this silent corner, waiting for another season of spring! A city, all the ups and downs of the past, some sad memories with dust and clutch are far from this Lakeshore rain, moisture skirts, which will be dried earth! Outflow of tears in the eyes, not cowardly representative, but more tenacious belief!"

9 . 每朵花都是一个美丽的精灵,每朵花都有一个美丽的心愿。我的心,就在一朵朵花里浅醉。一朵朵一簇簇一树树的春花争相绽放,浓了春的色彩,染了春的画卷,醉了春的心情。

10 . ": flashy life, forget the season Empty memories lingering upset Smile gone, lonely emotion Chord Onewave years Those years, suddenly a dream Same applies, water, gone Parting not weep, do not appeal the final War"


1 . 二十几岁的爱情是幻想,三十几岁的爱情是轻佻,人到四十岁时才明白,原来真正的爱是柏拉图式的爱情。爱情秘藏在心头,却容易从眼睛里泄漏。只凭感情冲动所造成的爱,有如建筑在泥沙上面的塔,它总不免要倒塌下来。男人爱慕一个女子是爱她现在的样子,女人爱慕一个男子是着眼于他未来的前途。

2 . 男人的好,只有在她身边的那个女人才知道。

3 . 假如你觉得我虚伪的话,可以都不用和我做朋友。

4 . ": Life, there are ups and downs Learn Huixiu calm, warm smile no mourning Life, it is necessary to light, but also flavored Do not willing to give up, look up, but opinions change Or to prove their abilities, or to shut up and accept the reality All good way to go downhill, that failure is acceptable, but no attempt had failed struggle is no excuse for zero"

5 . 什么永远,什么很久,找个借口,谁都可以先走。

6 . 一步一落墨,一念一生情。你我之间的深情早已演绎成一阙阙唯美的诗行,闭目总会想起初见的唯美惊艳,网海几多过客,几人回眸?看庭前花开花落,任云卷云舒。你在我就心安,不恋前尘心伤,不问明日何从?此生有你,我不会再错过落花流水的美丽,我会珍惜高山流水的情缘,你若不离不弃,我必生死相依。

7 . "co-Jin wine, red crisp hand, hold long co oath Ink concentration, apricot Chan, beauty grace worry constantly Can blue, cherry now, stringed harps Xiao Yi chaos Outline hook, heart description, dare forget good generals However, after all the years mottled cheeks, tears two lines"

8 . 喜欢文字的人,喜欢把一份情怀寄托在那一段段的文字里,有点清高有点孤傲有点狂妄有点忧郁,喜欢文字的人,很感性。联想丰富,洞察力强,热爱生活;喜欢文字的人,有时又很理性。表面上很难接近很矜持,可一旦你走的进他们的世界,打开了他们的心扉,你会看到一个真实而纯真善良而孤独的心。

9 . ": If the heart into a poem, you handed me a pair of scissors I have cut out the February spring, willow slightest touching, apricot Shuyu misty, tender pink fog have; I&#;ll cut Yilianyoumeng, to hang in your window; I&#;ll cut a spring court Su month, shines through your Luozhang; I will cut a tree, flowers, fragrant bouquet of moonlight over the shoulder, put your heart"

10 . 所有的青春都会逝去,却并非所有的逝去都会有补偿。


1 . 人的生活离不开友谊,但要得到真正的友谊才是不容易;友谊总需要忠诚去播种,用热情去灌溉,用原则去培养,用谅解去护理。

2 . 多少笑声都是友谊唤起的,多少眼泪都是友谊揩干的。友谊的港湾温情脉脉,友谊的清风灌满征帆。友谊不是感情的投资,它不需要股息和分红。

3 . 合卺酒,红酥手,执子与共誓言久。笔墨浓,杏花灿,美人恩惠愁不断。青花灿,樱花现,琴瑟萧何弦易乱。轮廓勾,心中描,怎敢忘却将军好。然,岁月终究斑驳了脸颊,泪流两行。

