
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-07-24 06:26:13


1 . 只有比别人更早更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。

2 . No way (根本不可能。否定语气,非常强烈,是不礼貌的说法。毫无办法。

3 . 笔耕书上除勤奋无他,舟行学海有远志领航。

4 . “努力”是一个永恒的话题,每一个人都曾会为了一件事付出过很大的努力,最终获得了成功,收获了喜悦与幸福。我也不例外,但最令我难忘的还是关于做一道数学题的事。

5 . those chasing the dream of the day, is bitter, sweet, is happy or sorrow, is a failure, and hope to have a worthy of your protection, let me fear

6 . You should stop smoking (你该戒烟了。

7 . Seeing the white snow, I feel a sense of hope I hope that snow can purify the virus in the air, that the sick people will recover soon, that the people who are fighting in the front line will end the battle as soon as possible and go home for reunion I hope everything can start again after the snow melts

8 . 成功,这是至高无尚;振奋与喜悦;勤劳与汗水的代名词,有多少人为它而不断奋斗,有多少人为它而不断成长,人只要努力就会成功!

9 . The days flow quietly Whats better at home than at the front line What if you cant go out? Just pray that the game with virus will end soon! Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving for our life and health, should have a stable sun, moon and stars

10 . 世界上没有任何一个富豪是一帆风顺,不经历失败的挫折就历为富豪的。正如美国成功学宗师拿破仑,希尔所说:“幸运之神要赠给你成功的冠冕之前,往往会用逆境严峻地考验你,看看你的耐力与勇气是否足够。


1 . The true joy of life is the commitment to a goal which one considers to be great

2 . 心往高三想,劲往高三使,汗往高三流。

3 . 放弃了。/投降了。I give up

4 . I have no other choice (我没有别的选择。

5 . I dont have a clue

6 . Having health is not equal to having everything Without health, there is no everything Health is a hollow glass ball that breaks when it falls And our job is a ball that can bounce when it falls Health is a one-way street, everyone should take it seriously!

7 . rest assured that no heart will be hurt by chasing dreams When you are hungry, the whole universe will come to help

8 . Pay homage to the soldiers fighting in the front line! Youve been working hard! We will be obedient, try not to go out, wear masks, wash hands frequently, do not give you trouble Wish you all safe, we wait for the spring flowers to bloom, the epidemic subsides! Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!

9 . 为什么古今中外无可计数的作品随时间的流逝而烟消云散?为什么几十年着述而成的《本才纲目》流传至今?又为什么天才的爱因斯坦会懊悔不已?又为什么一个平凡的邮差永驻人们心间?是坚持!坚持着以理念已被封为创业者的必备素质之一。有了坚持,才能劈荆斩棘,才能一千次的跌倒有一千零一次的站起。

10 . 我出生时,上帝准是闭着眼睛,没有把黄金放在我的手上,把王冠带在我的头上。以前的我是多么愚蠢啊!


1 . Wash your hands frequently! Dont go out! Wish the motherland prosperity! the country is prosperous and the people are at peace! Defeat the virus as soon as possible! May we all go out of the house to breathe fresh air!

2 . 为了最好的结果,让我们把疯狂进行到底。

3 . Pay attention to protection, do not panic, do not spread rumors

4 . 十年一博六月梦,赢得寒窗锦绣程。

5 . 别为你的挫折感到伤感,坚持生命因挫折而精彩;别为你的坎坷感到忧愁,坚持人生因坎坷而充实,笑一笑,就如遇到幸福和快乐那样高兴吧!挫折和坎坷其实并不起眼,只要坚持我们的信念,坚持着我们的理想,坚持努力过后便是胜利,坚持阳光总在风雨后,相信,在经历了无数次的失败过后便是美好的明天!小草因坚持而生存,失败因坚持而胜利,人生因坚持而快乐……坚持不懈也是一种美。

6 . 我终于知道,只要我一心一意向着一个目标稳步前行,百折不挠,一定不会失败。这就好比用玻璃聚集起太阳的光束,那么即使在最寒冷的冬天,也可以燃起火来。

7 . 生活得最有意义的人,并不就是年岁活得最大的人,而是对生活最有感受的人。

8 . 胜利贵在坚持,如果我们要取得胜利就要坚持不懈地努力,因为失败乃成功之母,成功也就是胜利的标志,也可以这样说没坚持就是胜利。

9 . 成功的路上也许会千辛万苦历经挫折,也许有时候想要放弃,但那又怎样,哪怕遍体鳞伤,我相信只要坚持,终会看到阳光普照,春暖花开的时刻!

10 . 一个人一生干不了很多事,很多也不一定成功,但我坚信做一件有意义又感兴趣的事一定能成功,这需要坚持的信念,很多人在从事生活的压力而不得以从事的工作,将一个人的才情浪费,于是没能成就功业。


1 . Do you know who stole it? (你知道是谁偷的吗?

