
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2022-12-21 10:13:17


1 . “I will go with you” he said ---He said he would go with me

2 . ( He didn’t tell me ____

3 . “I will go with you ” he says ---He says he will go with me

4 . 妈妈严肃地对我说,马上就要期末考试了,我一定要认真复习,不要辜负老师和她对我的一片期望。________________

5 . How much is the big red sweater?It&#;s… dollars/yuan

6 . Sarah is ______ a hard-working girl ______ she often works late into night

7 . There is nothing in the world ______can frighten him We visited a factory _______makes toys for children

8 . 改成夸张句:_______________________

9 . I will never forget the days ______ I worked here

10 . 如果下面没有泉水,这么旱的天气,泥土不会这样湿。


1 . (二)特例:只用that的情况

2 . ShaolinTemple__lies in the west of Zhengzhou welcomes the visitors from abroadAwhere Bwhich Cwho

3 . A moment, please I’m checking if Mr Smith__free tomorrow Ais Bbeing Cto be Dwill be

4 . 练习:--He was _______tired ______he fell asleep as soon as he lay down -- Oh, we can go out and let him have a good restAtoo;to Bso; that Cenough; to Dsuch; that

5 . 在这个长满了红锈的鱼钩上,闪烁着灿烂的金色的光芒。(改成反问句。________。

6 . The woman to ___________ you talked is my sister This is the hospital ____________ I was born in

7 . Close the door after you,please 请随手关门。

8 . 山川田野村庄被白茫茫的大雪笼罩着。

9 . There___twobowlsofriceonthetableAisBhaveChasDare

10 . ---Could you tell me when Mr Li___in Huanggang?---Sure When he ___, I’ll call you


1 . 天气太热了,简直叫人受不住。

2 . ( Is this museum_ they visited last month? A that B where C which D the one

3 . 调整下列句子的语序,使其成为前后连贯的一段话

4 . *Have you finished your homework? ( I want to know… I want to know if you have finished your homework

5 . ( __cleans the classroom can go home first A Anyone B Those who C However D The one who

6 . 宾语从句___________。在_________________________________等动词所跟的宾语中,如果从句谓语是否定的,一般要将否定词not转移至主句谓语上去,而将从句谓语改为肯定形式。如:I don’t think he has time to play with the girl

7 . Do you still remember the movie _____ we saw last weekend? A who B what C that D whom

8 . 四)结果状语从句:由so… that…/such…that/so that引导的从句(so后接形副原级)

9 . 如: It’s going to rain I think ---I think it’s going to rain

10 . What color are …? They&#;re orange/black


1 . (一)基础:引导词---who, which, that, whom,

2 . Arethereanymapsonthewall?___

3 . You may leave the classroom when you__writingAwill finish Bare finishing C have finished Dhad finished

4 . 陈述句改为反问句,反问句改为陈述句

5 . 战士们没有离开他们的阵地,我不能离开手术台。

6 . A 不填 B whom C whose D who

7 . (最后,在小明的帮助下,我也套住了一只,心里别提多高兴了。

8 . 不耕耘怎么会有收获?不学习怎么会有知识?

9 . 综合练习一 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空

10 . (在我们心里,鹰是空中的音乐




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