
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-03-20 00:54:17


1 . He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him =______________________________________________

2 . 走过的路,爱过的人,品过的味,流过的泪,笑过的美,都在时间的河流中沉淀,在斑驳的记忆中保存了。四年飞逝,毕业分别,愿你前程似锦,心想事成!

3 . ( Lily’s mother looked for her for half an hour, but couldn’t find ____

4 . 练习I like cities___________are quiet and clean I prefer students _________are hard- working

5 . 天空晴朗,毕业钟声敲响;不舍可爱的同窗,难忘尊敬的师长,作别熟悉面庞。迈向成功殿堂,踏着前进的曙光,迎接明日的辉煌。

6 . Your dream won’t come true__ you know what your dream is A after B unless C while D since

7 . 初遇你的心情是温馨的,和你交友的时候是真心的,与你在一起的时候是开心的,认识你这个朋友是无怨无悔的。

8 . ( He didn’t tell me ____

9 . -I like films which ____(be exciting and interesting

10 . What color are …? They&#;re orange/black


1 . 白露到,祝福送好友,愿你:爱情逢白露,露出甜蜜久又久;事业沾白露,露出升迁好运到;心情遇白露,露出笑容更甜美。祝你白露时节心欢畅!

2 . (二)特例:只用that的情况

3 . Money is not everything 金钱不是一切。

4 . 白露时节雨纷纷,夜晚风吹身体爽,牵挂你等在心中,一场秋雨一场寒,白露到了,注意保暖加衣裳,祝白露快乐!

5 . 如I don’t know what I can do可以说成 I don’t know what to do

6 . At school, you should do the things _____ are allowed by the teachers A that B when C what

7 . My grandma didn’t go to sleep______ I got back home Atill Buntil Csince Dwhen

8 . 树上没有鸟。There___________birdsinthetree

9 . 点开时间的链接,转到白露的页面,复制温馨的祝愿,删除秋气的凉袭,添加锻炼身体的鼓励,插入幸福的关怀,保存开心无烦恼,发送至您的手机,查收请回复“天凉加衣”,祝白露节气身体健康,大吉大利。

10 . 我为你搭建了一个幸福空间,那里有“白”的纯洁红的热情蓝的爽朗绿的活力。只要你嘴角弯弯“露”出喜悦,就能开启幸福空间。白露时节,愿幸福快乐与你缠绵!


1 . I really enjoyed myself 我玩得很开心。

2 . I love people ____ are friendly to others A which B whose C what D who

3 . 如:*Does he live in that house? ( She asked me … She asked me if/ whether he lived in that house

4 . The policeman showed me where I could get books 可以说成The policeman showed me where to get books

5 . .Do you know where _________ now?A.he lives B.does he live C.he lived D.did he live

6 . 秋至暑去起凉风,露似珍珠月似弓。寒湿衣裳雾湿松,无尽思念祝福中。白云悠悠好运送,桂花飘飘香夜空。又是一年白露逢,祝君平安多保重。

7 . Arethereanymapsonthewall?___

8 . ____________________inyourstudy?

9 . 好听的故事没有结局,真挚的友谊不用言语,惦念的朋友才有短信,祝福的电波不会休息,美好的向往没有距离,问候的短信表达心意!

10 . )Have you found the book ________I spent dollars?


1 . Have you found the book _____________we learnt a lot?

2 . It&#;s …

3 . ( __cleans the classroom can go home first A Anyone B Those who C However D The one who

4 . Heisverytall(对划线部分提问_______________________

5 . 曾经单纯的以为毕业很远,原来毕业只是短短一瞬间就能完成的动作,而那些时光也成了没来得及写完整的试卷,匆匆的开始,匆匆的结束。

6 . 花儿绽放的季节渐渐离我们远去,柳叶飘动的日子即将远走,然而我火热的心永远给你送去诚挚的祝福,帮你驱散寒意。白露时节到来,天气转凉,冷了就看看我的祝福,温暖你的心灵。

7 . 形式:

8 . 白露到了,听说大家都在这天把引以为傲的地方露出来,朋友,你准备好要露哪里了么?露金钱?太粗俗!露身子?太低俗!那就露出你的微笑吧!白露快乐!

9 . A where did you get it B where will you get it C where you got it

10 . 曾经,披星戴月苦奋战,试卷题海;现在,寒窗苦读十二载,苦尽甘来。功夫不负有心人,祝贺你考上理想学府,恭喜!


1 . *Have you finished your homework? ( I want to know… I want to know if you have finished your homework

2 . Asome,someBany,someCany,anyDsome,any

3 . ( __I came into the office, the teacher were having a meetingAWhile B When C Once D Since

4 . (五“介词+关系代词”注意: 介词的选用要考虑:

5 . She&#;sverykindandpretty(对划线部分提问________________

6 . The girl ____ I just talked with is Ben’s sister A whom B which C she

7 . Mr Brown is one of the foreign experts _______ _________ (work in China

8 . 生活是一本博大精深的百科全书,别人的注释永远代替不了自己的理解。愿我们认真阅读,有所发现,有所创新!

9 . ( Is that book ____ he borrowed on Friday? A that B which C who D the one

10 . A whom B which C who D whose




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