4 . 生命里,无数的过客,成就了一场时光悲痛的离别,多少曾经,给记忆留下来永不褪色的唯美,走远的幸福,离开了的人,老去的岁月,苍老的年华,更有那段时间下,懵懂而浪漫的爱情,悸动的留恋在心漪湖央,映出一卷往昔长卷。

5 . 读这讯息,你已欠我一个拥抱;删这讯息,欠我一个吻;存这讯息,欠我一个约会;要是回复,你欠我全部;要不回复,你就是我的。

6 . 友谊是给你以温暖和光明的太阳,只有真诚的付出,不求一丝回报;友谊是给你芬芳和温馨的花朵,把心灵的花蕊无私地向他人绽露,却从不向你索取分毫;友谊是困难时那双及时伸给你的手,友谊是那孤独时的声声问候,友谊是无助时那种无私的热情帮助,友谊是架在两个心灵上那最美的彩虹。

7 . 那一刻,我很孤独,很寂寞,没有微笑,我失去了信心,直到那一天,雪花纷飞的深夜里,我认识了你,我有了唯一一个真实的朋友,我不在孤独,我不在寂寞,我们已经成为了姐妹,你在我心中的地位——谁也无法代替,你是我需要的人,你带给我最真实的友谊。

8 . 我们一度梦见彼此是陌生人,醒来时发现彼此是相亲相爱的

9 . 你是天上的云,我就是吹动你的风,我们彼此依赖,互相信任,互相关心,让我们保持这种朋友之间的友谊,直到永远!就象小河里的水源源不断的流着!

10 . I wish I could be more like you(我要像你一样就好了 ——《乱世佳人》


1 . ": Life is like flowers, will eventually grow old in the face of years of dust Able at the time of the chisel, make their reservations early morning sunshine smile, dignified bearing thick, deeply introverted connotation, it would be God gave us life&#;s most valuable asset Can hand is happiness, think of how many Laoyanfenfei; able Acacia is happiness, think of how many strange bedfellows"

2 . 从前,我们总是冲动的做许多事,现在却不会了,不是因为没有想做的事,而是开始害怕了。越长大越是变的脆弱,越是小心翼翼。或许,我们都已经失去了当时的勇气。

3 . "fleeting, time, time Please do not take away the memory of those who have me appear, be remembered also a beauty Life is so vast, I can not see the starting point, nor saw the finish line Maybe I&#;ll just chase slowly, slowly losing, slowly get, then eleven distinct bittersweet memories, to see who staged the most beautiful chapter, writing the most moving chapter outlines That year we Together seen faint moonlight"

4 . We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us 我们把世界看错了,反说它欺骗我们 ——《泰戈尔诗集》

5 . 友谊是雨季里的小伞,撑起了一片晴天;友谊是寒夜里的一盏灯,燃烧着热情的火焰;友谊是一阵温馨的风,抚慰了受伤的心灵;友谊是一块洁白的手帕,拭干你腮边的泪痕??

6 . 没有爱,没有柔软,我们在生理上会病痛,会残废,会死亡。哪怕从最功利的角度来说,爱也是不可或缺的,是致命的。即使长大成人,即使活在再粗糙的时代里,我们也不要羞于承认:我们像需要粮食一样的是需要爱。

7 . 在什么都不确定的年代,我们总是爱得太早放弃得太快,轻易付出承诺,又不想等待结果。

8 . 眼睛为你下着雨,心却为你撑着伞。

9 . "But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun" -"“嘘!那边窗户里亮起的是什么光?哦,那是东方,朱丽叶就是太阳!”——莎士比亚,《罗密欧与朱丽叶》

10 . 心中的希望,如此魅力无限,令人义无返顾。心中有希望,就必定能成功,只因为着这心无旁骛的眷恋,成就于千百般的奋斗之中。




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