
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-11-11 08:31:58


1 . 我们必须同心协力,让这个世界成为值得孩子们生活的乐土。

2 . its time to go 该走了。

3 . restrainst on sb/sth 限制,约束 search for 对的搜寻

4 . on the basis of根据,在基础上

5 . arise from 由引起

6 . out of breath喘不过气来

7 . 全球的,世界的

8 . We should say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel You are unique In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move

9 . in case of 如果发生万一in the case of至于,就而言

10 . answer to 适合,符合


1 . attach 缚,系,结

2 . on behalf of 以名义

3 . think about it 考虑一下。

4 . field

5 . its not difficult 不难。

6 . its the same thing 还是一样的。

7 . i found it 我找到了。

8 . its easy 很容易。

9 . i knew it我早知道了。

10 . concentrateon集中,专心


1 . im bored 我很无聊。

2 . do you see him often? 你经常见到他吗?

3 . its good 很好。

4 . too bad! 太糟糕了!

5 . adjacent 毗邻的,临近的

6 . for the better好转

7 . sorrow at/for/over 悲哀,悲痛 stress on 对的强调

8 . dont exaggerate 不要夸张。

9 . she is my best friend 她是我最好的朋友。

10 . adapt oneself to 使自己适应于


1 . beatat在运动项目上打赢

2 . reference to 提及,参考 regard for 对的注意,尊重

3 . take advantage of 利用

4 . im used to it 我已经习惯了。

5 . its your turn 轮到你了。

6 . they like each other 他们互相倾慕。

7 . You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven You have the capacity for anything Yes, you are a marvel And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel?

8 . in addition 此外,又,加之

9 . with one accord 一致地

10 . are you sure? 你能肯定吗?


1 . im busy 我很忙。

2 . account for 解释,说明

3 . You must work — we must all work — to make the world worth of its children

4 . 球体,地球仪;地球,世界

5 . i can do it 我能做的。

6 . aware of 意识到,知道

7 . exert oneself to do sth 努力,使劲

8 . give sb an account of说明,解释

9 . in blossom开花 be in blossom开花 come into blossom开花

10 . at the expense of在损害情况下,以为牺牲


1 . taste in 对的审美能力 tendency to sth 趋向,趋势

2 . im sorry 对不起。

3 . i dont know anybody 我一个人都不认识。

4 . fight

5 . trust in 对的信赖,信任 wish for 欲望,愿望

6 . dont tell me that 不要告诉我。

7 . its all right 没关系。

8 . i feel much better 我感觉好多了。

9 . 财政的,金融的

10 . its nothing 没什么。


1 . let me see 让我想一想。

2 . i would like a cup of coffeeplease 请给我一杯咖啡。

3 . finding

4 . 适合,配合,适应;安装;适合的,恰当的;健康的,强健的

5 . becontentwith满足于becontenttodosth愿意做某事

6 . at the back of 在后面

7 . i am crazy about her 你对她着迷了。

8 . contributeto有助于

9 . do it right 把它做对

10 . as soon as possible 尽快。




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