2 . May there be no disaster in the world May all our compatriots infected with or suspected to be infected with new viral pneumonia recover as soon as possible, and the epidemic situation can be controlled as soon as possible May the medical staff of angel in white who are fighting in the front line, as well as all simple and kind-hearted rebels, volunteers, be safe and healthy and return home as soon as possible! Huoshen mountain, Leishen mountain, Zhongnan mountain, Sanshan town poison! Doctors heart, benevolent heart, Chinese heart, ten thousand hearts to fight the epidemic! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

3 . your future depends on your dreams

4 . the pursuit of dreams sometimes more powerful than the dream in hand

5 . 对于攀登者来说,失掉往昔的足迹并不可惜,迷失了继续前时的方向却很危险。

6 . 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。

7 . 《史记》的作者司马迁,在遭受了腐刑之后,发愤继续撰写《史记》,并且终于完成了这部光辉着作。他靠的是什么?还不是靠坚持而已,要是他在遭受了腐刑以后就对自己失去信心,不坚持写《史记》,那么我们现在就再也看不到这本巨着,吸收不了他的思想精华,所以他的成功,他的胜利,最主要的还是靠坚持。

8 . 努力造就实力,态度决定高度。

9 . 为目标,晚卧夜半,梦别星辰,脚踏实地,凌云舍我其谁。

10 . 或许生活真的不公平,让一些人生而就是那么倍受瞩目的一颗明星,却让一些人那么平凡的呆在角落里。如果你这样想。朋友,那么你就错拉。上天赐予每一个人的都是一样的多。关键看你有没有发现。人有思维,有智慧,有战胜一切的勇气,有坚持不懈永不言弃的干劲……难道这些财富还不够我们去珍惜,去认真对待吗?


1 . 别裁伪体亲风雅,转益多师是汝师。

2 . Thats the way it goes (没办法呀。毫无线索。

3 . I thought you loved him (我想你很爱他。

4 . 时间抓起来就是黄金,抓不起来就是流水。

5 . My father is a policeman He has been fighting in the front line of anti epidemic all the time He said that there are three things that cant be avoided in life: asking for the peoples help, bearing the burden of our country, and taking orders in the face of danger Im proud of you, Dad I hope you can come back soon and China will overcome the disease and poison as soon as possible

6 . In this special year , may we all be safe and healthy! When the epidemic situation is over, when the spring flowers bloom, we make an appointment to go and see the blooming spring flowers, give each other a deep hug, drink tea and chat, have a good time

7 . When spring flowers bloom, wait until the epidemic is over, I will try to lose weight and be a happy sunny girl!

8 . I fold (我不玩了。

9 . 无论何时,当我被可怕的失败击倒,在第一次的阵痛过去之后,我要想方设法将苦难变成好事。伟大的机遇就在这一刻闪现。这苦涩的根必将迎来满园芬芳。在每一次困苦中,我总是寻找成功的萌芽。

10 . can not touch, unreal also true, the mirage in dream Can not see, between heaven and earth, the pursuit of dreams to the end


1 . Im giving up绝望了。

2 . Well, its better than nothing (可总比没有强吧。这就是命运呀!

3 . 你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋。

4 . 海浪的品格,就是无数次被礁石击碎又无数闪地扑向礁石。

5 . , the beginning of the new year, a viral pneumonia has put the people of the whole country into a dilemma Looking at so many peoples lives in my heart Behind every independent individual is a warm family I cant imagine how heavy a blow it is to their families May the virus come to an end as soon as possible, and good people will live a safe life

6 . I hope the epidemic situation will pass quickly Spring is a good start!

7 . Do not go to the crowd, avoid contact and keep safe

8 . 人生的漫漫长路,蜿蜒曲折,看似遥遥无期。我们如沙漠中的行人,寻找着生命的绿洲。但这绿洲,如虚无缥缈的海市蜃楼,你咫尺,它消逝。沙漠中,会迷失,会煎熬,但只要执着的坚持下去,就能找到那甜美的甘泉。

9 . 今后无论怎样,我们都会忘记过去的不如意。因为那时我们一段历史,已告一段落。我们对未来的渴望还需拼击。在那段时光里,所带给我们的不仅有失望,也有奋进的动力,至少他告诉我们,要想成功就必须努力;我们坚信我们的未来不是梦,生活的航向在我们手中,我们一定会使舵它,我们会一直勇往直前的努力向前。

10 . Wear masks, wash hands frequently, measure body temperature, disinfect frequently, gather less and ventilate frequently


1 . 我们穷人要翻身,没有理由讲辛苦;我们穷人要翻身,没有理由讲兴趣。

2 . Take advantage of this period of time, dont run around, read books at home and keep fit When the epidemic is over, let the whole world welcome you from the inside to the outside, and you also welcome the new life with the best posture!

3 . 坚持是一种信念,坚持是一种理解,坚持是一种责任。

4 . 高考不退却,逆袭全世界。

5 . 在我们每一个人的心中,都有着一份期待,对未来的期待。期待自己将来能有所成就,期待自己心中的梦想能够实现。我的那一份期待,就是希望自己能够成为一个举世闻名作家。这个梦是在我很小的时候,就深深扎进我心中的,而我,也在为了它,不断地努力着。

6 . Thats the way it goes

7 . 生活中,无论我们做什么是都需要坚持,只有坚持才能让你拥有超群的实力和成功的动力,只有懂得坚持的人,才能把事情做成功。

8 . One side has difficulties, eight sides support, unite to fight the epidemic together, hope to defeat the virus as soon as possible!

9 . The wonderful life of people lies in the process of pursuing their dreams Without demanding other peoples disappointments or likes

10 . 是坚持,让刘禹锡历经了“二十三年弃置身”的悲苦后,终成出淤泥而不染的清莲;是坚持,让苏子瞻身陷“乌台诗案”而坚持写出“老夫聊发少年狂”;是坚持。让柳永全然不顾衣带渐宽,而流下了千古佳话。曹雪芹举家食粥坚持写下了不朽的红楼梦;欧阳修年幼丧父笃学成材;匡衡家境贫寒坚持凿壁借光,终成大学。圣贤们正用亲身经历向我们诉一个真理:坚持,是通向成功的不可缺少的条件。




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