
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-12-03 05:11:34


1 . 我对自己要求很低:我活在世上,无非要明白些道理,遇见些有趣的事。倘能如愿,一生就算成功(王小波 I don&#;t demand too much of myself: life is little more than figuring out a few philosophies and coming across something interesting If that desire is fulfilled, my life will be a triumph

2 . Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards

3 . 不要期待完美的男人,不是因为你期待不到,而是根本没有完美的男人。

4 . Spring sowing, autumn does not close

5 . 我将在茫茫人海中寻访我唯一之灵魂伴侣。得之,我幸;不得,我命。(徐志摩

6 . 十七发一次脾气,就等于在进步的梯子上倒退一步。

7 . 岁以前长的不漂亮,不是自己的过错。岁以后不漂亮,就是自己的错!

8 . 四十一成功的秘诀就在于多努力一次。为了成功,你努力了多少次?

9 . 四十五自卑虽是与骄傲反对,但实际却与骄傲最为接近。

10 . 属于你的,没人能拿走;能拿走的,都不属于你,更好的一定会到来。


1 . 女孩,你可以性感,可以清纯,可以冶艳,可以妩媚……但是,唯独不可以平庸。

2 . Learning is the eye of the mind

3 . 生命不止,奋斗不息。

4 . 把回想留给未来吧。就象把梦留给海,把风留给夜海上的帆。(顾城)Reflection is for the future, just as dream is for the sea and wind is for the sail on the night ocean

5 . An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding——Robert Louis Stevenson

6 . 第条 躺在被窝里的人,并不感到太阳的温暖。

7 . 宁缺毋滥。不要因为寂寞就随手抓一个男人。

8 . While there is life there is hope

9 . 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

10 . 十八与积极的人在一起,可以让我们心情高昂。


1 . Never expect the perfect man,it&#;s not because that you cannot find,but just because there is no perfect man

2 . 最糟糕的感觉,莫过于不知道应该等待还是放弃。

3 . 在一回首间,才忽然发现,原来,我一生的种种努力,不过只为了周遭的人对我满意而已。为了博得他人的称许与微笑,我战战兢兢地将自己套入所有的模式所有的桎梏。走到途中才忽然发现,我只剩下一副模糊的面目,和一条不能回头的路。(席慕容《独白》

4 . work not completed。

5 . 九真正能让你倒下的,不是对手,而是你绝望的内心。

6 . Learn to creep before you leap

7 . 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

8 . Life&#;s like this,and you fall and you crawl and you break,and you take what you getAnd you turn it into honesty

9 . Nothing is impossible!

10 . 不要把别人的关心当成理所当然。不管他有多爱你,最终也会有疲惫的一天


1 . Doubt is the key to knowledge

2 . 四十二芸芸众生,孰不爱生?爱生之极,进而爱群。

3 . 五十四面对命运不妥协,面对困难不退缩,这样才能做自己的英雄。

4 . 老头子恋爱听说像老房子着了火,烧起来没有救的。(钱钟书《围城》)An old man&#;s love was said to be like an old house set ablaze Once it started burning, there was no saving it

5 . 第条 Things don’t work, no work is Is not feeling, no hatred is German

6 . Learn to choose, to forsake, to endure loneliness, to resist temptation

7 . 第条 凡能为别人生命带来阳光的人,自己的生命也必明亮开朗。

8 . I am who I am Your approval is not needed

9 . 第条 如果把才华比作剑,那么勤奋就是磨刀石。

10 . Knowledge, in truth, is the great sun in the firmament Life and power are scattered with all its beams——Daniel Webster


1 . 第条 痛苦的记忆是泪水洗不净的,只有汗水才能把它冲掉。

2 . 八世界上只有一个人阻碍你的成长——那就是你自己。

3 . No one can take away what&#;s TRULY yoursso if they took it away, it wasn&#;t yours Something better is on its way

4 . Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it

5 . 文官不爱钱,武官不惜死。不患天下不太平!

6 . One today is worth two tomorrow

7 . 三十三生活只有在平淡无味的人看来才是空虚而平淡无味的。

8 . Never regret a day in your life Good days give you happiness and bad days give you experience

9 . Don&#;t ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness as acceptance and my kindness for weakness

10 . 十六善待人生的每个梦想,给自己信心,要知道你有能力实现它。




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