
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-08-14 10:50:50


1 . 她就是你的语文老师吧?

2 . 如:He got up early in the morning so that he could catch the early bus

3 . 个复韵母:ɑieiuiɑoouiuieüe

4 . 如:It’s going to rain I thought ---I thought it was going to rain

5 . 按原文填空

6 . ( The pandas that we saved ____better now A are B were C is D was

7 . 小松鼠从树上跳下来。

8 . Two years has passed, but Chinese people still remember those exciting days ____ they spent during the Beijing Olympic Games A that B who C when

9 . 主句_______________, 从句______________

10 . A so…that B such…that C so…because D such…because


1 . The art club is for members only You can’t go in___you are a member Aunless BBecause Cif Dthough

2 . He talked about the teachers and schools _______ he had visited

3 . ( --Could you tell me___? He is wanted by the head teacher--Sorry, I’ve no ideaBut he _ here just now.

4 . ()我仔细一看,原来是一条蚯蚓。()突然从泥土里钻出一条又细又长的虫。()爸爸说蚯蚓能松土是益虫,我们要保护它。()我和爸爸正在菜园里拔草。()我问爸爸蚯蚓是益虫还是害虫。

5 . [解析]由条件语句知选B

6 . English is ________ a useful language ________ it is spoken in many countries of the world

7 . IfaThen

8 . A whom B who C those D which

9 . There is nothing in the world ______can frighten him We visited a factory _______makes toys for children

10 . I ______ here since I came to China Alived Bhave lived Cam living D had living


1 . 小红穿好大衣的头巾,拿着信跑出去了。

2 . 如:*Does he live in that house? ( She asked me … She asked me if/ whether he lived in that house

3 . ( Miss green is the only person __ can help you with your English A she B whom C which D who

4 . (我家门口有一棵小树。

5 . Whatcolourisit?It’sblackandwhite它是什么颜色的?它是黑白相间的。 MyschoolbagisheavyWhat’sinit?我的书包很重。里面有什么?

6 . yeyueyuan

7 . ()松鼠劝他好好搞卫生。()他说:哦,我是要办大事业的。()狗熊身上脏得发臭,房间乱七八糟。()好多年过去了,谁也没看见狗熊办成了什么大事业。

8 . A where did you get it B where will you get it C where you got it

9 . ( ---We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet ---Really? Will you please show ____it? ‘

10 . He is not old enough to go to school=________________________________________________________


1 . (一)基础:引导词---who, which, that, whom,

2 . A where B who C that D when

3 . bpmfdtnlɡkhjqxzhchshrzcsyw

4 . The food __________tastes delicious is not always healthy

5 . 灌(淹(辩(圈(管(罐(掩(辨(倦(官(

6 . This is the novel_____ written by Guo Jingming A who B what C that D /

7 . 则填入的条件应该是(

8 . 宾语从句的学习要注意三个方面

9 . ( --Is the girl _ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend--Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV

10 . A when we should arrive at the airport B when should we arrive at the airport


1 . 除了课堂上的学习外,平时的积累与练习也是学生提高成绩的重要途径,本文为大家提供了一年级上期末复习拼音知识点,希望对大家的学习有一定帮助。

2 . Else

3 . (三)whose The student ______father works in the factory is sitting there

4 . ( --Excuse me, could you tell me ____ the book about aliens? --Sure, take the escalator to the second floor

5 . 其中B表示的是(

6 . I hope to go to France some day__there are many museums thereAthough B unless C because D where

7 . 你去广西吗?

8 . )与too…to…句型的转换:

9 . [解析]格式中的A表示条件,Else后面的C表示不满足条件A时执行内容,而在Then后面的B表示满足条件A时执行的内容,故选A

10 . 如 The earth turns round the sun The teacher told us---The teacher told us that the earth turns round the sun


1 . ( I really want to know ____ A what is wrong with my brother

2 . 下列语句中,输入x的值为-,则输出的值为(

3 . Whatcolourisyourball?你的球是什么颜色?

4 . 复合句综合检测

5 . Ihaveanewschoolbag我有一个新书包。

6 . 下列程序的功能是:

7 . The house _______ we live in is very big/ The house _______ we live is very big

8 . Is this the place _______ your father once lived I’ll never forget the days _______ I joined the League

9 . A whom is she looking after B whom she is looking C.whom is she looking D.whom she is looking after

10 . )Have you found the book ________I spent dollars?




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