
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-11-26 07:35:40


1 . The chair 主语,名词yours表语,物主代词

2 . 典型例题:

3 . She is quite beautiful

4 . eg The foreign visitors took a lot of pictures when they were at the Great Wall

5 . She is very strict

6 . You are great inventors

7 . How about meeting again at six?(时间状语)

8 . Do you feel happy?

9 . 动词是句子的中心。包括行为动词,系动词,助动词,情态动词。划在一起。(一般做谓语

10 . F主体词:主体动词:continueremainshiftfrom…tooscillatebetween…andturn…intoreconcile…and…人物身份名词特征人物的特征性质或特征动作


1 . Your safety is very important

2 . We found everything in the lab in good order(介词短语)

3 . You are very sunny

4 . Doctors are often called _____ in the middle of the war

5 . (六)宾语补足语:英语中有些及物动词,除有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补语,才能使句子的意义完整。带有宾语补足语的一般句型为:某些及物动词(如make等+宾语+宾补)。宾补可由名词形容词副词不定式分词介词短语和从句充当。例如: His father named him Dongming(名词)

6 . The weather gets hot in summer

7 . My father is very strict with me

8 . M y job is teaching English.

9 . Twenty years is a short time in history (数词 Seeing is believing (动名词) To see is to believe (不定式) What he needs is a book (主语从句)

10 . 状语:状语修饰动词形容词副词或全句,说明方式因果条件时间地点让步方向程度目的等状语在句子中的位置很灵活,常见情况为:通常在句子基本结构之后,强调时放在句首;修饰形容词或副词时,通常位于被修饰的词之前;表示时间地点目的的状语一般位于句子两头,强调时放在句首,地点状语一般须在时间状语之前;一些表示不确定时间(如:often或程度(如:almost的副词状语通常位于be动词助动词情态动词之后,动词之前。


1 . 状语种类如下:

2 . We elected him monitor (名词) We all think it a pity that she didn’t come here (名) We will make them happy (形容词) We found nobody in ( 副词

3 . 句子成分;简单句并列句和复合句

4 . My parents are proud of me

5 . 复合谓语:()由情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形构成。如:You may keep the book for two weeks He has caught a bad cold ()由系动词加表语构成。如:We are students

6 . 主语+及物动词+宾语:eg Henry bought a dictionary

7 . The little girl is six

8 . Its favourite food is bread

9 . 表语(predicative): 系动词之后的成分,表示主语的性质状态和特征。

10 . Her uncle is a great waiter


1 . 时间对比句重复:onceformerlyinitialpristineerstwhileheretohithertonowfuturebeforerecentbeginstartcreateuntilnolongerprevious

2 . She is really my mother

3 . The weather gets hot in summer夏天,天气变热了。

4 . You are really great

5 . 这句话Lucy 为呼语

6 . 如:They were teachers(他们曾是老师。 He enjoys singing songs (他喜欢唱歌。) 这两句话分别由动词were (are 的过去式),enjoys singing (enjoy doing动词短语)作谓语。其中were 体现出句子的时态为过去时态,且主语的人称为第一人称,enjoys singing 体现出句子的时态为一般现在时,且主语的人称为第三人称。

7 . 宾语:)动作的承受者-----动宾

8 . 并列句就是两个或以上的简单句,由表示并列关系的连词或标点符号连接而成。常见的连词:and, not onlybut also, neithernor or, eitheror otherwise,but, yet, while, so, for等。阅读中遇到并列关系的句子,一般情况下是以连词为界限,将句子分成前后几个部分,并分别来分析,各句的意思一般可以单独理解,最后将各句合并即可。

9 . We 主语,代词 very happy表语,形容词

10 . 所以,我们在阅读句子的时候,不管句子有多长,不管是并列句还是复合句,都必须首先分清各句中的主语谓语(或表语,有的句子中还包括宾语。因为主语谓语宾语中英语句子的主干,抓住了句子的主干,句子的基本意思就清楚了。


1 . 同位语 与句中的某一成分,常常是名词或代词,是同一意思, 可互相替换 ?

2 . Smoking does harm to the health(动名词)

3 . 主语 + 系动词 +主语补语 She is happy.

4 . I like China (名词) He hates you (代词)

5 . My teachers are all very patient

6 . He got me a chair

7 . 主语一般是名词或代词(当然还有其他,这里暂且详细讨论)

8 . We are really tired

9 . 引导方式状语从句的连词有:as,as if,as thugh,in the

10 . Tom is a student


1 . You are very helpful

2 . 定语:定语是对名词或代词起修饰限定作用的词短语或句子定语通常位于被修饰的成分前。

3 . 分号

4 . 据我所知,她是一个非常贤惠的女人。

5 . He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson

6 . She 主语,代词 beautiful表语,形容词

7 . Its color is yellow

8 . We are students

9 . He is very serious

10 . 解题:以上三步是做题的关键,体现了解题的思路流程,但并不是每题都必须完成这三步才能解题,这三步分别强调了解题的不同方面和角度,一般用两步或三步即可解题。


1 . I am happy everyday

2 . They made the girlangry

3 . Tom is a student 汤姆是一个学生。

4 . B因为句子复杂或含义晦涩,找不到中心词

5 . eg He often reads English in the morning

6 . He is very confident

7 . I am glad to help others

8 . 按句子的用途可分四种:

9 . He has lived in the city for ten years(介词短语)

10 . You are my favourite friend




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