
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-22 20:48:57


1 . Only for making me want to you badly 就是因为发觉自己多么渴望想得到你 I still don&#;t know if I can control myself 我到现在还不知道是否控制得了自己 《暮光之城》

2 . Our biggest enemy in love is not the intruder but the time

3 . 人在得意时须沉得住傲气;失意时则要忍得住火气。

4 . 人间没有永恒的夜晚,世界没有永恒的冬天。——艾青

5 . 不受天磨非好汉,不遭人妒是庸才。

6 . 我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起(Mariah Carey-through the rain

7 . I love you touched my own我爱你,感动了我自己。

8 . "Life is like a drama, play their own role in the play is the key to success "

9 . 蔚蓝的天空虽然是美丽,经常风云莫测的人切是起落无从。但他往往会成为风云人物,因为他经得起大风大浪的考验。——方海权

10 . It&#;s really nice how some people can always make you smile just by thinking about them


1 . I get by 我还过得去

2 . 一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。

3 . Be confident with yourself and stop worrying what other people think 对自己要自信,别在意其它人怎么想。

4 . 伤口就像莪一样,是个倔强的孩子,不肯愈合。

5 . One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime When youfinally get your own happiness, you will understand the previoussadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love

6 . 君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。——孔丘

7 . 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。(巴里摩尔

8 . Never forget who you are 永远别忘了自己是谁

9 . You find your sunshine, I was left alone sad

10 . "Life is like a pendulum, shaking between pain and boredom, its power is desire Selected from: Motto (wwwgeyanwcom "


1 . While there is life there is hope

2 . Great effort is for the purpose of generating the greatest - Stalin

3 . Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill

4 . My life is not a political campaign I just write about what is on my mind I just play whatever I feel like playing Whatever is in my soul at the time is what I want to do —— Neil Yo ung

5 . "Flint by beating the more powerful, more brilliant light emitted - Rousseau "

6 . Wish my smile clear off the sky, of all days希望我的笑可以晴朗所有的天。

7 . think you know everything so do not say the pain以为你都懂,所以不说痛。

8 . 我们会不会终有一天在不断地假装里,忘记自己。

9 . "People irrational, often lure outside; effort exhausted people, often their own desires "

10 . Bravery never goes out of fashion


1 . as long as I love youThis is my want love丶只要我喜欢你,这样就是我想要的爱

2 . "生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样一来可口!——郭小川"

3 . When the mood is low, will feel that life is a long wait for death

4 . 不论是狮子还是羚羊,都要奔跑;不论是贫穷还是富有,都要去奋斗。

5 . 面对家人的时候,在我们内心深处我们始终觉得自己还是孩子。不管我们年龄多大了,我们还需要一个称之为家的地方。

6 . 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

7 . Oprah Winfrey, CEO of Oprah Winfrey Network

8 . "What does it mean? I don&#;t understand what it&#;s supposed to mean 兰波:It means exactly what it says Word for word No more, no less 《心之全蚀》"

9 . 爱情,不过是从无话不谈,到无话可说。

10 . 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。


1 . 人的价值是由自己决定的。——卢梭

2 . A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams

3 . I smile too long didn&#;t practice, maybe you forgot

4 . 松驰的琴弦,永远奏不出美妙的乐曲。

5 . You may miss everything if you dare not make mistakes不敢犯错,可能把一切都错过。

6 . I have been, never left 。我一直在,从没离开。

7 . 混混噩噩的生活不值得过。 -- 苏格拉底

8 . 多一分心力去注意别人,就少一分心力反省自己。

9 . "Do not talk nonsense Before or after saying the words out of your master, saying the words out you become a slave "

10 . Carios Slim Helu, CEO of Telmex, America Movil, Grupo Carso


1 . "You don&#;t always have to be niceSometimes,just show your bad side and you will konw who can accept the real you你不必时时刻刻都表现的那么完美。有的时候先把自己不好的一面展现出来" ,这样 你 就能知 道 谁 能接受一个真正的你。

2 . 给予本身就是一个奖赏。

3 . 再无卷土重来爱你的`勇气。

4 . Nothing is impossible!

5 . Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple

6 . Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions

7 . 有财富的人追求优裕的生活,有智慧的人追求优质的生活。

8 . 要不断提高自身的能力,才能益己及他。有能力办实事才不会毕竟空谈何益。故事的结束总是满载而归,就是金榜题名。——方海权

9 . "Life between heaven and earth, if Baiju gap, suddenly it - Zhuang "

10 . "All things that can not be the pursuit of perfection, only the pursuit of best So with no pressure, the results come out of it will be better - Fang Sea Power "


1 . When you are young, you may want several love experiences But as timegoes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the wholelife will not be enough You need time to know, to forgive and to loveAll this needs a very big mind

2 . 再深的记忆,也有淡忘的一天。

3 . 心作良田耕不尽,善为至宝用无穷。我们应有纯洁的心灵,去积善为大众。就会获福无边。——方海权

4 . Your name, my mind 你的名字,我的心事

5 . 拥有太多故事却都没有后来。

6 . 保罗-格蒂,格蒂石油公司创始人

7 . 成功的人总是愿意做没成功的人不愿意做的事。

8 . "Life is a great treasure, and I know to select the most precious jewels from the treasure inside "

9 . "Hope is Reattachment to exist, there exists, there is hope, there is hope, is bright - Lu Xun "

10 . 数学含义 Math mental abuse to humans 数学人脑精神虐待


1 . Wound like me, a stubborn child, not heal

2 . 冬天已经到来,春天还会远吗?——雪莱

3 . "Sometimes we get sad about things and we don’t like to tell other people that we are sad about them We like to keep it a secret Or sometimes, we are sad but we really don&#;t kn" ow why w e are sa "d," so we say we aren&#;t sad but we really are (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time) ——Mark Haddon

4 . "There are two tragedies in life: one is despair, and the other is smug - George Bernard Shaw "

5 . "Geng not as fertile mind, good for treasure with endless We should have purity of heart, to be charitable for the public It will be a blessing boundless - Fang Sea Power "

6 . 致我们终将逝去的青春。

7 . "I heard that it is very easy to be happy, as could be diluted with time going on 据说,幸福简单到用时间就可冲淡。"

8 . 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。

9 . 举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。

10 . Eat better Run more Squat more Sleep earlier Wake up earlier Make a good breakfast Drink water Eat fruits Read books Adventure Talk less Listen more Feel deeper Love bette r Open yo ur eyes Experience life Be happy




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