
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-05-16 09:35:46


1 . People&#;s activities, if not ideal, will become empty and small

2 . Success in life is often in an idea

3 . 你比那些躺在坟墓里的人类都有希望!

4 . 山顶对我们半山腰的人来说并不遥远。

5 . 还没。

6 . 把我放进你的记忆里,不要管其他的。

7 . Say what true love is invincible, cant rival your half hearted

8 . If a woman is not sexy, she needs emotion; if she is not emotional, she needs reason; if she is not reasonable, she has to know herself clearly coz only she has is misfortune

9 . It’s better to try hard to love yourself more than to wait someone to love u if today you don&#;t like yourself more than yesterday, so what&#;s the meaning of tomorrow?

10 . One does not work hard, old and sad


1 . If we had known this result, it would be better not to be together

2 . 失去才有获得,人生不可能有不劳而获。

3 . 说什么真爱无敌,敌不过你三心二意。

4 . I tried to perfect to give up, is indeed very practical

5 . Let go!

6 . 坚强不过是沉默的更彻底些,就让我一次伤个够。

7 . The weak with tears to comfort themselves, the strong with sweat to hone their own

8 . 当你懈怠的时候,请想一下你父母期待的眼神。

9 . 经验是由痛苦中粹取出来的。

10 . 我不觉得人的心智成熟是越来越宽容涵盖,什么都可以接受。相反,我觉得那应该是一个逐渐剔除的过程,知道自己最重要的是什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。而后,做一个纯简的人。


1 . Life has a problem, that is how to make an inch of time is an inch of life

2 . No matter success or failure, you will keep on your own

3 . If does not love, why do not come loose

4 . 爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯。

5 . Words can not express true love, loyalty behavior is the best explanation

6 . The first step to success is to be different from others

7 . Time will abandon those funny oath, until we also agree

8 . 努力的伪装,而不让自己受伤。

9 . I never let you not to know my existence, but I just never thought that love will fall upon on my head Sometimes, I just wonder, we are from different waters,although I admire your world, I will be drowned if I get close to you

10 . Without great difficulty, there will be no great cause


1 . 世上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。

2 . 比起忽冷忽热,还是孤独比较让人踏实。

3 . 只有不快的斧,没有劈不开的柴。

4 . 常常责备自己的人,往往能得到他人的谅解。

5 . Brief is life,but love is long

6 . Their choice of road, kneeling also want to finish it

7 . I am a little tempted, but so afraid to look in your eyes

8 . If at the outset I brave, ending is different

9 . There is no such thing as failure for an indomitable man

10 . Without the language of love, all words are boring


1 . 你对我说永远永远,永远不是我要的明天。

2 . Love is not looking for a person to live with but find a life he had no

3 . This way。

4 . Life is like climbing, step by step

5 . 不是悲哀的请不要装结局。

6 . We all live in the past We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone

7 . Success never give up on anyone, only if you give up your success

8 . 荣誉妒忌成功,而成功却以为自己就是荣誉。

9 . Bless you!

10 . 不要让安逸盗取我们的生命力。


1 . 马车越空,噪音越大。

2 . 如果当初我勇敢,结局是不是不一样。

3 . 既来之,则安之。

4 . 我梦到你的时候,你也梦见我,这样该多美妙。

5 . Only when a rock meets a spray

6 . To shake hands is not to be friendship, blame is not necessarily hostile

7 . When I dream of you, you also dream of me How wonderful it is

8 . Most of the time, you are just someones practice love object, not love object

9 . 勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。

10 . 心情不好的时候,做什么,都提不起神。


1 . Laugh, I naturally!

2 . Look down on those who are not in the eye with high eyes

3 . Good luck!

4 . 水只有碰到石头才能碰出浪花。

5 . 我的演技一定很好,好的连我难过都没人知道。

6 . A good seed will not sow, nor will it bear fruit

7 . Life is pain, it is thought and philosophy to make it

8 . Forget the pain of yesterday, the rise of the sun in the face of tomorrow

9 . 你说我们只是朋友,所以要保持距离,我知道。

10 . 当你能爱的时候就不要放弃爱。




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